Donald Hobern · @dhobern
266 followers · 315 posts · Server

The / International Barcode of Life Consortium () / is now releasing weekly data packages (tab-delimited) of all public data:

This may be more convenient than the old download formats, but it's 1.0 GB zipped / 10 GB unzipped.

The packages lack image URLs and taxon ids, which I need, but I plan to change to use them if this gets fixed.

#bioscan #biodiversity #dnabarcode #frictionless #boldsystems #ibol #centreforbiodiversitygenomics

Last updated 2 years ago

Donald Hobern · @dhobern
231 followers · 182 posts · Server

Starting to process 8838 records from DNA barcoding of specimens by CBG ( for ). All records are for my garden in Aranda, ACT.

First some caveats. CBG pulls ~200 specimens from each sample, trying to maximise divesity and representativeness. These are then imaged and processed to try to get the COI DNA barcode region. Specimen selection will not be unbiased and the pipeline will be less effective for some groups.


#internationalbarcodeoflifeconsortium #centreforbiodiversitygenomics #malaise

Last updated 2 years ago