What an adventure I had in #vrchat! First I climbed up a tree, then I looked far beyond the lands. After that I was really cold so I warmed up myself on this awesome campfire-crystal. And then I went swimming!
All that in the #furality worlds.
Pictures made by: @SamuraTheFennec - thank you so much!!
#cfzluma2023 #furalitylumafestival #fullbodytracking #furry #dragon
#vrchat #furality #cfzluma2023 #furalitylumafestival #fullbodytracking #furry #dragon
- 1 entry per person (please don't try and use alts to cheat)
- Post any furry content (sfw and you have permission for) from #vrchat to help boost #vr content on the Fediverse
- Be sure to include both #cfzluma2023 (so I can track your entries) and #furalitylumafestival (to help promote the event)
Good Luck!!
(Post 2/2)
#vrchat #VR #cfzluma2023 #furalitylumafestival