🤖 #3Dtisk je ideální metoda výroby nástrojů pro roboty. Potvrzuje to i návštěva v opavské společnosti G. M. PROJECT:
„V našem výrobním procesu už bychom se dnes bez 3D tisku neobešli. Exceluje při přípravě tvarově speciálních součástí, které bychom jinak nezískali. Časová úspora při jejich výrobě je pro nás klíčová.“
► Jak a k čemu v GMProject využívají 3D tisku termoplastů i odolných kompozitů: https://3dwiser.com/3d-tisk-nastroju-pro-roboty/
#aditivnivyroba #robot #automatizace #vyroba #prumysl #kompozit #FFF #CFR
#3dtisk #aditivnivyroba #robot #automatizace #vyroba #prumysl #kompozit #fff #cfr
Intrinsic and effective #severity of #COVID19 cases infected with the ancestral strain and #Omicron #BA2 #variant in #HK https://academic.oup.com/jid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/infdis/jiad236/7208626?rss=1 #epidemiology #cfr #resources #hospital #wuhan #china
#Severity #COVID19 #omicron #ba2 #variant #hk #epidemiology #cfr #resources #hospital #Wuhan #china
I really enjoy Tim Cushing's reporting for TechDirt :)
#TechDirt #TimCushing #EarnIt #Tech #Encryption #Section230 #CFR
#techdirt #timcushing #earnit #tech #encryption #section230 #cfr
🚆#CFR Călători va suplimenta numărul trenurilor directe către litoral, de 1 Mai, din toate zonele țării. Mai multe conexiuni și către #București, de unde pleacă spre mare un tren la două ore.
#cfr #bucurești #news #știri #romania
Pro-life Activist Fr. Fidelis' Heroic Witness, Facing Prison
Fr. Fidelis Moscinski of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal has garnered national attention for his continued pro-life witness before abortion centers. Despite numerous court cases and looming prison time, Fr. Fidelis is leading the charge in pro-life activism as he is continues to offer his life as a sacrifice for the unborn in a spirit of prayer and tranquility. Join LifeSiteNews Senior Correspondent Jim Hale in this special report as he follows Fr. Fidelis and his close associates to recount the constant courage seen in Fr. Fidelis’ pro-life work and his refusal to stop shining the light of Christ’s truth and grace into the culture of death.
🇷🇴🚂🚃🚃 We arrived at #Timișoara🇷🇴 North station with about +20min with IRN 79 "Muntenia" from #Budapest🇭🇺. There, it was time for a change to the freshly attached #CFR🇷🇴 WLABmee sleeper carriage to #Bucharest🇷🇴. Classical dark brown wood paneling all the way 😉😍👍!
#timișoara #budapest #cfr #bucharest
🇭🇺🚂🚃🚃🇷🇴 Here are some impressions of our trip with long-distance #InterCity-service №79 "Muntenia" from #Budapest🇭🇺 to #Bucharest🇷🇴 on Hungarian soil! At #Békéscsaba🇭🇺 the MÁV🇭🇺 2nd class carriages for the regional service left the train. It's pics of the 2 #CFR🇷🇴 2nd class & 1 AcBc🎸 couchette car.
#intercity #budapest #bucharest #bekescsaba #cfr
🇭🇺🚂🚃🚃 It's time to continue the trip with long-distance #InterCity-service №79 "Muntenia" from #Budapest🇭🇺 to #Bucharest🇷🇴! It's two #CFR🇷🇴 2nd class & 1 AcBc🎸 couchette car travelling the total length of 778.49 km in 16h 56min 👍 (Sadly no #diningcar 😢)
#intercity #budapest #bucharest #cfr #Diningcar
👮#DIICOT a trimis în judecată 35 de persoane, inclusiv fosta conducere a 🚆#CFR Marfă, acuzată că a prejudiciat compania cu 7,5 milioane 💶#EUR, prin vânzarea a peste 2.400 de vagoane ca fier vechi, la valoare și calitate subestimate.
