Charlie Goes West: The Wrap-Up
Statistics and lessons learned. Was the trip worth it? Hell yeah it was.
Denver, CO to Volo, IL
A note about Charlie's eating habits: Charlie is always a bit of a fussy eater when we are on the road. I had packed some wet food to mix into his dry kibble (what he usually has at home) but half-open containers need to be refrigerated, which wasn't always easy. I discovered that he will happily eat his dry kibble...if it is directly out of my hand. How
Charlie Goes West, Days 21 and 22: Albuquerque, NM to Denver, CO. Mountains, visits with friends, pastries to die for, and a very wet and sad-looking Charlie.
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Charlie Goes West, Days 19 and 20: Albuquerque, NM. Neon signs, breaking and entering, dinner with a friend, and getting high (like 10,000+ feet high)!
#cgw #roadtrip #travel #charlie
Charlie Goes West, Days 16 and 17: Albuquerque, NM. Dogs and coffee, two great things that go great together. Art that is more than meets the eye. So. Much. Beer. And a sweet and spicy dessert to top it off!
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Charlie Goes West, Day 16: Flagstaff, AZ to Albuquerque, NM. Standin' on the corner at 9 AM on a Sunday morning in a small town means nobody is around to slow down to take a look at anybody. Also: petrified wood, regrettable burgers, boxing bears, and duck confit!
#cgw #roadtrip #travel #charlie
Charlie Goes West, Days 14-15: Flagstaff, AZ. Fun with elevation, making friends over dogs and beer, scenic canyons, and a ski area (sans snow).
#charlie #travel #roadtrip #cgw
Charlie Goes West, Day 13: Flagstaff, AZ. Back to work (sort of), avocado toast, tasty beers, and a dinner that may kill me.
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Charlie Goes West, Day 12: Bakersfield, CA to Flagstaff, AZ. Lots of driving, mountains, desserts, ribs with friends, and dinner rained out.
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Charlie Goes West, Day 11: Sunnyvale, CA to Bakersfield, CA. Charlie meets the Pacific, a boozy amusement park, and a sketchy hotel!
#cgw #roadtrip #travel #charlie
Charlie Goes West, Day 10: Tracy, CA to Sunnyvale, CA. Twisty winding mountain roads, beer (because beer), and a fun dinner with friends.
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Charlie Goes West, Days 8 & 9: Winnemucca, NV to Tracy, CA. High-speed mountain driving, meals with friends, a random breakfast find, and some nice breweries to visit as long as you don't drink their beer!
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Charlie Goes West, Day 6: Idaho Falls, ID to Boise, ID. A change of plans, Lupe the Basset Hound, Craters of the Moon, and a minor mishap for Charlie.
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Charlie Goes West, Day 4: Rapid City, SD to Thermopolis, WY. Sriracha aioli, surprise canyons, whiskey with integrity, meeting new friends!
Charlie Goes West, Day 3: Sioux Falls, SD to Rapid City, SD. Badlands (lowlands and uplands), burning trucks, kimchi, and beer (because of course there's beer)!
#cgw #roadtrip #travel #charlie
Charlie Goes West, Day 2: Westward across Iowa, loose meat, foxy beer logos, and waterfalls! (Note: no waterfalls were chased, as instructed.)
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Charlie Goes West, Day 1: Volo, IL to Waterloo IA. Rolling hills, several breweries, and some exceptionally friendly locals were a highlight of today’s trip!
Packing and planning for the road trip is almost done, and the itinerary is ready to go! Also, the dog sitter got the Full Nora Experience during the "test stay" but loves Nora anyway.
#cgw #travel #charlie #driving #nora #roadtrip
Charlie Goes West! (Summer 2023 Road Trip)
My 2023 road trip is almost here. It even has a name: Charlie Goes West! I talk about why I chose the route I did, and what I'm looking forward to.
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