AI6YR · @ai6yr
4155 followers · 24933 posts · Server

They've named the in Southern Europe "Cerebus" "Temperatures are expected to surpass 40C (104F) in parts of Spain, France, Greece, Croatia and Turkey. In Italy, temperatures could reach as high as 48.8C (119.8F). A red alert warning has been issued for 10 cities, including Florence and Rome. "

#heatwave #cerebus #wx

Last updated 1 year ago

Watch out for this meany

#memes #cerebus #animalmemes #animals #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Elaine Rigues · @lanIka
212 followers · 136 posts · Server

For those of you who aren't huge nerds or don't work in the industry, let me just say that (before Comicsgate*) that there are 3 huge examples of comic authors going on a batshit crazy spiral: guy, guy and guy.

*Comicsgate is its own shitfest of an excuse for narcissistic men to be mysogynous and reducing comics to Marvel and DC when there's a huge universe out there besides what they liked as kids because they cannot accept the world doesn't spin around them.

#sinfest #dilbert #cerebus #comics

Last updated 2 years ago

Suditeh · @Suditeh
2 followers · 8 posts · Server

Mis mutuals de twitter no vinieron a Masto, así que busco peñita fan de:

-11Hall-A &D

Y, no me puedo creer que sea la primera persona que escribo esto en una red social, . Si no sabes qué es no te preocupes, quiere decir que eres normal.

#cerebus #videojuegos #dmc #bayonetta #gatos #tailsgetstrolled #asteriospolyp #manga #comics #ffxii #vampiresurvivor #jojo #metroid #baki #d #mgs #va #chainsawman #nier

Last updated 2 years ago

John Linton Roberson · @jlroberson
90 followers · 1691 posts · Server

That time I redrew an early page by Dave Sim (final, pencil, and the original page)

#cerebus #comics

Last updated 2 years ago

BaronBurdock · @BaronBurdock
62 followers · 1368 posts · Server

Starting this badboy tonight. Beefy


Last updated 4 years ago

Reinder Dijkhuis Does Art · @reinderdijkhuis
320 followers · 9736 posts · Server

I'm not signed into Birdsite but I am looking at stuff there, especially the latest round of Comicsgoop bullshit, and I'm seeing people get a lot of stuff about Dave Sim wrong. Would people here be up for a factual backgrounder on Sim and , with some personal memories?
This would not be a defense of Dave Sim. Far from it. Just correcting some misconceptions about the comics side that I see popping up.

#cerebus #comics #self

Last updated 7 years ago

medically induced weed coma · @meunierd
44 followers · 570 posts · Server

The Walrus has a great recap of -- what it meant for Canadian and independent and how far it fell:

I'm always on the fence about repurchasing the phonebooks. They're such monumental works of art but financially supporting Sim is a tall order.

That said his wings are pretty thoroughly clipped so I'm as undecided as ever. 🤷‍♂️

#cerebus #comics

Last updated 7 years ago