Create an slist from data container key values without an intermediate classic associative array.
CFEngine released 3.22.0 today, get it while it's hot.
There once was a hacker named Nick
Who install a malicious rootkit
He thought he was clever
But he soon would discover
That his system was infected by it!
Tomorrow's The Agent is In #CFEngine will joined by Invary to chat about fun stuff
Register for the live session or wait for the recording to be posted later
#cfengine doesn't get enough love. I'm trying to set up my sister with a working x86 router from 600 miles away, asking her to do things at most 5-10 minutes at a time. It's supposed to run a stripped down routing config in an nspawn container and then a full fledged #debian desktop OS hosting, so she can browse the web too. I'm trying to do it as independent of my own infrastructure so there's no cfengine3 server and man does that add time to the config...
Check out the next big feature coming to #CFEngine Mission Portal:
I don't like when a website refuses to give me a price and instead wants me to get a quote.
Unrelated, does anyone know how much #cfengine costs per endpoint?
Walking through the streets of Brussels authoring a support response in org-mode via termux leveraging spacemacs and ob-cfengine3 after a wonder bowl of ramen. I love my tools! #orgmode #CFEngine #spacemacs #termux
#orgmode #cfengine #spacemacs #termux
The agenda for the CFEngine room starts at 2pm, where I will kick it off talking about the state of CFEngine:
#CfgMgmtCamp #CFEngine
"A new promise type automatically resets to an unrestricted context"
Zuwiderhandlungen werden mit Aufräumarbeiten nicht unter einem Vormittag bestraft...
#cfengine #automation
#docker compose and docker network custom promise types for #CFEngine, nice!
Day 24/25: It's important to enforce strict access to system-wide configuration files for software such as SSH, cron, at, etc. Our latest module allows you to manage permission bits of files, using module input:
#ssh #linux #security #cfengine
Day 25/25: Happy holidays! Thank you for following our holiday calendar. Today we’ve posted a recap of the second half of the calendar on our blog:
#infosec #devops #security #compliance #cfengine
Day 24/25: It's important to enforce strict access to system-wide configuration files for software such as SSH, cron, at, etc. Our latest module allows you to manage permission bits of files, using module input:
#ssh #linux #security #cfengine
Day 23/25: Newer versions of CFEngine include features around security and compliance, bug fixes, and other improvements. We recommend upgrading to 3.18.3 as soon as possible, and start looking at 3.21, released earlier this week.
#security #compliance #infosec #devops #cfengine
Day 22/25: There are many packages you should remove if not in use, especially software like telnet, DHCP, Samba, proxy and DNS servers, etc. Our latest module allows you to specify a list of all the packages you want uninstalled:
#linux #security #compliance #devops #infosec #cfengine
Day 21/25: Many configuration files for cron, at, SSH etc. enable insecure configuration, but are still supported for backwards compatibility. With the upcoming module input feature, you can easily delete files across your infrastructure from within MP:
#SSH #Linux #Compliance #InfoSec #Security #SecurityNews #CFEngine
#ssh #linux #compliance #infosec #security #securitynews #cfengine
If you are coming to #FOSDEM in February 2023 and are into #ConfigurationManagement, we strongly recommend that you extend your stay in Belgium and attend Config Management Camp.
#CfgMgmtCamp is held in Ghent (50 km north west from Brussels), right after FOSDEM.
While we wait for next year's schedule, check out previous year's schedule at
#fosdem #configurationmanagement #cfgmgmtcamp #puppet #ansible #salt #devops #cfengine #chef
I love my #cfengine setup. I just got a new laptop for use on holiday and installing Debian testing from bootable USB drive and then installing cfengine3 and bootstrapping it to my policy server... within a half hour or so I have a functional system integrated with all the other systems. Yeah, it took looking up a few firmware packages and such, but it was pretty straightforward. Only problem is the WiFi is new enough it looks like it needs a driver coming in linux 6.2