Holding views that are fatal to modern society while enjoying its benefits… So hot right now! Maybe they’ll keep the dead half-husk of democracy that has all their stuff!
#centrists #enlightenedcentrists #politics
#Centrists are #PrettyBad; but, #Bigots tend to have a much quicker #Visit from #TheTantrumFairy when they're #CalledOut...
At least in #MyNotSoHumbleExperience...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🎠🍪🦄🍪🎠☕
#centrists #prettybad #bigots #visit #thetantrumfairy #calledout #mynotsohumbleexperience
Radical centrists be like:
#funny #dankmeme #politicalcompass #politicalcompassmeme #centrists
#funny #dankmeme #politicalcompass #politicalcompassmeme #centrists
I don't see that happening with Trump supporters claiming that the Democrats somehow magically changed literally every indicator that was taken in 2020 that Biden won the election. I just see them repeating the central claim, that the election was rigged, like some sort of #VirtueSignal, but never talking about the evidence.
And this is where I feel like negotiation isn't possible, as much as #NoLabels and the #Centrists insist there are "two sides"...
#centrists #nolabels #virtuesignal
@Hey_Beth @barney @enmodo @Elowen @GreenFire
File this under the #oligarch / #plutocrat plan to get #Trump back into office.
Simply put, #NoLabels is an effort to split the #Biden vote which draws much as it's strength from #independents and #Centrists.
The financiers of No Labels are voting their checkbooks. They have little concern for American #democracy. They believe that they can control Trump. Worked well in #Germany 1932
#oligarch #plutocrat #trump #nolabels #biden #independents #centrists #democracy #germany #Election2024
For the #liberals and #centrists of fediverse, is there a threshold of violence and abuse by the police beyond which you’d admit that the police are themselves a violent criminal organization?
#NDP left a lot of votes on the table in #KanataCarleton when they chose to play to the #centrists. So many people do not vote at all ‘cause the major parties are all trying to look the same.
#NDP #kanatacarleton #centrists
"I don’t know if these so-called depolarizing so-called centrists mean harm or if they’re just ignorant, but I understand their position very very well, and I know what they’re asking me to ignore.
And I know that harm will be the result.
And I know that decent people rejecting a malicious premise is what truly moves the argument.
We’ve known that for a long time, too."
#centrists #politics #usa #mlk #quote
by @DavidCorn in #MotherJones:
"No Labels is a political outfit that hails political centrism, calls for bipartisanship, and is considering running an independent ticket in the 2024 presidential election that could end up spoiling President Joe Biden’s reelection bid. On its website, the group urges politicians and citizens to eschew the 'extremists on the far left and right,' and it asks people who are 'fed up with the angriest voices dominating our politics' to sign up as members and donate to the group. But No Labels neglects to inform its online contributors that a cut of their gift goes to a company that aids Republican candidates and far-right organizations that engage in the harsh politics of extremism that No Labels professes to renounce."
#NoLabels #centrism #centrist #centrists #FarRight #Anedot #JoeLieberman
#motherjones #nolabels #centrism #centrist #centrists #farright #anedot #joelieberman
I'm so tired of right-wingers calling themselves 'centrists' and saying there's a 'left' in American politics, much less a 'far left,' when even Bernie Sanders and AOC are only center-left.
#centrists #conservatives #joemanchin #america #leftist
That is the most mind-bogglingly idiotic thing I have read in the past week.
Does Chait not understand that debt default would be a bad thing? Or does he not understand what was in the debt ceiling bill? Or is he just frankly psychotic now? What's the matter with him?
This one goes in the Hall of Fame of Pro-Republican Leftist insanity.
#centrists #centrism #DebtCeiling #DebtLimit #bipartisanship #bipartisan #JoeBiden #Biden #KevinMcCarthy #McCarthy #USPol #USPolitics #politics
#politics #uspolitics #uspol #mccarthy #kevinmccarthy #biden #joebiden #bipartisan #bipartisanship #debtlimit #debtceiling #centrism #centrists
by #JonathanChait in #Intelligencer:
"Previous presidents have managed to raise the debt ceiling either as a stand-alone bill or as part of a larger deal with benefits for both sides. Biden — along with Barack Obama in 2011, who regretted it — stands out for having had to give unrequited concessions to the opposing party to accomplish this historically routine task. You can talk yourself into believing he didn’t have a better choice. But if you think this represents some kind of thematic high point for the administration and a fulfillment of Biden’s grandest promises, your commitment to centrist ideology has grown so dogmatic that you have lost all touch with reality."
#centrists #centrism #DebtCeiling #DebtLimit #bipartisanship #bipartisan #JoeBiden #Biden #KevinMcCarthy #McCarthy #USPol #USPolitics #politics
#jonathanchait #Intelligencer #centrists #centrism #debtceiling #debtlimit #bipartisanship #bipartisan #joebiden #biden #kevinmccarthy #mccarthy #uspol #uspolitics #politics
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @JoelforWI @IAm_THEPaulina check out this viz of the tug-of-war between the two parties and the resulting polarization. Perhaps one can argue that the false dichotomy is causing growing proportions of their members to “quiet quit” while waiting for the rise of a true centrist party to act as a check-and-balance on the extremism.
#radicalmoderate #centrists #xkcd #politics
What surprises me is that Dems like Schumer think the GOP will help Dems with their plan. Obvious fumble and incompetence. Replace Feinstien ASAP, tick tock. #CorporateDemocrat #Democrats #Centrists
#centrists #democrats #corporatedemocrat
We should always distrust anyone who claims neutrality. It always means there's a deeper untold and unquestioned agenda at play.
#JournalismIsDead #journalism #centrists #BBC
#Moderates #Apoliticals #Centrists #Apathists ...now is not the time to sit on hands, lurk on sidelines or warm a bench.
#moderates #apoliticals #centrists #apathists #wakeup #resist #rage #savedemocracy #savehumanity
Also, #centrists have become as rare as unicorns; so the magae assume you're #antifa & the antifae assume you're #maga.
Why #Centrism Is Morally Indefensible: #TimUrban’s new book, endorsed by the stinking birdsite billionaire, shows how #centrists care more about civility (#MLK's negative #peace) than #justice (positive peace), and hate ‘#socialjustice fundamentalism’ more than #plutocracy.
#WhiteModerate #KKKaren #WhiteSupremacy #Equality #Antiracism #StatusQuo #UnwarrantedDefault #Whitegaze #SystemicRacism #TerribleWayToLiveIfYoureNotConsideredWhite
#centrism #timurban #centrists #mlk #peace #justice #socialjustice #plutocracy #centristsaretherealdanger #whitemoderate #kkkaren #whitesupremacy #equality #antiracism #statusquo #unwarranteddefault #whitegaze #systemicracism #terriblewaytoliveifyourenotconsideredwhite