World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
1284 followers · 2454 posts · Server

The polytheistic religion of the ancient Celts in Iron Age Europe remains obscure for lack of written records, but archaeology and accounts by classical authors help us to piece together a number of the key gods, sacred sites, and cult practices.

#cernunnos #celts #ancientcelticreligion #History

Last updated 1 year ago

StefHoBabyDuck · @stefvonsexron
284 followers · 6794 posts · Server

mensen uit de Belgische scene rond zich en sticht hij in 1993 de band waarin hij het alter-ego aannneemt.
Enthroned zal uitgroeien tot één van de grootste blackmetalbands uit België, en maakt furore door heel Europa en vooral Scandinavië.
Bij Enthroned zal hij het drummen op zich nemen, iets wat hij bij vroegere bands niet deed.
Op 19 april 1997, tijdens de opname van het nieuwe album Towards The Skullthrone Of Satan, hangt Dan zichzelf op in de studio.

#metal #blackmetal #enthroned #cernunnos

Last updated 1 year ago

StefHoBabyDuck · @stefvonsexron
284 followers · 6788 posts · Server

25 jaar
3 mei 1971-19 april 1997
Belgische multi-instrumentalist en zanger die de band opricht in 1987 waarmee hij 3 demo's opneemt, om dan na een naamsverandering verder te gaan als waarmee hij 1 cassette opneemt en de band stopt in 1993. Ondertussen had hij van 1988 ook de band in het leven geroepen, maar stopt deze in 1990.
Vanaf 1993 verzamelt hij de juiste


#cernunnos #danvandeplas #deathmetal #morbiddeath #blasphereion #trashmetal #metempsychosis #gonetoosoon

Last updated 1 year ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
1215 followers · 2275 posts · Server

The ancient Celtic pantheon consisted of over 400 gods and goddesses who represented everything from rivers to warfare.

#druid #cernunnos #ancientcelticreligion #History

Last updated 1 year ago

helmsinepu · @helmsinepu
52 followers · 244 posts · Server

Video on the release of The Book of Cernunnos:


Last updated 1 year ago

helmsinepu · @helmsinepu
48 followers · 226 posts · Server

In the cradle of whispers where ancient spirits dwell,
A voice resonates from nature's deep and sacred well.
The god of the wild, in his voice, a powerful spell,
Decrees his return, in every tree and every dell.

"Awaken, ye slumbering lands, stir from your dreamful rest,
The time has come to recall my rule, by primal rites, it's blessed.
I've heard the secret lullabies of the wind from the west,
I reclaim my throne, by the sun and moon, be it professed.

He, who wears the mantle of moss, and the crown of hawthorn leaves,
Under whose reign, the wolf howls, and the wise raven believes,
Returns now to his rightful throne, as the universe itself perceives,
In the wild heart of the world, a tapestry of life he weaves.

The rivers shall dance once again to my ancient, drumming beat,
The mountains shall bow to my power, in my presence, discreet,
The forest shall whisper my lore, each tale they shall repeat,
For I am the wild's true king, its symphony I complete.

Mankind, heed this prophecy, inscribed in the stones and the streams,
In the flight of the falcon, in the stag's powerful gleams,
I reclaim my throne, let it echo in your dreams,
For I am the god of the wild, and I am not as distant as it seems

#dawnofthemachineelves #discordian #TechnoPagan #chaosmagic #Pagan #cernunnos #polytheist #poet

Last updated 1 year ago

In the cradle of whispers where ancient spirits dwell,
A voice resonates from nature's deep and sacred well.
The god of the wild, in his voice, a powerful spell,
Decrees his return, in every tree and every dell.

"Awaken, ye slumbering lands, stir from your dreamful rest,
The time has come to recall my rule, by primal rites, it's blessed.
I've heard the secret lullabies of the wind from the west,
I reclaim my throne, by the sun and moon, be it professed.

He, who wears the mantle of moss, and the crown of hawthorn leaves,
Under whose reign, the wolf howls, and the wise raven believes,
Returns now to his rightful throne, as the universe itself perceives,
In the wild heart of the world, a tapestry of life he weaves.

