Cryfach gyda'n gilydd
A Wales wide networking event for cultural freelancers
Where? Bangor
When? 22nd September 2023
You won't want to miss out on this one.
Sign up for your FREE place now!
#cfwcymru #freelancers #bangor #networking
What are you up to next weekend?
Well if you're in mid-Wales we hope you're going to Newtown for the first Wales Artists Book Fair! 📚 🎨
📆 September 2-3
One of this year's Freelance Futurisms commissions.
#CFWCymru #Wales #FreelanceFuturisms #MidWales #events #artists #Newtown
#cfwcymru #Wales #freelancefuturisms #midwales #events #artists #newtown
Upskilling session: Creative Freelancing and the Climate Crisis, with Durre Shahwar, Cheryl Beer, and Judith Musker Turner
15 Sept, 3pm
What role does culture and creativity play in shaping a more climate-conscious future?
This session is offered to #freelancers working in cultural and creative sectors in #Wales, as a part of Cultural Freelancers Wales' FREE Upskilling programme.
#freelancers #Wales #cfwcymru #upskilling #freelance #climate
Don't miss this month's networking walks! 👣
Our Come Rain or Shine walks in August are:
-15th Bangor
-22nd Pontypridd
-29th Carmarthen
You can find more info here:
Peidiwch â cholli ein teithiau rhwydweithio y mis hwn! 👣
Teithiau Glaw neu Hindda mis Awst:
-15fed Bangor
-22ain Pontypridd
-29ain Caerfyrddin
Am fwy o wybodaeth:
Thank you to everyone who filled out our survey this year! We'll be mulling over the data next. Huge thanks if you helped us get the word out!
Diolch i bawb a lenwodd ein harolwg eleni! Byddwn yn bwrw golwg dros y data nesaf. Diolch enfawr os gwnaethoch chi ein helpu ni ledaenu'r gair!
Last call! 📢 Our big Freelance Check-In survey closes on Monday July 31st and we need to hear from you.
Let us know how you’re doing out there by submitting your thoughts here:
By participating in our research you help us:
- lobby for support and more funding
- tell people who the freelance workforce in Wales is
- focus on getting you the right kind of support
#CFWCymru #CulturalFreelancersWales #FreelanceCheckIn #surveys #Wales #freelancers
#cfwcymru #culturalfreelancerswales #freelancecheckin #surveys #Wales #freelancers
Y cyfle olaf! Mae’r Arolwg i Lawryddion yn cau ddydd Llun 31 Gorffennaf ac mae angen i ni glywed oddi wrthych.
Gadewch i ni wybod sut mae pethau’n mynd i chi trwy nodi eich sylwadau yma:
Trwy gymryd rhan yn ein hymchwil ni, rydych yn ein helpu:
- i lobïo am gymorth a rhagor o arian
- i ddweud wrth bobl pwy yw’r gweithlu llawrydd yng Nghymru
- i ffocysu ar gael y math iawn o gymorth i chi
#CFWCymru #CulturalFreelancersWales #FreelanceCheckIn #Wales #freelancers
#cfwcymru #culturalfreelancerswales #freelancecheckin #Wales #freelancers
Os ydych chi’n gweithio’n llawrydd yng Nghymru, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed oddi wrthych! Rydym wedi lansio Arolwg 2023, ac mae croeso i unrhyw un sy’n gweithio ym meysydd diwylliant, treftadaeth neu’r celfyddydau gyflwyno eu hatebion.
Ydy hynny’n swnio’n debyg i chi, neu rywun rydych chi’n ei adnabod? Plis rhowch hwb i’r neges hon a’i rhannu, fel bod modd i ni gyrraedd rhagor o bobl!
Cwblhewch yr Arolwg i Lawryddion yma:
🗣️ Yn galw ar holl lawryddion celfyddydol Cymru! 🏴
PLIS CWBLHEWCH A RHANNU: mae’r arolwg mawr i lawryddion 2023 ar gael yma. Am y 3ydd tro ers i’r pandemig daro, ry’n ni’n tracio llawryddion ar draws y sector celfyddydol yng Nghymru i weld sut mae pethau’n mynd iddyn nhw.
Sut mae effeithiau’r pandemig, yr argyfwng costau byw, Brexit, a ffactorau eraill, wedi effeithio ar lawryddion celfyddydol yn y DU?
