The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2718 followers · 4586 posts · Server

Melville Caves are located in , #Australia. 

They’re located in in a small township named .

Exploring the caves was truly amazing. And we even had some friendly locals drop by for a visit!

Fun Fact; These caves are named after notorious bushranger Captain Melville who used the caves as a hiding place and lookout in the mid 19th century. 

Here are some pics from the day out 👇

#kooyoorastatepark #brenanah #centralvictoria #australia #urbanflora #flora #gardening #mostodon #moss #rocks #caves #kangaroo #garden #melbourne #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #downunder #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2713 followers · 4561 posts · Server

These pics were taken on a road trip to , specifically , late December last year.

These magic scenes are just one collection of many throughout our State (and beyond), which have been affectionately dubbed .

This collection I believe is known as ‘THE COLBINABBIN FARMERS' PICNIC’, which depicts the locals of the district coming together back in the day, for an annual chance to relax and unwind!

I marvelled at these for some time. And must admit, was taken back to a different time to those we experience today.

The quality was superb and scale of these things; epic.


#centralvictoria #colbinabbin #siloart #silo #art #suburbanart #streetart #mastoart #muralart #melbourne #narrm #australia #murals #mural #publicart #victoria #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2713 followers · 4561 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2713 followers · 4561 posts · Server

are awesome!

Childhood memories of camping here came flooding back, by the river many moons ago, after visiting recently.

They’re located in in a small township named .

Melville Caves are located in in, . 

If you’re local: a day trip is a must!

Even in the cooler months it’s glorious. And check out the moss covered boulders and rock formations!

Some are huge… up to 50 feet tall I reckon. May be of interest to some of our enthusiasts! And (thx @cohanf)

We managed to pick a clear day and took some awesome nature snaps. And I’ll feature inside the caves, in a second post!

#melvillecaves #centralvictoria #australia #brenanah #kooyoorastatepark #victoria #mostodon #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #mostliveable #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #downunder #makesmehappy #lichensubscribe #Mosstodon

Last updated 1 year ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2582 followers · 4255 posts · Server

A domestic consisting of a few hundred trees in … just after .

These will be ready to pick soon.

The trees will be subject to a machine that will ‘shake’ each of them one by one carefully (and with love!), so that the olives drop on a mat and scooped up into a hopper.

This machine is called a ‘shaker’, funny enough!

We’ve had many a year prior, with dozens of peeps from near and far coming to pick for a few hours over a weekend - and rewarded with a hearty spread, vino and cheer.

Loads of strangers turn up to participate.

Olives go off to a small processing plant nearby and come back as oil. Loads of rain last year which means a bumper crop this year.

This lot will yield between 1000 - 2000 litres this year I think…

Pretty cool!

#olivegrove #centralvictoria #australia #dusk #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #bendigo #olives #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2581 followers · 4250 posts · Server

Meet a scary looking critter, the , but she’s pretty harmless all the same.

This is a female. They’re the big ones! Males are way-smaller in size.

I saw a heap of these (nearly walked into this one’s web) a week ago, along the in .

Australian golden orb weaver:

Found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, northern New Zealand, and New Caledonia.

The female typically grows to around 40mm (1.5 inch), whereas males only reach around 7-10mm (quarter to a third of an inch) in length.

It’s web is normally over 1 metre in diameter. Once built, it never leaves its web.

They’re harmless and not poisonous to humans.

Its main predators are birds and parasitic wasps.

Breeds throughout late summer and spring, and produces an average of 380 eggs.

The tiny males tie down the much larger females before mating, weaving silk threads over their abdomens.

Sexual cannibalism is rare with this species, however up to 50% of males are cannibalised throughout the natural course of life, as ‘prey’.

They’re an edible spider and are considered a delicacy in New Guinea. They’re plucked by the legs from their webs and lightly roasted over an open fire. Ummm, no thanks 😳

, first image

#orbspider #loddonriver #bendigo #australia #altext #creepycrawley #spider #spiders #scaryshit #urbanflora #flora #centralvictoria #bush #river #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2573 followers · 4241 posts · Server

Meet , aka scarlet !

Its a plant in the myrtle family, and is home to South Australia and Victoria in .

These ones are growing in , namely .

Their red brush is vibrant, and the foliage was lush and green.


#melaleucarugulosa #bottlebrush #australia #centralvictoria #bendigo #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2550 followers · 4188 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2550 followers · 4187 posts · Server

This is a sound, whilst stopped off in the - my sister @FannyAnnie is telling boys and dad shhhh! 😂😂 (Btw, give her a follow, if ya wanna!!). Not sure they realised I was recording!

