Chris Hall · @Platform_Journalism
520 followers · 128 posts · Server

A qualitative study on trust & news media in Australia. And a cappuccino.

"If our trust in news media is low, and if our news media is indeed untrustworthy, the negative effects will cascade: government will be opaque; ill behavior will not be exposed; society will remain unknown to itself." (p. 59)

Do you trust the news media of your country? Why/Why not?

16mm 1.4

#cappuccino #fujifilm #xt3 #journalism #newsmedia #journalist #media #coffee #coffeephotography #news #trust #cmt #UTS #centreformediatransition

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Hall · @Platform_Journalism
520 followers · 128 posts · Server

Is there a new type of journalism emerging on social media platforms?

In this newsletter piece I talk about the emergence of platform journalism. I suggest that we need to focus more on content and less on worrying about who is a "real" journalist. This article is inspired by my current PhD research.


#platformjournalism #socialmedia #journalism #journalist #UTS #cmt #centreformediatransition #publicinterest #publicinterestjournalism #FriendlyJordies #aviyemini #commodon

Last updated 2 years ago