Press Release: NASA, Boeing to Provide Progress Update on Starliner Crew Flight Test
We’re pleased to invite you to contribute to The 21st Australasian Data Science and Machine Learning Conference (AUSDM’23), a premier event for both practitioners and researchers in the realm of data mining.
Please check out details on
Please send your proposal by the 15th of September 2023 to the Dr Andrew Lensen, at
We will notify the successful applicants by 29th September 2023
#cft #conference #DataScience #ML #ausdm
#cft #conference #DataScience #ml #ausdm
Chichester Festival Theatre and the Minerva Theatre on the opposite side of the road
#chichester #festivaltheatre #cft #minerva
The NASA/Boeing Starliner CFT, which was NET July 21, is now TBD.
This post from Boeing mentions just an issue with parachutes, but there also issues with possible battery sidewall ruptures and tape with a somewhat flammable adhesive.
🗣 We are very happy to announce that we will be the hosts of #INTH2024, the 5th network conference of the International Network for Theory of History, with the theme "History & Responsibility: Doing History in Times of Conflicting Political Demands".
The call for papers is now open!
#histodons #TheoryOfHistory #historiography #HistoryInThePublicSphere #CFT
#inth2024 #histodons #TheoryofHistory #historiography #historyinthepublicsphere #cft
Starliner espaziontziaren #CFT misioa, uztailaren 21etik aurrera atzeratu da.
Aurreko martxoak 22an (Sol 741), #Ingenuity robot-helikopteroak 48garren hegaldia egin zuen (398 m.ko ibilbidea 12 m.tako altueran, 4,65 m/s-ko abiaduraz 149,9 segunduz). "Iota" aireratze puntutik "Kappa" lurreratze punturarte.
#cft #ingenuity #Espazioa #marte
NASA/Boeing Starliner CFT Media Teleconference:
Wed Mar 29 at 18:00 UTC.
Compagnie Financière Tradition erwirtschaftet 2022 mehr Gewinn
Der Finanzbroker Compagnie Financière Tradition (CFT) hat das Geschäftsjahr 2022 mit einem klaren Gewinnplus beendet. Den Aktionären stellt die Gesellschaft eine höhere Dividende sowie erneut eine Zusatzdividende in Form von neuen Aktien in Aussicht. #CFT #news
It’s depressing as hell that education unions like #CFT have to take on #GunSafety. Why should ending #GunViolence fall to teachers? Because those in power are failing us.
#cft #gunsafety #gunviolence #unions
The #CFT convention is my first big union meeting outside my local (other than a #LaborNote #Troublemakers school), and it’s like any other professional conference I’ve been too, but the vibes are different. Way more sincere.
That’s #unions for you!
#cft #labornote #troublemakers #unions
Props to #CFT to still have Covid protocols. They’re checking vaccination status and have mandatory tests.
#mudge did a talk at the culminating event for the #DARPA CFT (Cyber Fast Track) tells some good stories and personal anecdotes. Link below.
#compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #dod #usg
#mudge #darpa #compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #dod #usg
#mudge had some postmortems about #DARPA CFT (Cyber Fast Track) that are interesting.
#compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #dod #usg
#mudge #darpa #compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #dod #usg
#DARPA CFT (Cyber Fast Track) was a great program. It created an on ramp that brought a niche, boutique, community into govt funding circles. Loved these presentations by #mudge
Original keynote :
A year later keynote :
#compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #defcon #shmoocon
#darpa #mudge #compsci #computerscience #cyber #cft #security #cybersecurity #defcon #shmoocon
Minu Eesti Vabariik 1️⃣0️⃣5️⃣ - Vabadussõja mälestussamba tseremooniast, lipu tervitamise, Kaitseliidu relvanäituse ja Maitsva Tartu lõunani. ( Esimesed kaks pilti: Sille Annuk - Tartu Postimees)
Ela, kasva, õitse Eesti Vabariik ad aeternum!!! 🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪🇪
💙🖤🤍 #eesti #eestieest #estonia #105
#ev105 #kaitseliit #tartumalev #akadeemilinemalevkond
🟢⚪🟣 #fraternitastartuensis #tartuensis #cft
#eesti #eestieest #estonia #ev105 #kaitseliit #tartumalev #akadeemilinemalevkond #fraternitastartuensis #tartuensis #cft
ULA - Boeing Starliner CFT
Atlas V N22 from CCSFS LC-41
NASA Press Release:
"NASA and Boeing will host a mission overview media teleconference at 11 a.m. EST Friday, Feb. 17, to provide a status update on the first astronaut flight test of the company’s CST-100 Starliner to the International Space Station. Launch is targeted for no earlier than April to the microgravity laboratory."
#cft #crewedflighttest #Starliner #boeing #nasa
Crew operations training gears up for Starliner and Orion
Operations to support the upcoming first crew flights of Starliner and Orion are increasing around… The post Crew operations training gears up for Starliner and Orion appeared first on .
#Artemis #Boeing/Starliner #Commercial #Featured #Artemis_II #Boeing #CFT #Commercial_Crew #Crew #DoD #NASA #Orion #Starliner
#artemis #boeing #commercial #featured #artemis_ii #cft #commercial_crew #crew #dod #nasa #orion #starliner
The Starliner Crew Module being mated with the Service Module ahead of the Crew Flight Test.
📸Boeing/John Grant