Medically Documenting Disability in #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis / #ChronicFatigueSyndrome (ME/CFS) Cases (2019)
Coauthored by the lawyer who prevailed on the disability case of @brianvastag disability case and a clinician who has done many ME/CFS disability cases
@mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME #CFIDS
Probably of use to some with #LongCovid @longcovid
#PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #postcovid
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #cfids #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #lc #PostCovid
“What Does It Mean to Really, Truly Rest?” (December 2022)
#spoonie @spoonies #chronicillness @chronicillness #fatigue #fatiguetips #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesucks #pacing #rest #resting @mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME @longcovid
#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #postcovid
#spoonie #chronicillness #fatigue #fatiguetips #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesucks #pacing #rest #resting #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #lc #PostCovid
From the Solve ME/CFS Initiative:
Our flagship research and advocacy journal, The Chronicle, has arrived! This special edition features key resources from our website that community members can utilize as they navigate their journeys with #MECFS or #LongCovid.
Click to read:
@mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFSME #CFIDS
#SEID #NeuroME
#mecfs #LongCovid #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME
Canada - Quebec INESSS, the body in charge of medical guidelines and recommendations, published a set of documents in April 2023 for the clinical management of ME/CFS. There are three surveys (in French) asking for feedback on the three main documents.
#sfc #Syndromedefatiguechronique #encephalomyelitemyalgique #em @mecfs
#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME #CFIDS
#sfc #syndromedefatiguechronique #encephalomyelitemyalgique #em #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #cfids
"I constantly wonder whether I could have avoided disability if I had known to stop and rest when I first became ill. I hope that every new ME/CFS patient will avoid pushing through, as I tried to do, and instead will rest, discern their energy envelope as well as they can while living with a constantly changing illness, and avoid physical, emotional, and mental stressors as much as possible."
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme
“Other viruses, such as Epstein-Barr virus (#EBV), are also thought to trigger ME/CFS, although the mechanisms are equally complex.
Like other human herpes viruses, EBV can hide out in the body, evading the immune system for years until stress or some other illness reactivates the virus.”
@mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME #CFIDS
#SEID #NeuroME
#EBV #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME
“What's more, by the time a person develops ME/CFS and receives a formal diagnosis (if they do), they or their treating doctor might not make the connection between their illness and a previous viral infection.”
@mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyE #ME #millionsmissing #CFSME #CFIDS
#SEID #NeuroME
#mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mye #me #millionsmissing #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME
ME Research UK
#DecodeME is the largest ME/CFS study in the world & is ongoing but a paper has recently been published reporting initial findings from the questionnaire relating to the characteristics of the people who have taken part so far.
Read more here:
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #ME #MyE #millionsmissing
#decodeme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids #seid #NeuroME #me #mye #millionsmissing
(Northern Ireland)
Thanks to Laura for sharing how ME has had a huge impact on her life & for her family & the donors for raising much-needed money for research via @meresearchuk
Fundraising page:
"Multi-system chronic diseases like ME are not too mysterious or complicated to solve. We just haven’t devoted enough resources into solving them"
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #NeuroME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #NeuroME
"(Contd.)—or sensing bright lights and loud sounds, regulating body temperature on hot days, or coping with stress. And if in fatigue your batteries feel drained, in PEM they’re missing entirely. It’s the annihilation of possibility.”
@mecfs @longcovid #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #longhaulers
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids #seid #NeuroME #LongCovid #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid #PostCovid19 #lc #covidlonghaulers #LongHaulers
Press release:
"A Better Understanding of #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis / #ChronicFatigueSyndrome Could Benefit #LongCOVID Patients"
On the special edition of the journal WORK on #MEcfs & #postcovid
With quotes from Amy Mooney, an occupational therapist
@longcovid @mecfs #OT #OTalk #OccupationalTherapist #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #longhaulers
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #LongCovid #mecfs #PostCovid #ot #otalk #occupationaltherapist #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #pwlc #postcovidsyndrome #PostCovid19 #lc #covidlonghaulers #LongHaulers
New Zealand press release:
ANZMES welcomes HSC recommendations for improved access to disability services for people with ME/CFS
"in practice ANZMES has found that many with ME/CFS are denied help, despite the obvious need." ☹️
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme
"NIH Researchers Find New Mitochondrial Abnormality in ME/CFS"
This article on this fascinating and exciting study is not short. But Cort does include have a “gist” section (i.e. layperson’s summary) which is shorter.
Lots of aspects to this research so does take longer to explain than most studies
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme
From Simmaron Research: Read Simmaron's Summer review:
We are resolving key roadblocks to treatments: lack of animal models & poorly defined subsets. We are blowing the door open for treatment discovery and for pharma investment in #ME & #LongCovid. Read more and retoot.
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS
#me #LongCovid #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids
REMINDER: NIH ME/CFS Research Roadmap Webinar: Nervous System – August 25, 2023, 10am-2pm
Speakers include: Gudrun Lange, PhD; Peter Rowe, MD; Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD; Jarred Younger, PhD; Janet Mullington, PhD; Peter Novak, MD, PhD
Links in image:
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids
"...people with other chronic diseases, such as for example diabetes or multiple sclerosis, do not have the same problems of disbelief and lack of legitimisation experienced by people with ME/CFS. All people with chronic diseases need, and should be entitled to, social support, but few experience the same difficulty accessing it as people with ME/CFS."
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids
"Expanding on our findings, skeletal muscle biopsy samples obtained from a cohort of patients with ME/ #CFS showed increased WASF3 protein levels and aberrant ER stress activation."
These give simpler explanations:
A protein that disrupt cell's energy centers may be a culprit in chronic fatigue syndrome
Science Alert:
This Protein Could be Responsible For The Exhaustion in #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
#cfs #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfsme #myalgice #mye
"Artists severely affected by #MECFS have created an exhibition about their disease which is currently on display at Künstlerhaus in Vienna
Link that should translate webpage into whatever language you want:
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #SevereME #SevereMECFS
#SevereCFS #VerySevereME
#mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids #seid #NeuroME #SevereME #severemecfs #severecfs #verysevereme
"They didn’t understand PEM. I was told if I didn’t try GET it meant I didn’t really want to get better. I was told it was impossible for exercise to harm. They told me how GET helped patients much sicker than me with MS, stroke & Parkinsons. If they could do it, why couldn’t you."
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #GradedExerciseTherapy #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #CBT
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids #seid #NeuroME #gradedexercisetherapy #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #cbt
Response to this on the bird site:
"The head psych I had to see at my local hospital for CBT & GET had never ever read any scientific papers about ME outside the field of psychology. I found this out as I was asking how his statements fitted with the science I had read. GET ended up disabling me permanently (contd.)"
@mecfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #CFSME #MEeps #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME #GradedExerciseTherapy #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #CBT
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #cfsme #meeps #cfids #seid #NeuroME #gradedexercisetherapy #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #cbt