Ingrid Westendorp: A Right to Adequate Shelter for Asylum Seekers in the European Union.
#shelter #asylumseekers #humanrights #EU #housing #CESCR #women
#shelter #AsylumSeekers #humanrights #eu #housing #cescr #women
In GC 26, the #CESCR recognizes the importance of access to, use of & control over #land. But understanding land relations merely as #property relations limits the potential for protecting diverse human-land relationships, criticizes Gabriele Wadlig. #ICESCR
#cescr #Land #property #ICESCR
🌎 Mañana jueves 16/2 se presenta el informe "Evaluación del cumplimineto de las obligaciones internacionales y el respeto de los #derechoshumanos de las actividades empresariales de #China en #AméricaLatina", el que incluye casos de #Bolivia, #Perú y #México. Inscríbete para participar 👉 #CICDHA #ONU #CESCR
#derechoshumanos #china #americalatina #bolivia #Peru #mexico #cicdha #onu #cescr
@hk_watch RT by @benedictrogers: This morning, at the #UN #CESCR review, the #HK delegation has made multiple statements which reiterate their lack of #transparency and #accountability for #humanrights #violations. 🧵
#un #cescr #hk #transparency #accountability #humanrights #violations
This morning, at the #UN #CESCR review, the #HK delegation has made multiple statements which reiterate their lack of #transparency and #accountability for #humanrights #violations. 🧵
#un #cescr #hk #transparency #accountability #humanrights #violations
The new #UN #CESCR #GeneralComment on land rights is groundbreaking & broad ranging. It addresses rights of #IndigenousPeoples, spiritual & #religious significance of land to some communities & Indigenous Peoples, State duties re #BizHumanRights, conflict & #DisputeResolution, and #HumanRightsDefenders.
See a note from International Service for Human Rights (ISHR):
See the General Comment:
#un #cescr #generalcomment #indigenouspeoples #religious #bizhumanrights #DisputeResolution #humanrightsdefenders
@XinqiSu RT by @laiyanhoeric: The once-in-a-decade review of HK by the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (#CESCR) is coming in two weeks. Some overseas HK HR groups noticed a lot more pro-HK gov groups made submissions this time. So checked out the docs and did a count.
The once-in-a-decade review of HK by the Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (#CESCR) is coming in two weeks. Some overseas HK HR groups noticed a lot more pro-HK gov groups made submissions this time. So checked out the docs and did a count.
So many good things in this report, but one thing to highlight is the injustice of benefit sanctions.
Government has a moral responsibility to make sure our social security system respects people's fundamental rights.
@10DowningStreet should scrap sanctions now.
RT @HRCScotland
How well are Scotland and the UK delivering on economic, social and cultural rights? The Consortium has submitted a joint report to UN #CESCR highlighti…
@hk_watch RT by @benedictrogers: Yesterday we made a submission to 🇺🇳 #CESCR focusing on #pressfreedom in #HK & the violation of trade union rights & cultural rights since 2021 under #NSL. We highlighted NSL restrictions on #journalists including harassment & jail. #StandNews #AppleDaily [...]
#cescr #pressfreedom #hk #nsl #journalists #standnews #appledaily
Yesterday we made a submission to 🇺🇳 #CESCR focusing on #pressfreedom in #HK & the violation of trade union rights & cultural rights since 2021 under #NSL. We highlighted NSL restrictions on #journalists including harassment & jail. #StandNews #AppleDaily [...]
#cescr #pressfreedom #hk #nsl #journalists #standnews #appledaily