#introduction #sciencefiction #fandom #ubuntu #mandrake #slackware #esoteric #vic20 #usenet #android #wikipedia #finland #fantasy #angband #umoria #moria #chess #gameoflife #math #astronomy #reenacment #primitivetechnology #mysteries and more hashtags later.
Edward Kelley was the first article I edited on wikipedia in 2003 (I've been on wikipedia for a bit) . My great great grand aunt was reputedly a powerful witch. She got swindled in a land deal and made the land in question fallow. Apparently to this day nothing grows on it.
My own experiences for a large part I will only talk about in general terms, allusively or both. I do supplemental introductions later. Here are a few more hashtags:
#kinky #centreleft #Tarot #IChing #dice #scrying #jung #heinlein #synchronicity #morphicfield #pratchett #TomHolt #Michaelscottrohan #Tolkien #MelissaScott #annleckie
#introduction #sciencefiction #fandom #ubuntu #mandrake #slackware #esoteric #vic20 #usenet #android #wikipedia #finland #fantasy #angband #umoria #moria #chess #gameoflife #math #astronomy #reenacment #primitivetechnology #mysteries #kinky #centreleft #Tarot #IChing #dice #scrying #jung #heinlein #synchronicity #morphicfield #pratchett #TomHolt #michaelscottrohan #tolkien #MelissaScott #annleckie
Could a far-right vs centre-left showdown be the future of British politics?
#farright #centreleft #politics #UKpolitics #Natcon #climatechange
#farright #centreleft #politics #ukpolitics #natcon #climatechange
I do not like such personal attacks and I am not sure they work for #labour - but recalling the "devil-Eyes" Blair ad and Kinnock inside a light-bulb I do not think #toriesOut have any moral right to complain.....
Really I think more confident exposition of sensible #centreLeft policies and clear exposure of the dreadful legacy of #sunak and earlier tory leaders for 13 years should be more than enough to win
#Labour #ToriesOut #centreleft #Sunak
On of the finest examples of a decent politician is to step down.
#jacindaardern #nzpolitics #centreleft #nzlabour #womeninpolitics
@potatogunkelly @OliverNoble @labour
fair comment - to be clear I am way more concerned about votes than popularity - and totally unconcerned about #starmer being unpopular with those emotionally committed to renationalisation or electoral reform or whatever
I just want a #centreLeft govt instead of the #toriesOut - are you not sick of them?
#Starmer #centreleft #ToriesOut
@FlixtonTom @LJClements8 @OliverNoble
So ....lobby for it - starting with your local #labour candidate
I think all the criticism aimed at #starmer is missplaced - he is a conventional #centreLeft #labour leader
You and all #libDems
I want #labour to get a big majority, #reform #ukPolitics to prevent #toryCorruption ever being possible again - save the #NHS, normalise our politics to the #centreLeft then win again
#LibDems #Labour #reform #ukpolitics #ToryCorruption #nhs #centreleft
You misrepresent the "collapsed centre" - I regard myself as #centreleft (others see me as extreme left or right depending where they sit on the political spectrum) in that I never vote Tory & thought #blair wasted some of his opportunity to transform, but regretted the later choice of corbyn mostly on the grounds he would lose elections
But "centre" is not a synonym for "things are not too bad" - as you would realise if you consider the howls of anger from centrists over #brexit
A lot of starting out on a new platform is grabbing that short window of #opportunity to yell:
And find one's #communities before it's too noisy.
I'm one of those people who, due to my privileges, can step out of my echo chambers and discuss things with those who hold different values. But only when I choose to.
So if you are, or into, any of the following, please say hi! #IntersectionalFeminism
#CentreLeft - by #UK standards
#opportunity #hello #communities #intersectionalfeminism #lgbtqia #nerd #centreleft #uk #clubbing #wordsmithing #digitalmanager
Interestingly that is not reflected on the Right - there is no sense of moral superiority I can detect amongst #extremeRight - they may well attack #centreRight (or I guess nowadays we should say the #notSoExtremeRight given johnson evicted #roryStewart types from the #kipperTory party)
I do not see #farage for example making out #sunak - or even in her time #may as somehow evil - yet some on the #farLeft seem to want to spit bile on any #centreLeft #labour supporters
#extremeright #centreRight #notSoExtremeRight #rorystewart #kipperTory #farage #Sunak #may #farleft #centreleft #Labour
Just gettin' in early...
#EU ✅
#Brexit ❌
#PR ✅
#NotTories ✅
#Tories ❌
#CentreLeft ✅
#Far / #ExtremeAnything ❌
#Married ✅ to a #GirlySwot ✅
#FollowsBack ✅ as fast as
he can ✅
#extremeanything #far #followsback #girlyswot #married #centreleft #tories #nottories #FPTP #pr #brexit #eu
I believe the etiquette here is to give a bit of a heads up when talking #politics, which is pretty cool so for those interested…
I’m rooted in the centre closer to #centreleft of the political spectrum. I’m a #libdem but tend to vote #labour where I live to #GTTO.
#brexit was my political awakening and I’ve have remained a passionate #remain #rejoin the #europeanunion supporter ever since.
#politics #centreleft #LibDem #Labour #GTTO #brexit #Remain #Rejoin #EuropeanUnion