Fehlermeldung ist, dass es sich um keine sichere Verbindung handelt.
Habe ein Zertifikat von #letsencrypt mit #certbot erstellt.
Lösche ich alle Browserdaten und rufe meine URL auf, komme ich aus dem WLAN auf meine FritzBox raus.
Per LTE komme ich direkt zum Server auf die installierte Nextcloud
And so, as part of my #selfhosting exercises, I've now hosted my own #XMPP server node. #Prosody is now running at https://kchat.port0.org/
(sorry, no open registrations)
Super easy to do, especially with #certbot, and now i've got one more service under my bag :)
I wonder what I should host next? IRCd? I2P website?
Hosting is fun again!
#selfhosting #xmpp #prosody #certbot
Bon, au cas où ça arrive à quelqu'un, mon wildcard certificate (*.m0le.net) n'était plus valide suite à son expiration et j'avais l'erreur:
Failed to renew certificate domain.net with error: Unable to determine zone identifier for domain.net using zone names: ['domain.net', 'net']
Quand je faisais un certbot renew.
J'ai du recréer un token OVH API et c'est reparti.... aucune idée de ce qu'il s'est p… http://shaarli.m0le.net/?MPEq2A Note: letsencrypt OVH dns #certbot #letsencrypt #ovh
Hurrah !Certbot and LetsEncrypt certificate installation on my toy/home server success! Ubuntu Server 22.04 running Nginx, with a Wordpress website and a Postfix/Dovecote email server all TSL'd up.
Next up will be adding a #NextCloud server to the box and I wonder if there's any pitfalls a relative newbie server admin need look out for? I really (REALLY) don't want to break the current web and mail servers I've spent so long getting perfected 🙏
#NextCloud #certbot #ubuntu #letsencrypt #linux #ssl #admins
So, I just set up an #Invidious instance on my domain. It was a fun process consisting of:
- Registering my domain on #Namecheap
- Using #Cloudflare as DNS nameserver
- Setting up HTTPS certs with #CertBot via the Nginx Proxy Manager
Not as difficult as I've thought
#invidious #namecheap #cloudflare #certbot
Today I will try once more to get Certbot on my toy/home server; Ubuntu Server 22.04 running Nginx, with a Wordpress website and a Postfix/Dovecote email server both running correctly.
Got in a mess with Certbot & LetsEncrypt last time and eventually used ZeroSSL but really want Certbot to work. So I may be 'asking the audience' if it gets guggy!
#certbot #ubuntu #letsencrypt #linux #ssl #admins
tiens pour ceux qui ont regardé #infomaniak avec #certbot, vous avez réussi à faire fonctionner le challenge dns pour les certificats? Je suis dans ce cas: https://github.com/Infomaniak/certbot-dns-infomaniak/issues/26
I think I actually got my #Traefik proxy working with a wildcard cert issued by #LetsEncrypt. In hindsight, I might have been better off using #Certbot than the way I ended up doing it, but having Traefik handle the renewal should be pretty nice, too.
#traefik #letsencrypt #certbot
Hey - #WriteFreely admins and/or #certbot or #HTTPS #SSL #TLS experts.
I posted about getting WriteFreely to use a certbot cert over on the forums, but those don't get a ton of eyeballs, so also casting here.
Wouldn't mind some sage advice on getting WriteFreely to either respond - securely - to multiple domains, or get it to use a certbot certificate that has multiple domains; I can't seem to get it to work.
It is every likely that I am also a complete idiot. :/
#tls #ssl #https #certbot #WriteFreely
Before obtaining a TLS certificate, #Nginx refuses to accept the sample #Mastodon site configuration, since TLS would be served without a certificate.
I only got #Certbot to set up certificate renewal by removing the secure site. Certbot then adds TLS to the non-secure site, and I had to remove conflicting directives.
@nicd ohh I forgot to mention that #letsencrypt integration was the main selling point.
I was way too tired of configuring and fixing an external python script (#certbot) which sometimes breaks itself after an OS update - why? Oohhh whyyyy?!
My first thought was: "I'm eager to spend the whole day with #caddyserver just for the sake of spending no more seconds with certbot," so I was done in less than 1 hour, it was extremely surprising and a great pleasure, I never went back to #nginx
#letsencrypt #certbot #caddyserver #nginx
pour une raison inconnue, mon #certbot ne parvient pas à accéder aux liens http sans s menant à ses dossiers fictifs de .well-known/ acme-challenge via #nginx et personne d'autre que moi ne semble avoir ce souci.
est ce que pour que ça marche il faut que je renonce à la redirection vers https dans ma conifg qui écoute http sur chacun de mes noms de domaine ?
je n'ai ce problème que depuis que j'ai #proxmox.
et si je stoppe nginx je peux parfaitement certifier mes noms de domaines avec le Web serveur de certbot. sauf que je veux vraiment pas faire ça a la mano ou stopper mon serveur Web nginx tout le temps.
ouate de phoque.
@sebsauvage je suis aussi en train de me poser la question (j'ai 2 domaines chez Gandi).
Par contre autant il existe un plugin #certbot pour #infomaniak, ainsi qu'un webhook pour cert-manager sur K8s, il me manquerait un provider pour #OctoDNS.
Du coup je suis tenté de commencer à en développer un :)
To get #SSL certificates with #Certbot I was thinking that I was going to have to port forward 80 to an #Apache instance, grab the certs through that withe the Certbot Apache plugin, and use it as an SSL proxy. But I had forgotten that Certbot also does #DNS challenges, so since I admin my own nameserver the problem is solved. Writing a couple of shell scripts to obtain/renew and push the certificates is way easier.