#diicot #cfr #EUR #news #știri #romania
Well that wasn't too bad. Sore wrists from all the CPR practice and a sore head from trying to remember all the mnemonics but.... ready for another 8 hours on the road too becoming a #CFR
Tomorrow, Saturday, I start my #CFR training. That's community first responder, in the UK the government has run down the #NHS, specifically the #Ambulance and #AandE services, so much they now rely on volunteers with just 4 days training to provide life support while ambulances queue outside hospitals.
Ranting aside, does anyone out there know what I might expect from the training and I guess more importantly, from actually getting called out to a patient?
Das #OGL-Debakel hat uns auch mit reichlich Begriffswirrwarr beschenkt. @KoboldPress erklärt heute: Was ist #CoreFantasyRoleplay und was hat es mit #ProjectBlackFlag zu tun?
tl;dr: #CFR ist der 5e kompatible Regelkern im Zentrum von #ProjectBlackFlag
#ogl #corefantasyroleplay #projectblackflag #cfr
🇷🇴🚂🚃🚃 It is time to travel back from beautiful city of #Brașov🇷🇴! We take #nighttrain №406 "Corona" to #Budapest🇭🇺.
But before entering let's have a look at the beautiful winter❄️ railway scenery at the station with nice #CFR🇷🇴 class 41 and 64 locos in retro style around.
#brașov #nighttrain #budapest #cfr
🇷🇴❄️🚂🚃🚃 Arrival in deep winter❄️ #Brașov🇷🇴. Our #nighttrain №347 "Dacia" had about +25min. What a wonderful ride with very friendly people but also with some classical Balkan vibes like heavily drunk people and forbidden smokers in their compartment 😉. Inside #Romania, a nice #CFR🇷🇴 class 47 was working the train.
😢 Sadly no Romanian #diningcar anymore, but a bar is better than nothing 👍!
#brașov #nighttrain #romania #cfr #Diningcar
The menu and pricelist of the #CFR🇷🇴 bar with #nighttrain №347 "Dacia" from #Vienna🇦🇹 to #Bucharest🇷🇴 inside Romania. #diningcar #SleeperAndEater
#cfr #nighttrain #Vienna #bucharest #Diningcar #sleeperandeater
🇷🇴☕ Since there is no #CFR🇷🇴 #diningcar anymore with #nighttrain №347 "Dacia", only a small bar is doing the job 😍. Two very friendly staff member were taking our order: Coffee-to-go☕ 😉! It's not the full on, freshly cooked breakfast like before, but lovely nevertheless 👍!
🇭🇺🚂🚃🚃 Sadly, the #MÁV🇭🇺 #diningcar is gone with reaching #Budapest🇭🇺, but the wonderful journey continues 😍!
Here are some lovely and classical #nighttrain impressions from beautiful Keleti-station 🤩! The #CFR🇷🇴 sleeper carriage continues its trip towards the Romanian border! #SleeperAndEater
#mav #Diningcar #budapest #nighttrain #cfr #sleeperandeater
@padeluun @bahnkundenv Mir sieht das nach einem #CFR🇷🇴 Speisewagen auf. Für die Gruppe ging es wohl mit dem #Nachtzug 347 "Dacia" nach Bukarest... Das Bild ist wohl >5 Jahre alt, denn der schöne ex-DB "WRmz" Speisewagen fährt schon länger, seit ~2020, nicht mehr und das verwendete Geschirr ist noch älter 😉 .
In einer Meta-Studie hat Ioannidis die #Corona #IFR für verschiedene Länder bestimmt.
Ich habe mir die Daten für #Deutschland genauer angeschaut.
Kurz: Die IFR für U60 wird von Ioannidis um den Faktor 2 zu niedrig geschätzt.
#corona #ifr #deutschland #cfr #SARSCOV2 #COVID19