Flt: #N55CH #CGS-#HPN
First seen: 2023/05/23 18:10:06
Min Alt: 3625 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.27 nm
Peak Audio: -61 dBFS
Loudness: 1 dB
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a6fd4c #n55ch #cgs #hpn #planefence #adsb
Les 15 et 16 avril, venez jouer aux #JDR lors du #CGS à Charleville-Mézières. Vous pourrez aussi y rencontre nos invités : Julien Pirou, l'auteur de Lore & Legacy et de la Grande Aventure du Jeu de Rôle ainsi que Vincent Mathieu, l'auteur de Cat's la Mascarade !
En plus, si vous réserver une place à une table de jeu, vous participerez à un tirage au sort pour remporter un pass pour le week-end !
Very lucky students at #nyuabudhabi. #nyuadartscenter’s #BarzakhFestival brought four bands and today alone we had 4 class visits, a panel discussion about tradition and contemporary practice and a dinner with all the artists for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Thanks to #CGS #ADG7 #SahraHalgan and #Lemma plus all the faculty and students
#WorldmMusic #festivals #algeria #korea #somaliland #italy #pizzica #trance #music #BorderCrossing #AbuDhabi #uae #highered
#nyuabudhabi #nyuadartscenter #barzakhfestival #cgs #adg7 #sahrahalgan #lemma #worldmmusic #festivals #algeria #korea #somaliland #italy #pizzica #trance #music #bordercrossing #abudhabi #uae #highered
Three positive things for today:
1. Watching a flock of goldfinches bopping around my patio this morning.
2. Another of #NickZenter 's #Geology presentations. His guest, Randy Enkin of the #Canada #Geological Survey (#CGS), was great.
3. Developing a (layman's) understanding of #paleomagmatism from Nick's "BajaBC A to Z" presentations. (I like learning new and complex things. 🙂)
#nickzenter #geology #Canada #geological #cgs #paleomagmatism #reasonstobecheerful #3goodthings
#Graduate #scholarship/#stipend #funding has always been too low, and the fact that..
"The #SSHRC #Doctoral #Fellowship increased to $20 000 two decades ago and has remained frozen ever since. The (#NSERC) #Canadian Graduate Scholarship (#CGS) program was introduced in 2003 and the dollar amount has stayed the same, meaning that #inflation has cut the value of these #scholarships by a third."
...means that it's currently abysmal in #Canada.
#Graduate #scholarship #funding #sshrc #doctoral #Fellowship #NSERC #canadian #cgs #inflation #scholarships #canada
Mauro Durante, above, is also leader of #CGS - #canzioneregrecanicosalentino - a leading #pizzica #taranta group from #puglia in Southern #Italy. Here’s a taste of their hypnotic and ecstatic #music. They will be a part of #Barzakh festival (we try not to frame it as #world music, but…) on Feb 3.
#cgs #canzioneregrecanicosalentino #pizzica #taranta #puglia #italy #music #barzakh #world #musodon
Welcoming the next wave of #twittermigration with more #music from the upcoming Jan 15 #globalFEST at #LincolnCenter
Justin Adams + Mauro Durante
#JustinAdams plays guitar with #RobertPlant, produced #Tinariwen and is a #desertblues pioneer. He’s also worked with #BrianEno #JahWobble #sineadoconnor and many others.
#MauroDurante plays #violin #fiddle #percussion and #vox , and leads #CGS #CanzionereGrecanicoSalentino #pizzica #folkmusic from #Puglia #Italy
#twittermigration #music #globalfest #lincolncenter #justinadams #robertplant #tinariwen #desertblues #brianeno #jahwobble #sineadoconnor #maurodurante #violin #fiddle #percussion #vox #cgs #canzioneregrecanicosalentino #pizzica #folkmusic #puglia #italy
Welcoming the next wave of #twittermigration with more #music from the upcoming Jan 15 #globalFEST at #LincolnCenter
Justin Adams + Mauro Durante
#JustinAdams plays guitar with #RobertPlant, produced #Tinariwen and is a #desertblues pioneer. He’s also worked with #BrianEno #JahWobble #sineadoconnor and many others.
#MauroDurante plays #violin #fiddle #percussion and #vox , and leads #CGS #CanzionereGrecanicoSalentino #pizzica #folkmusic from #Puglia #Italy
#twittermigration #music #globalfest #lincolncenter #justinadams #robertplant #tinariwen #desertblues #brianeno #jahwobble #sineadoconnor #maurodurante #violin #fiddle #percussion #vox #cgs #canzioneregrecanicosalentino #pizzica #folkmusic #puglia #italy
“Così Yoox e confederali impongono turni impossibili alle operaie” https://www.zic.it/cosi-yoox-e-confederali-impongono-turni-impossibili-alle-operaie/ #coordinamenomigranti #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #Movimenti #Migranti #LisGroup #Generi #mrjob #cgil #cisl #ynap #yoox #cgs #uil
#coordinamenomigranti #lavoroeprecarietà #acabnewsbologna #movimenti #migranti #LisGroup #generi #mrjob #cgil #cisl #Ynap #yoox #cgs #uil
Gelo nei magazzini Yoox-Geodis, un lavoratore in ospedale https://www.zic.it/gelo-nei-magazzini-yoox-geodis-un-lavoratore-in-ospedale/ #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #logistica #geodis #yoox #cgs #mmp
#lavoroeprecarietà #acabnewsbologna #logistica #geodis #yoox #cgs #mmp