Cwblhewch yr Arolwg i Lawryddion yma:
🗣️ Calling all cultural freelancers in Wales! 🏴
PLEASE FILL IN & SHARE: our big 2023 freelancer survey is here. We’re tracking how freelancers across the culture sector in Wales are doing for the 3rd time since the pandemic hit.
How have the effects of the pandemic, a cost of living crisis, Brexit, and more affected arts freelancers in the UK?
Complete the survey here and spread the word:
#CFWCymru #CulturalFreelancersWales #FreelanceCheckIn #Wales #freelancers
#freelancers #Wales #freelancecheckin #culturalfreelancerswales #cfwcymru
Diolch i bawb a fynychodd ein teithiau rhwydweithio cyntaf Glaw neu Hindda x LlCC ym mis Mai! 👣
Rydym yn gobeithio gweld llawer mwy ohonoch ym mis Mehefin ym Mangor, Caerfyrddin a Phontypridd.🌻
Mae mwy o wybodaeth a dyddiadau ar gael ar y grŵp Facebook yma:
#freelancers #walks #Wales #networking #cfwcymru
Thank you to everyone who attended our first Come Rain or Shine x CFW networking walks in May! 👣
We hope to see many more of you in June in #Bangor, #Carmarthen, and #Pontypridd. 🌻
More info here:
#freelancers #walks #Wales #networking #cfwcymru #pontypridd #Carmarthen #bangor
Ydych chi wedi clywed am ein teithiau cerdded rhwydweithio? 👣
Gwahoddir gweithwyr llawrydd i ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein teithiau cerdded Glaw neu Hindda x LlCC yng Nghaerfyrddin, Bangor a Phontypridd.
Mae mwy o wybodaeth a dyddiadau ar gael ar y grŵp Facebook yma:
#freelancers #Wales #welshfreelancers #cfwcymru
Have you heard about our #networking walks? 👣
Freelancers are invited to join us for our Come Rain Or Shine x CFW walks in #Carmarthen, #Bangor, and #Pontypridd
More information and dates available on the Facebook group here:
#freelancers #Wales #welshfreelancers #cfwcymru #pontypridd #bangor #Carmarthen #networking
I'm hosting a #ComeRainOrShine #networking walk in #Carmarthen next Tuesday: we meet at Oreknot Creative Hub on Bridge Street and go for a sort of mindful walk together.
It's aimed at #freelancers in the #arts, #culture or #creative industries, so please come along if you feel like that sounds like you!
💰 Shared pot of £200 split between the partipants (🙏 Arts Council Wales)
🕚 11am - 1pm
You can also RSVP on FB if that's your jam:
#comerainorshine #networking #Carmarthen #freelancers #arts #culture #creative #cfwcymru #freelancing
Missed this morning's Q&A about professional development with A&B Cymru? Join us at 6pm today for another go!
A golloch y sesiwn holi-ac-ateb y bore yma am ddatblygiad proffesiynol gyda C&B Cymru? Ymunwch â ni eto am 6pm heddiw!
#Wales #freelancers #welshfreelancers #cfwcymru
📢 A ydych yn ystyried eich cam nesaf o ddatblygiad proffesiynol? 👀
Ymunwch â ni ar ddydd Mawrth 25 Ebrill am ddau sesiwn holi-ac-ateb gyda Will o C&B Cymru i gael gwybod am rai lleoliadau AM DDIM y gallwn eu cynnig i weithwyr llawrydd:
#CFWCymru #WelshFreelancers #ProfessionalDevelopment #freelancers
#freelancers #professionaldevelopment #welshfreelancers #cfwcymru
📢 Thinking about your next bit of professional development? 👀
Join us on Tues April 25 for two Q&As with Will from A&B Cymru to find out about some FREE placements we can offer to freelancers:
#CFWCymru #WelshFreelancers #ProfessionalDevelopment #freelancers #freebies
#freebies #freelancers #professionaldevelopment #welshfreelancers #cfwcymru
Dysgwch fwy am yr hyn y gall C&B Cymru ei gynnig i chi fel gweithwyr llawrydd diwylliannol yng Nghymru!
🗓️ Ebrill 25ain
Bydd y sesiynau yn Saesneg ar Zoom am 11am a 6pm:
#training #WelshFreelancers #CFWCymru #freelancers #Wales #opportunities
#opportunities #Wales #freelancers #cfwcymru #welshfreelancers #training