Hadrian Of Snowpeak (he/him) · @hadrian
43 followers · 138 posts · Server 4bear.com

Really good piece about arguments both for and against the use of prescribed burns within the of state. If we want to keep our wonderful forest ecosystems healthy we may need to adapt our strategies to accommodate a changing climate.


#foreverwild #forests #newyork #forestmanagement #syeacusenews #environment #climatechange #upstateny #upstatenewyork #cny #centralnewyork #adirondacks #catskills #wildfires

Last updated 1 year ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
318 followers · 1835 posts · Server universeodon.com

@nicd I do "cold composting". I never have access to enough greens to perfectly balance the browns, etc. etc. I just pile what I have in bins and let nature figure it out. Slowly but surely I get beautiful compost. It's really hard to do it wrong other than using *only* greens - they'll get slimy and smelly. But working in some brown dry crunchy stuff will prevent that.

#compost #gardening #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
304 followers · 1726 posts · Server universeodon.com

April 15, 1:50 PM. Fourth day in the low to mid-80s. Normal average for April is around 57°, 35° at night.

One week ago today, the windchill was 25° here.

#climate #weatherwhiplash #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
300 followers · 1724 posts · Server universeodon.com

Two weeks ago, I pushed 5 elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) cuttings into the ground at the edge of my woods. When I say 'cuttings', I mean they were sticks. That's all you have to do with elderberry - push a foot long stick into the ground and it will root and send up shoots. Well, I can't see the roots, but all five of them are pushing out new growth at the leaf nodes. If all continues to go well, these could be 8 to 10 feet tall by the end of the summer.

#gardening #centralnewyork #zone5b #nativeplants

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
299 followers · 1714 posts · Server universeodon.com

Given everything I've observed of this nipped stem problem (last year wasn't the first time), I'm very optimistic that this solution will solve the problem.
I'm thinking of something similar for the 'maters - individual baskets for each plant. I'm hoping that if I can protect the most vulnerable crops this way, I can dispense with expense and headaches of fencing the whole garden. With quality materials and construction, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the baskets to last a minimum of 10 years, and hopefully, closer to 20.

PS - All my trellises are permanent, so the baskets are/will be, too. I rotate the climbing crops (peas, beans, tomatoes, squash) through the trellised beds but the trellises stay put.

#gardening #gardenpests #trellis #permaculture #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
299 followers · 1714 posts · Server universeodon.com

Given everything I've observed of this nipped stem problem (last year wasn't the first time), I'm very optimistic that this solution will solve the problem.
I'm thinking of something similar for the 'maters - individual baskets for each plant. I'm hoping that if I can protect the most vulnerable crops this way, I can dispense with expense and headaches of fencing the whole garden. With quality materials and construction, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect the baskets to last a minimum of 10 years, and hopefully, closer to 20.

PS - All my trellises are permanent, so the baskets are/will be, too. I rotate the climbing crops (peas, beans, tomatoes, squash) through the trellised beds but the trellises stay put.

#gardening #gardenpests #trellis #permaculture #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
291 followers · 1684 posts · Server universeodon.com

One of the ways I've adapted to : I now start my tomatoes and peppers indoors about two weeks later than I used to. Used to be late March, now the middle of April. This is because winter now often lingers into a loooong, cold, wet spring here. If I start in March, the 'maters can grow too tall for the maximum space I have under my grow lights while it's still too cold to safely harden them off outside.

So many tomatoes, too little room.

#ClimateChange #gardening #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
289 followers · 1683 posts · Server universeodon.com

Eastern skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) flower in my woods.

#nativeplants #wildflower #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
280 followers · 1654 posts · Server universeodon.com

When you take the time to learn the useful properties of plants - instead of seeing everything as a weed to "get rid of" - you begin to understand the abundance you already have on your own property. This afternoon, I transplanted several clumps of common blue violets (Viola sororia) from the lawn into my soon-to-be mostly perennial beds.

#permaculture #plantsforafuture #regenerative #gardening #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
273 followers · 1595 posts · Server universeodon.com

Pushed 5 cuttings (Sambucus canadensis) into the ground at the edge of my woods yesterday. It always amazes me that that's all there is to it...a stick with a couple buds at the top end, pushed in as far as possible. I put them in an area where the yard drainage enters the woods and heads for nearby Mud Creek. So they'll take up plenty of moisture before the water leaves the property.

#elderberry #centralnewyork #zone5b #permaculture #floodmitigation #earthrepair

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
265 followers · 1540 posts · Server universeodon.com

Divided and transplanted an older rhubarb crown that was no longer getting enough sun. The soil is moist, but I left them unmulched so they'll be able soak up some of today's rain. Good to be outside again!

#gardening #permaculture #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
265 followers · 1540 posts · Server universeodon.com

Skunk cabbage is pushing up through the muck and leaves! A sure sign that is on its way!

#spring #woodland #nativeplants #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
265 followers · 1540 posts · Server universeodon.com

I agree with Angela; is mental and physical therapy. I love the grunt work, too (as long as it's not hot and humid) and this mild winter has been great for that sort of activity. Never thought I'd be schlepping mulch in February, though - not in !


#permaculture #centralnewyork

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
233 followers · 1231 posts · Server universeodon.com

How Utica, New York's Somali Bantu were able to become again in their new homeland. Utica is known as "The Town That Loves Refugees".

#refugees #farmers #gardening #farming #somalibantu #centralnewyork #uticany

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
205 followers · 1005 posts · Server universeodon.com

I count on being able to water the through mid-summer with snowmelt trapped and stored in the shredded leaf mulch over the winter. But this year we're running well below normal for snow cover, and about half an inch below for precipitation. I only have to dig down an inch or so to find light colored, perfectly dry leaves.

#garden #climate #centralnewyork #zone5b #gardening #mulch

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
200 followers · 884 posts · Server universeodon.com

Although it's only 24° today, we've had a fairly mild and snowless winter so far. So when I wander around the garden it seems we should be much closer to spring than we are.

#gardening #winterblues #centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
191 followers · 828 posts · Server universeodon.com

Sadly, I lost my dog to juvenile renal dysplasia on Christmas Day. This afternoon, I called Chewy.com to return most of my last order (Dec. 18) since all but one of the items were never even opened. I'll be getting full credit and they simply asked me to donate everything to a shelter in my area. Nice! (Edit: I've dropped the stuff off at Stevens-Swan Humane Society in Utica, NY.)


Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
191 followers · 828 posts · Server universeodon.com

@emsquared Voles (not to be confused with moles) are notorious for nipping off plants at ground level, then leaving the remains, at least in my garden. Oftentimes, it's the roots they're after.

#centralnewyork #zone5b

Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
143 followers · 571 posts · Server universeodon.com
Kathy Partridge · @whitepineswhisper
134 followers · 491 posts · Server universeodon.com

Still frigid out there (currently 11°), but no more watches, warnings, or advisories posted. And the forecast for *next* Saturday is currently - get this - a high of 51°.

#centralnewyork #weather

Last updated 2 years ago