Congratulations to the Saskatchewan Roughriders on their 51-6 loss to the Winnipeg Bluebombers.
Yesterday’s Argos/Alouettes #CFL game was of course great fun, and the tailgate scene is growing nicely - but I miss the days at Skydome in the 90s when an entire trainload of Als fans would arrive from Montreal to stir things up. Hope we can get back to that some day. BMO Field even has a very convenient train station.
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🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 09th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
September 09th 2023 RESULTS
TOR -9.5 🥠🥠🥠🥠🥠🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
GOOD LUCK TO ALL except those phoney cowardly cowering clitturing p⁵4lifer ratturdly🐀💩 stooge🤡 vitterd kingmoments3220 nation loving frauds FUCK 'EM AHAHA🍻
Hey @EnikkLies matthew d hiding out in Reading Pennsylvania aka kingmoments3220 aka mattymoments aka mattmoments aka fatty matty lice aka vitterd aka queen clitty king vitch aka fatty weinstein ya heinous shitstained chin anus or whatever you changed your name to now ya creepy old pervy pathetic fucking cowardly cowering clittering p⁵4lifer hideout goof guess what...? THAT'S RIGHT YA #vitched Montreal today 🐀💩 YA BLUBBERING EARLESS PIECE OF SHIT SO IT WAS YET ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER EASY WINNER FOR THEGX BEST BET O' THA DAY THREAD TODAY AHAHA SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STAY OFF OUR FORUM🖕🤌
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
#thegx #thegxforum #thegxsportsforum #thegxsportsbettingforum #thegamblerscrossroads #thegxsportsgamblingforum #thegxthegamblerscrossroads #thegxbestbetothaday #joinin #chat #chats #toot #toots #sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cflom #cflgame #cflplus #cflontsn #argoes #argonauts #torontoargonauts #torontoargos #chadkelly
So the Banjo Bowl is the week after the Labour Day Classic and it is today at 4:00 PM. I was taught this by a smarter than I CFL fan on Mastodon, thanks! #SaskatchewanRoughriders Vs #WinnipegBlueBombers. Let’s go! #CFL
#saskatchewanroughriders #winnipegbluebombers #cfl
It must be really annoying to fans of other #CFL teams that the Toronto Argonauts are 10-1.
Sorry eh.
You nailed it @Diggler67! It is so much more enjoyable to have commentators who (a) really know what they’re talking about and (b) stick to the game on the field instead of doing puff pieces that go on for two or even three plays and ignore the game! Kudos to Marshall Ferguson and Paul LaPolice!
How it started vs how the second half/rest of #cfl Saturday is going.
Yes the bug zapper is a critical piece of equipment. Five wasps down already…
Time to pre-game the Banjo Bowl with Alouettes-Argos. My favourite CFL booth pairing is together for this game - Marshall Ferguson and Paul LaPolice!
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #sports #betting #gambling #nfl #football #ncaa #cfl #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #體育新聞 #新闻 #体育 #賭博 #欖球 #榄球 #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments #cflom #cflgame #cflplus #CFLonTSN #ticats #TigerCats #HamiltonTiCats #hamiltontigercats
🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 08th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
September 08th 2023
HAM +4.5 🥠🥠🥠🥠🥠🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
GOOD LUCK TO ALL except those phoney cowardly cowering clitturing p⁵4lifer ratturdly🐀💩 stooge🤡 vitterd kingmoments3220 nation loving frauds FUCK 'EM AHAHA🍻
Hey @EnikkLies matthew d hiding out in Reading Pennsylvania kingmoments3220 mattymoments mattmoments fatty matty lice vitterd queen clitty king vitch fatty weinstein ya heinous shitstained chin anus or whatever you changed your name to now ya creepy old pervy pathetic fucking cowardly cowering clittering p⁵4lifer hideout goof guess what...? THAT'S RIGHT YA #vitched Ottawa today 🐀💩 YA EARLESS PIECE OF SHIT SO IT WAS YET ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER EASY WINNER FOR THEGX BEST BET O' THA DAY THREAD TODAY AHAHA SO GO FUCK YOURSELF AND STAY OFF OUR FORUM🖕🤌
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
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🔥🔥🔥 TheGx Best Bet O’ Tha Day - September 08th 2023 🔥🔥🔥
TheGx Forum open thread for anyone to share their best bet o’ tha day🍻
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Via Super 70s Sports @super70ssports
I’d take a vicious hit at the 55-yard line for this CFL sundae helmet display …
#TheGx #TheGxForum #TheGxSportsForum #TheGxSportsBettingForum #TheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxSportsGamblingForum #TheGxTheGamblersCrossroads #TheGxBestBetOThaDay #JoinIn #chat #chats #toot #toots #Sport #nhl #sports #hockey #betting #gambling #nfl #football #nba #basketball #mlb #baseball #soccer #premierleague #esport #esports #phelps123 #tennis #cricket #curling #rugby #ncaa #boxing #cfl #mma #ufc #nascar #mls #golf #pga #atp #uefa #epl #racing #f1 #grandprix #championsleague #賭仔三岔口 #新聞 #籃球 #足球 #體育新聞 #新闻 #篮球 #体育 #賭博 #冰球 #欖球 #榄球 #棒球 #打拳 #高爾夫球 #網球 #FADEbrandonlang #FADE #brandonlang #lang #brandonlangsucks #langed #vitterd #vitch #vitched #vitchmade #ratterd #clitterd #clitterd #clittard #rattard #ratturd #creep #creeps #creepy #creepypp #pedophile #pedophiles #pedo #pedophilia #credibilityrapist #fraud #fraudsters #mattymoments #Degenerates #degeneratespub #mattylice #queenclitty #kingvitty #pfive4life #fattymatty #fattymattymoments #vitting #kingmoments3220 #mattmoments
Attention Vitter and Enikk- Cappers Challenge
TheGx Forum🍻
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