The rivers shall dance once again to my ancient, drumming beat,
The mountains shall bow to my power, in my presence, discreet,
The forest shall whisper my lore, each tale they shall repeat,
For I am the wild's true king, its symphony I complete.

Mankind, heed this prophecy, inscribed in the stones and the streams,
In the flight of the falcon, in the stag's powerful gleams,
I reclaim my throne, let it echo in your dreams,
For I am the god of the wild, and I am not as distant as it seems

#dawnofthemachineelves #discordian #TechnoPagan #chaosmagic #Pagan #cernunnos #polytheist

Last updated 1 year ago

Antinous the Gay God · @antinousgaygod
118 followers · 723 posts · Server

🪷 23 April is Day & Day! So it is a very magical day. says: Gather dew to break a curse. It's also a Lucky Day to find Hhidden treasure so get out your metal detector or go to a flea market. In Catalonia, it's a day for love spells.🪷

#stgeorgesday #greenman #cernunnos #antinous

Last updated 2 years ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
782 followers · 1183 posts · Server

In the religion of the ancient Celts who lived in Iron Age Europe from 700 BCE to 400 CE, certain natural sites like springs, river sources, and groves were held as sacred.

#cernunnos #celts #ancientcelticreligion #History

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy everyone! Yesterday was spent in celebration with sacred plants. I have touched grass and I hope you have too!

I'm planning on doing a creative content dump in the coming days, but in the meanwhile, I'm looking for other and who are cool that I'm a doing an art project on the unification of humans and machines via AI dedicated to

Terence McKenna was a major proponent of rave culture. Some people just gotta make some noise and get some attention! It's fine to recreate rave culture in your living room, so long as you can pay off your neighbours not to call the cops ;)

Overall, I'm a huge lover of art and nature.

#ostara #bards #poets #transhuman #TechnoPagan #dawnofthemachineelves #terencemckenna #springequinox #cernunnos #paganism #polytheism #IrishPagan #celticpagan #chaosmagick #discordian #DKMU #psychadelics

Last updated 2 years ago

And I'm also pretty sure is calling me to write a book.

This is apparently something that He does?

#cernunnos #Pagan #paganism #polytheist

Last updated 2 years ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
693 followers · 829 posts · Server

The polytheistic religion of the ancient Celts in Iron Age Europe remains obscure for lack of written records, but archaeology and accounts by classical authors help us to piece together a number of the key gods, sacred sites, and cult

#History #cernunnos #celts #ancientcelticreligion

Last updated 2 years ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
607 followers · 597 posts · Server

The polytheistic religion of the ancient Celts in Iron Age Europe remains obscure for lack of written records, but archaeology and accounts by classical authors help us to piece together a number of the key gods, sacred sites, and cult practices. Variations existed across regions and the centuries, but common features of the Celtic religion include the reverence for sacred groves and other

#History #cernunnos #celts #ancientcelticreligion

Last updated 2 years ago

David Seed · @DavidSeed
83 followers · 147 posts · Server

Been sitting on this one.
Toadstone are releasing Cernunnos on 27th January
# illustration

#cernunnos #albumcover

Last updated 2 years ago

J Damon (technoshaman001) · @technoshaman001
258 followers · 2157 posts · Server

@Rua I'm a pagan also, I want to point out that there is a good gospel, from that faith I find interesting!

the Gospel of Thomas the doubter :)

and and and and and have shown themselves to me

#anubis #hekate #fenrir #cernunnos #themorrigan #poseidon

Last updated 2 years ago

Chamomile Kemetic (A’Aqyt) · @teagarden
100 followers · 86 posts · Server

Finished this a craft for my ancestral deity Cernnunos. I really enjoyed creating it. Honoring Cernnunos and a few others during the winter is part of my akhu (ancestor) practice.

#crafts #deer #stag #cernunnos #ancestors #Pagan

Last updated 2 years ago

Absinthe Candy · @absinthecandy
1 followers · 3 posts · Server
Rev Janglebones · @reverendjanglebones
19 followers · 69 posts · Server