Suzy Eddie Izzard! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
#transjoy #indestructiblejoy #suzyeddieizzard #eddieizzard #transisbeautiful #enbyjoy #march2023 #newname #namechange #CestTheo
#transisbeautiful #eddieizzard #cesttheo #NameChange #newname #march2023 #enbyjoy #suzyeddieizzard #indestructiblejoy #transjoy
Today's gender is the indestructible joy of being alive and healing yourself, so you're not playing small and softly tip-toeing toward death without living first.
#Enby #EnbyJoy #IndestructibleJoy #February2023 #CestTheo #SantaFe #SFNM #Trans #SantaFeQueers #Transgender #LQBTQ #theythem
#theythem #LQBTQ #Transgender #santafequeers #Trans #sfnm #santafe #cesttheo #february2023 #indestructiblejoy #enbyjoy #enby
Top surgery recommendation letter therapy appointment today! 🎉 :blobcatenby: :heart_trans:
#EnbyJoy #CestTheo #TransIsBeautiful #Enby #yeettheteets #LQBTQ
#LQBTQ #yeettheteets #enby #transisbeautiful #cesttheo #enbyjoy
Today's gender is sort of a saint, but unconsciously very demanding.
#february2023 #cesttheo #todaysgender
April 13th, 10-minute name change hearing at the court house.
Now to run the ad for two weeks.
I have a court date and I'm picking up my court notice to place a legal ad for two weeks: Santa Fe New Mexican and The Scranton Times-Tribune; and then, I get my top surgery letter on the 23rd.
My life is so fabulous.
*chef's kiss to all the things*
Name change update.
First step taken: paperwork filed at the SF first judicial court.
Next, I wait by the phone for them to call, in order to then proceed to the two weeks of newspaper legal advertisement.🗞️
#namechange #enby #enbyjoy #cesttheo #SantaFeQueers #february2023 #lqbtq
#LQBTQ #february2023 #santafequeers #cesttheo #enbyjoy #enby #NameChange
Phase II of Top Surgery: Now you get two therapists and need to provide a mandatory explanation of your gender dysphoria since you were a child.
This is going to take a while (and finding another specialized therapist).
Writing time!
(As a grown ass person, it's kind of weird to have to explain all of this for insurance purposes.)
Homestretch: Finishing up this Retrofit Installer Technician course. Dense packing insulation physics problems are pretty cool.
Last song share of the month.
This one got a lot of play on my Spotify this month; and somewhat fortuitously, I was correct in one of my MFA poems, I had written: "after the beautiful, there are lilacs". :blobcatenby:
I'll be my own muse for now. Open applications soon?
Waxahatchee, Lilacs
#enbyjoy #cesttheo #january2023 #workworkwork
On today's episode of, The Alchemy of Self-Transformation.
Cut a head hole in a pair of control top pants to make a chest binder. Getting used to the slight chest compression and breathing likely isn’t as difficult as “regular” binders. I’m quite pleased with the results.
I feel more like myself than ever, and I have zero regrets about not figuring all of this out earlier.
#CestTheo #January2023
#nonbinary #enbyjoy #transgender #chestbinding #binder #lqbt #othergender #transisbeautiful
#transisbeautiful #othergender #lqbt #binder #chestbinding #Transgender #enbyjoy #NonBinary #january2023 #cesttheo
Much of the elation comes from two things. For once, I can very clearly see myself in my mind--I know what I look like.
My hands are my hands: it's a big deal.
The second part is that I'm finally ACCEPTING myself & what I've always liked but stopped doing b/c of shame, trauma, survival, being at school (survival), etc.
I honestly never thought any of this was or would ever be possible for me--I mean, even to more fully accept myself.
It took so much to get here, & so worth it.
Found a surgeon (recommended by the last renter who lived in my casita)!
I'm increasingly elated and motivated about all of the things in my life--like, in general, for many months, all of the things, and my future; it's so exceedingly and continuously nice to be myself.
It's a process. And, it's a lot of fun. :transgender: :ms_nonbinary_flag: :pizzaparty:
#cesttheo #nonbinary #enby #enbyjoy #LQBTQ #trans #gender #theythem #Transgender #topsurgery
#topsurgery #Transgender #theythem #gender #Trans #LQBTQ #enbyjoy #enby #NonBinary #cesttheo
[points to chest :blobcatenby: :blobcatenby: ]
Yeah, screw this. I'm getting top surgery.
Happy Monday!
#cesttheo #january2023 #MondayMotivation #YEETtheTEETS #EnbyPride #EnbyJoy #Enby #LGBTQIA
#LGBTQIA #enby #enbyjoy #enbypride #yeettheteets #MondayMotivation #january2023 #cesttheo
So, the answer you're looking for is,
No, grad school wasn't fun, but it was THE necessary kick in the ass on all sides for my personal and professional development.
Anyway, cutting room floor poem snippets from my spring/summer 2021 poetry MFA thesis drafting.
...I'm interested to see how this one turns out. :cowroll:
#cesttheo #January2023 #gradschool #poetry #PoetryMFA #quantumpoetics #scipo #sciart #nonlocalia #SantaFe #Sunday2023
#sunday2023 #santafe #nonlocalia #sciart #scipo #quantumpoetics #poetrymfa #Poetry #gradschool #january2023 #cesttheo
Today's gender is I'm going to be stoned all day and writing for myself. (If you're wondering, yes, Virginia, this is how poems are made.)
Mmmmmmmmmm...OK. Love you. OK. Ba-byeeeeeee.
#itswritingtime #cesttheo #happyfriday
Should be long enough for the hairdresser to fix it up in mid-February. :blobcatenby:
#WorkFromHomeFashion #Enby #DIYHaricuts #CestTheo #SantaFeQueers #CuttingYourOwnHair
#cuttingyourownhair #santafequeers #cesttheo #diyharicuts #enby #workfromhomefashion
And then they asked themselves, what if I didn't define myself by the things I do upfront, i.e. photography? I mean, it made sense in previous years, but it's not how I want to proceed.
My :insta: handle is now theoceridwen.
I'm learning more about Santa Fe from listening to travel podcasts.
So, I'm getting with the program slowly but surely.
#cesttheo #Travel #newmexico #santafe