Hackers behind $41M Stake heist shifts BNB, MATIC in latest move: CertiK - A total of $4.8 million in funds have now been moved by the hacke... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/hackers-behind-stake-exploit-shifts-bnb-and-matic-latest-move #wormholebridge #lazarusgroup #cross-bridge #chainalysis #roninbridge #nomadbridge #gambling #polygon #certik #beosin #stake #matic
#matic #stake #beosin #certik #polygon #gambling #nomadbridge #roninbridge #chainalysis #cross #lazarusgroup #wormholebridge
Crypto Thefts in 2023: Nearly $1 Billion Lost to Scams and Exploits, Reports Certik - According to cybersecurity firm Certik, nearly $1 billion in cryptocurrency has be... - https://news.bitcoin.com/crypto-thefts-in-2023-nearly-1-billion-lost-to-scams-and-exploits-reports-certik/ #smartcontractauditing #misappropriation #digitalsecurity #exactlyprotocol #cryptocurrency #zunamiprotocol #cybersecurity #flashloans #exitscams #pepetoken #exploits #rugpulls #certik #heists #losses #scams #news
#news #scams #losses #heists #certik #rugpulls #exploits #pepetoken #exitscams #flashloans #cybersecurity #zunamiprotocol #cryptocurrency #exactlyprotocol #digitalsecurity #misappropriation #smartcontractauditing
Base project RocketSwap shares emergency plan following $865K exploit - RocketSwap Labs plans on reaching out to the exploiter on-chain, ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/base-dex-rocketswap-announces-emergency-plan-after-exploit #rocketswaplabs #rocketswap #peckshield #loverckt #exploit #certik #serve #rckt #hack
#hack #rckt #serve #certik #exploit #loverckt #peckshield #rocketswap #rocketswaplabs
Telegram trading bots are hot, but don’t trust them for custody — Security firms - There are still too many unknowns over how various Telegram tradi... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/should-telegram-trading-bots-be-trusted #blockchainsecurity #cryptostorage #tradingbots #telegram #wagiebot #tgbots #certik #beosin #unibot
#unibot #beosin #certik #tgbots #wagiebot #telegram #tradingbots #cryptostorage #blockchainsecurity
Crypto Hacks and Exploits Cost Traders $303M in July; Worst Month of 2023 - Some $52 million of assets were siphoned from Curve Finance just this weekend. - https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/07/31/crypto-hacks-and-exploits-cost-traders-303m-in-july-worst-month-of-2023/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #cryptohacking #curvefinance #multichain #exploits #markets #certik #news #hack
#hack #news #certik #markets #exploits #multichain #curvefinance #cryptohacking
Redditor's hacked Bitcoin is a lesson on the hidden dangers of paper wallets - "My Bitcoin was taken. How?" A Reddit user thought they were foll... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/redditor-gets-lesson-after-bitcoin-paper-wallet-hacked #walletgenerator.net #blockchainsecurity #walletgenerator #wintermute #storage #reddit #certik
#certik #reddit #storage #wintermute #blockchainsecurity #walletgenerator
Pink, Pussy, Venom, Inferno — Drainers coming for a crypto wallet near you - Crypto wallet drainers, or sweepers, are malicious smart contract... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/cypto-drainers-pink-pussy-venom-and-inferno-steal-millions #cryptodrainers #phishing #exploit #inferno #certik #stolen #crypto #hacks #scams #venom #pink
#pink #venom #scams #hacks #crypto #stolen #certik #inferno #exploit #phishing #cryptodrainers
Chibi Finance Exit Scam: $1 Million Cryptocurrency Heist Rocks Defi Platform on Arbitrum - According to several reports, Chibi Finance, the decentralized finance (defi) plat... - https://news.bitcoin.com/chibi-finance-exit-scam-1-million-cryptocurrency-heist-rocks-defi-platform-on-arbitrum/ #chibifinancescam #cryptocurrency #smartcontract #chibafinance #defiexitscam #defiplatform #defirugpull #blockchain #solidproof #community #arbitrum #exitscam #auditor #rugpull #certik #funds #defi
#defi #funds #certik #rugpull #auditor #exitscam #arbitrum #community #solidproof #blockchain #defirugpull #defiplatform #defiexitscam #chibafinance #smartcontract #cryptocurrency #chibifinancescam
Blockchain Security Firm CertiK Found an Infinite Loop Bug in Sui Network - The bug was found before Sui mainnet was live and the foundation granted a $500,000 award... - https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2023/06/19/blockchain-security-firm-certik-found-an-infinite-loop-bug-in-sui-network/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #technology #certik #news #sui #bug
#bug #sui #news #certik #technology
CertiK receives $500K bounty after Sui blockchain threat discovery - The vulnerability dubbed “HamsterWheel” traps nodes in an endless... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/certik-bounty-sui-blockchain-threat-discovery #certik
Shiba Inu Reclaims Top Security Rating Despite Discord Drama - Shiba Inu recovered its AAA security audit rating, despite divided community loyal... - https://dailycoin.com/shiba-inu-reclaims-top-security-rating-despite-discord-drama/ #shibainu(shib) #memecoins #zz_index #shibburn #discord #zz_top #certik
#certik #zz_top #discord #shibburn #zz_index #memecoins #shibainu
Security Audit Relegates Shiba Inu: CertiK Tackles Issues in AMA - Blockchain security auditors discuss the outcome on Discord.
