Interesting conversations happening around Lithoz' new quartz glass 3D printing material. (Having material datasheets before the article landed sure would have been nice, just saying!)
#Lithoz #Glassomer #Ceramic3DPrinting #3DPrinting #AdditiveManufacturing
#lithoz #glassomer #ceramic3dprinting #3dprinting #additivemanufacturing
Here's what was running in the CeraFab S65 this morning. Our biggest shows, RAPID/TCT and Ceramics Expo, are held the same week this year (grrr), and we're scrambling to print extra copies of our favorite demo parts. These are double-walled Laval nozzles in aluminum oxide.
#Lithoz #3DPrinting #Ceramic3DPrinting
#lithoz #3dprinting #ceramic3dprinting
What I currently like thinking and learning about, and should spend more time on:
New ways to build the future,
#SustainableArchitecture #ConstructionAutomation #3DPrinting #Concrete3DPrinting #Ceramic3DPrinting #RammedEarth #BambooConstruction #OpenBIM #Biodome #ClimateEmulation #ClimateProofArchitecture #Robotics #Robots #Drones #OpenSourceEcology #HomeAutomation
New ways to create communities,
#CoopCities #StartupCities #RegenerativeVillages #CarFreeCity
#sustainablearchitecture #constructionautomation #3dprinting #concrete3dprinting #ceramic3dprinting #RammedEarth #bambooconstruction #openbim #biodome #climateemulation #climateproofarchitecture #robotics #robots #drones #opensourceecology #homeautomation #coopcities #startupcities #regenerativevillages #carFreeCity