This is a fun infographic showing how the AP1000, AP300, and eVinci reactors can help with providing energy and reducing carbon emissions.
> We are proud to be signatories of the United Nations 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) Compact.
Read more from Westinghouse Nuclear:
#CarbonFree #Energy #CFE
#Environment #Social #Governance #ESG
#WestinghouseNuclear #AP1000 #AP300 #eVinci
#greennucleardeal #atomicenergy #nuclearenergy #carbonfree #energy #cfe #environment #social #governance #esg #sustainability #westinghousenuclear #ap1000 #ap300 #evinci
Oui, n’hésitez pas à venir pour les soucis avec la #CAF, les #Impôts, le #CFE et bien sûr, nos préférés : l’ #URSSAF Limousin.
Sinon, on a une belle base de connaissance :
N’hésitez pas à déplier les rubriques.
@NovaHellion @eRatt @inb3tw33nnaps Bit of a #CFE, but this is my favorite cat-themed song ever (and from an era before Tic Tok). Artist is from Australia, maybe @toze knows him 😉
Ya se saben la historia: La amiga de un vecino que trabaja en gobierno, manda de regreso a la cuadrilla, y con la misma pértiga que suben las cuchillas, corta las ramas que habían provocado el fallo.
Todos felices de nuevo.
Vino la cuadrilla de #CFE después de 6 horas de haber hecho el reporte. La culpa es de un árbol que provocó la falla. No la pueden reparar hasta que no se pode el árbol. Dicen mandar una cuadrilla en un par de horas más para hacer el recorte de ramas. Mientras tanto, 70 departamentos sin luz y sin agua (si, bombas de hidroneumatico).. Lo que sigue es un misterio con muchas interrogantes.
In #mexico are blaming citizens for the bad #airquality and give us some “recommendations” to have a breathable air. It’s not bad try to change some daily activities, nevertheless, they failed to mention a small but extremely important detail.
We need to stop burning #fuel oil in the #CFE thermoelectric plants, because even if we avoiding aerosol or bathing faster, this will not reduce the equivalent of sulfur dioxide emissions that Tula thermo plant emits to the atmosphere.
#mexico #airquality #fuel #cfe #energy
#Insulte #Radio #FranceBleu #Interview #OlivierMateu #France #GreveGenerale ✊
#Greve27Mars #Greve28Mars #Greve29Mars #Greve30Mars #Greve31Mars
Du 07 Mars, mais écoutez ça !
#insulte #radio #francebleu #interview #OlivierMateu #france #grevegenerale #cgt #sud #fo #cnt #fsu #solidaires #unsa #cftc #cfe #cgc #cfdt #fse #MNL #greve27mars #greve28mars #greve29mars #greve30mars #greve31mars #grevegeneraleillimitee
I must visit Spain again and ride the 🚂 #CFE.
“Spanish transport secretary resigns after new trains too big for tunnels.
Head of state rail company, Renfe, also quits as anger rises over fact trains built in £227.5m contract are too wide.”
#NowPlaying #HooraySongOfTheDay
#TheMonkees #Music #1960s
also: #CFE
Watch "The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville 1966" on YouTube
#nowplaying #hooraysongoftheday #themonkees #music #1960s #cfe
⚠️ Attention ! Mise à jour de nos #tutos pour le #démarrage d’activité des #artistes et #auteurices avec le #nouveau #guichet #unique (mais comme il ne marche pas encore super bien, on vous #guide aussi sur les anciennes démarches restées ouvertes !
C’est 💝, la #simplification de l’ #administration
#CFE - #URSSAF —> Déclaration de début d'activité des artistes-auteurs : guide pratique et pièges à éviter - CAAP
#urssaf #cfe #administration #simplification #guide #unique #guichet #nouveau #auteurices #artistes #demarrage #tutos
It’s been five years since The Humanist Institute joined the American Humanist Association (AHA) ranks, forming the Center for Education (CfE). Over that time, CfE has changed and grown from a small independent organization focused on a graduate-level certificate program, online self-guided studies, and open lecture series to a robust center with diverse educational opportunities for all ages—supporting AHA members, local groups and the Humanist Society endorsees (celebrants, chaplains, and lay leaders).
Le simple fait qu’une association exerce une activité lucrative ne conduit pas obligatoirement à son assujettissement aux impôts commerciaux.
On vous explique tout ici : ➡️
#association #cfe #impots #fiscal #droit
#association #cfe #impots #fiscal #droit
Interested in finding out who is here and sharing ideas and having conversations about #outdoorplay #outdoorlearning #outdoored #outdooredchat #earlyyears #ForestSchool #LfS #Learning4Sustainability #CfE #ScottishEducation #ScotEd #primary #teaching #maths
#maths #teaching #primary #scoted #scottisheducation #cfe #learning4sustainability #lfs #ForestSchool #EarlyYears #outdooredchat #outdoored #outdoorlearning #outdoorplay
Interested in finding out who is here and sharing ideas and having conversations about #outdoorplay #outdoorlearning #outdoored #outdooredchat #earlyyears #ForestSchool #LfS #Learning4Sustainability #CfE #ScottishEducation #ScotEd #primary #teaching #maths #nochildleftinside #schoolgrounds #ece
#ece #schoolgrounds #nochildleftinside #maths #teaching #primary #scoted #scottisheducation #cfe #learning4sustainability #lfs #ForestSchool #EarlyYears #outdooredchat #outdoored #outdoorlearning #outdoorplay
Domingo por la mañana y en este pueblo ya se fue la electricidad.. Me di cuenta pq no tenia wifi y ando en datos móviles.. Tendré que poner el ht #cfe.. Porque no tienen cuenta ellos aca aun 😅
Further thoughts on potential reforms #talkscottisheducation might bring about.
A major contributor to the shortcomings of #CfE was it's introduction as the financial crash and austerity took hold and funding cuts that lead to cuts in support staff and development teams.
Fundamental change to curriculum, assessment, certification, will require people and time to ensure that it is well developed and supported.
This will most certainly require significant investment, but perhaps not in the bodies that have missed the mark so widely with #CfE
Further thoughts on potential reforms #talkscottisheducation might bring about.
A major contributor to the shortcomings of #CfE was it's introduction as the financial crash and austerity took hold and funding cuts that lead to cuts in support staff and development teams.
Further thoughts on potential reforms #talkscottisheducation might bring about.
A major contributor to the shortcomings of #CfE was it's introduction as the financial crash and austerity took hold and funding cuts that lead to cuts in support staff and development teams.