Continue reading at D... - https://dailycoin.com/security-audit-relegates-shiba-inu-certik-tackles-issues-in-ama/ #boneshibaswap(bone) #shibainu(shib) #zz_popular #memecoins #shibarium #zz_index #zz_top #certik
#certik #zz_top #zz_index #shibarium #memecoins #zz_popular #shibainu #boneshibaswap
Krypto-Hacks: Rückgang in Q1 nur "vorübergehende Pause"? https://de.cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-hacks-fall-q1-temporary #Hackerangriff #TRMLabsHack #blockchain #Sicherheit #Bitcoin #Certik #Hacker #Hack
#Hackerangriff #trmlabshack #blockchain #Sicherheit #bitcoin #certik #hacker #Hack
Crypto hacks falling in Q1 is but a 'temporary reprieve' — Blockchain firm - It was warned that the amount stolen in Q1 2023 mirrors Q2 2022, ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-hacks-fall-q1-temporary #blockchainintelligencefirm #trmlabshack #certik
#certik #trmlabshack #blockchainintelligencefirm
Blockchain security firm freezes $160K stolen in Merlin DEX 'rugpull' - CertiK has contacted law enforcement in the U.S. and U.K. to find... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/blockchain-security-firm-freezes-160k-stolen-in-merlin-dex-rugpull #centralizationrisks #auditsummaries #stolenfunds #exitscams #rugpull #victims #certik #merlin
#merlin #certik #victims #rugpull #exitscams #stolenfunds #auditsummaries #centralizationrisks
Stolen Crypto Hits 100M in April Across Popular Platforms such as Blur. How Can You Stay Safe? - Security firms revealed that April was one of the worst months for crypto this yea... - https://dailycoin.com/stolen-crypto-100m-in-april-blur-how-to-stay-safe/ #zzzeditorspicks #cybersecurity #hacksandscams #marketnews #zz_popular #cryptohack #zz_index #zz_top #certik
#certik #zz_top #zz_index #cryptohack #zz_popular #marketnews #hacksandscams #cybersecurity #zzzeditorspicks
April’s crypto scams, exploits and hacks lead to $103M lost — CertiK - The month was particularly bad for exploits, with the amount lost... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/april-s-crypto-scams-exploits-and-hacks-lead-to-103m-lost-certik #memecoins #exploits #rugpulls #mevbots #certik #scams #hacks #rekt #defi
#defi #rekt #hacks #scams #certik #mevbots #rugpulls #exploits #memecoins
CertiK Denies Responsibility for MerlinDEX Rug Pull - CertiK audited a project which later rugged user funds for $2 million. The firm de... - https://dailycoin.com/certik-denies-responsibility-for-merlindex-rug-pull/ #zzzeditorspicks #hacksandscams #rugpullscam #technology #zz_popular #merlindex #zz_index #zz_top #certik
#certik #zz_top #zz_index #merlindex #zz_popular #technology #rugpullscam #hacksandscams #zzzeditorspicks
Allbridge offers bounty to exploiter who stole $570K in flashloan attack - Allbridge offered a hacker who pilfered $573,000 from its platfor... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/allbridge-offers-bounty-to-exploiter-who-stole-570k-in-flashloan-attack #multi-chaintokenbridge #peckshield #allbridge #whitehat #hacker #certik
#certik #hacker #whitehat #allbridge #peckshield #multi
$4M 'exit scam' suspected as Kokomo Finance flies off radar, token plunges - Kokomo Finance's social media presence and websites are offline, ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/4m-exit-scam-suspected-as-kokomo-finance-flies-off-radar-token-plunges #smartcontractexploit #kokomofinance #vulnerability #exitscam #loophole #optimism #arbitrum #rugpull #0xguard #certik
#certik #0xguard #rugpull #arbitrum #optimism #loophole #exitscam #vulnerability #kokomofinance #smartcontractexploit