This was at the base of the in overlooking the dense bushland consisting of gorgeous ’s

#kookaburra #bush #melvillecaves #centralvictoria #gumtree #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #FlowersOfMastodon #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2530 followers · 4175 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
2530 followers · 4174 posts · Server
In Those Days · @InThoseDays
64 followers · 125 posts · Server

Tomorrow we're recording two episodes with my high school friends. One of them is about a pair of maiden great aunts and the other is about the gold rush and an ill-advised walk.

Over-excited and under-prepared!

#trove #historypodcast #goldrush #centralvictoria #goldfields #greataunts

Last updated 2 years ago

Emily Kulich 🖤 · @CattoRayTube
26 followers · 33 posts · Server

Burrabungle (Mt Korong), on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung people.

27 December 2021

#centralvictoria #wedderburn #glenalbyn

Last updated 2 years ago

Ordinary Art · @OrdinaryArt
6 followers · 9 posts · Server
The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1279 followers · 1773 posts · Server

Saw this on a short bush walk in - I think it’s some sort of bush ( ??), can’t be sure.

I have NO idea!! Need help in this one please!

Growing in the wild, it appears resilient and hearty, with appealing flowers that are pleasing to the eye.

This was a day of high 30’s and it had been hot for a couple of weeks, but you couldn’t tell going by the exuberance of its flowering beauty.

Whatever it is, it’s bviously in its element!


#bendigo #australia #geranium #woolygeranium #flora #gardening #centralvictoria #bush #victoria #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1163 followers · 1579 posts · Server

Dads garden has these lovely flourishing in the summer heat… Both pink and red.

Brings back childhood memories, easy to grow but need cutting back after the flowering period so that they come back even more plentiful next year!

! 🙏💖

#geraniums #glorious #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #bendigo #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #australia #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1158 followers · 1567 posts · Server

You’re looking at the from a 30 metre high viewing platform in -

For mine, the bush is somewhat of a paradox inasmuch, as whilst it appears harsh and dry, it also looks magnificently lush as well.

I feel this is my true home!

I love this setting… around 35°, so that’s around high 90s Fahrenheit.

This is untainted nature at its best.

#australianbush #bendigo #australia #OneTreeHill #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1158 followers · 1566 posts · Server

Look at this gorgeous bush shrub… the !

I checked my flora identification app, and it insisted that this beauty was a -leaved paperbark but I’m not so sure. If there are any wattle experts out there who can clarify, please feel free.

The bush was teeming with these in - to be precise.

Unknowingly, silly me was standing on a bull ants nest, and within seconds, I had a couple of dozen of the critters scurrying over my feet. I was wearing thongs. Flip-flops for non-Aussies 😜

And you can only but imagine my reaction. Anyways, it was well worth the couple of nips that I now wear with pride!! 🤣🤣🤣

The wattle fruit is magnificent and just goes to show dry, arid bush plants can shine just as magnificently as any urban flowering plant.


#juniperwattle #prickly #bendigo #australia #OneTreeHill #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #naarm #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1117 followers · 1508 posts · Server

In general this garden is classed as low maintenance. And for good reason!

Many hot, temperate rural properties / settings require hearty plants and shrubs to withstand the heat, soil conditions and lack of water; sometimes draught.

Not to mention long days cropping and tending to stock, maintaining the multi-thousand acre property etc. Time-poor farmers is the norm in any state or country!

Naturally, indigenous plants do well here in , however introduced species often (but not always!) need a little helping hand to survive and flourish.

All the same, this garden benefits from a full dam nearby this year, so it gets a good watering. The lawn is a dead giveaway!

Enjoy a few random pics…


#bendigo #australia #farmgarden #landscape #victoria #centralvic #centralvictoria #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago

The Streets of Melbourne · @NessaUndreza
1109 followers · 1503 posts · Server

The trusty flora identification app tells me this is .

I’d suggest on this occasion it is correct! It’s definitely a grape vine of some sort. And it’s growing a little wild!!

Looked for early signs of fruit. Or remnants of previous existance of grape. None to be found.

It was lovely on a hot day to walk under this old street verandah in - I think this building, like many in the Main Street, was erected back in the late 1800’s.

Also couldn’t tell if the shop was still used today as a retail outlet. It had an old sign saying ‘antiques’… I’d suggest not. But as always, I’m happy to be corrected!

All the same, it appears this vine has been around for years and it’s resilience ensures it’s able to shine in all its glory along the shop frontage.

Nature knows no bounds.


#wildgrape #inglewood #victoria #australia #eyecatching #landscape #centralvic #centralvictoria #bendigo #rurallife #rural #farmlife #farm #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #aesthetichedonist #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

Last updated 2 years ago