Hello! I'm Yuri. I'm queer(#Enby, #transFem, #pangender, #demigirl, #Agender, #Demiromantic #panromantic, #Ceteroromantic #Ace) #vegan
#neurodivergent(#autistic) #anarchist
Interests: anarchism, nonhuman animals, queer, feminism, neurodiversity, world geography, psychology, sociology, world history,
Likes: bird watching, learning our planet or creature’s life, vegan foods, Reading books, Playing Console Game (Zelda, Kirby)
Hates: Meritocracy, capitalism, patriarchy, fascism, authoritarianism, war. Discrimination and oppression against all social minorities, including nonhuman animals. Gaslighting
Others: I have #hyperphantasia and always do #Infodumping. I'll always try to learn about and care of them
#Vegan #neurodivergent #Anarchist #hyperphantasia #Infodumping #autistic #enby #transfem #pangender #demigirl #agender #demiromantic #panromantic #ceteroromantic #ace #Introduction