#Earthquake (#지진) M4.8 strikes 49 km SE of #Ch’ŏngjin (Dem. Rep. of Korea) 18 min ago. More info: http://m.emsc.eu/?id=1549964
Qui est né un 31 août ? Mais Jean Béliveau, bien sûr. • https://oreilletendue.com/2014/12/03/jean-beliveau-1931-2014/ • #béliveau #hockey #habs #ch #otd #oreilletendue
#beliveau #hockey #habs #ch #otd #oreilletendue
> #観光客Cさん, #Arknights, #ークナイツ, #Ch'en (Arknights), #Arknights, #Female Tourist C, #armpits, #Arknights 10000+ bookmarks, #belly
#belly #armpits #female #ch #ークナイツ #arknights #観光客Cさん
Presidente Gustavo #Petro (#CH|Sinistra): "Parliamo delle cose su cui siamo in dissenso, perché quelle su cui siamo d'accordo le abbiamo già scritte, come la bozza della Dichiarazione di Belem che sarà adottata alla fine del vertice #Amazzonia in cui non sono stati inseriti riferimenti alla fine dell'esplorazione petrolifera nell'area."
#colombia #petro #ch #amazzonia
Oui, bien sûr, c’est l’anniversaire de Ken Dryden. • https://oreilletendue.com/2022/08/08/ken-dryden-et-la-radio/ • #habs #hockey #ch #dryden #radio #oreilletendue
#habs #hockey #ch #dryden #radio #oreilletendue
Qui est né un 4 août (en 1921) ? Maurice Richard, bien sûr. • http://oreilletendue.com/2014/08/04/maurice-richard-1921-2000/ • #hockey #habs #ch #rocket #richard #otd #oreilletendue
#hockey #habs #ch #rocket #richard #otd #oreilletendue
#SymLink: The article delves into a lighthearted conversation about various types of peanut butter, including natural and commercial varieties, and introduces the Chaos Lever podcast. It explores the process of grinding peanuts to make fresh peanut butter and highlights the differences in taste and ingredients among different brands. #PeanutButter #Food #Podcast #Ch
@Commvault @NonameSecurity @NetAlly @Cisco @Cribl_IO @Ned1313 @Hayner80 #XFD9 @Chaos_Lever #Podcast
#SymLink #peanutbutter #food #podcast #ch #xfd9
@algowatching FDP in CH are using AI generated imagery for their election campaign, and it‘s a first sign of dirty fighting in the campaigns to come because they intentionally mislead viewers with regards to the blocked ambulance … https://www.watson.ch/schweiz/wahlen%202023/199284080-fdp-macht-wahlkampf-mit-ki-bild-warum-nun-darueber-diskutiert-wird
#ch #politics #ai
kiero acompañar este #bordado de las palabras de #SilviaRiveraCusicanqui sobre lo que somos: "Entonces la idea es también, como #coexistir entre diferentes estableciendo lugares en los que la diferencia no se disuelva con el sometimiento de uno al otro, sino que permanezca como cierta energía en el propio conflicto. Esta es una forma en la cual lo #ch’ixi podría resolver esta paradoja". 🌿🍃🍂
#bordado #silviariveracusicanqui #coexistir #ch
Il Presidente Gustavo #Petro (#CH|Sinistra) ha firmato il decreto che dispone il cessate il fuoco con l'Esercito di liberazione nazionale (#ELN) a partire dal 3 agosto. Il decreto, strumento cruciale dell'ambizioso piano di pace con la banda armata, prevede uno stop alle operazioni contro esponenti dell'Eln fino al 29 gennaio del 2024, salvo proroghe proposte dal Meccanismo di monitoraggio e verifica (Mmv) degli accordi.
10 Jahre nach Einführung der 2-Jahre #Gewährleistung haben die grossen #Onelineshops in der #Schweiz diese in ihren #AGB ausgeschlossen. :(
#schweiz #gewahrleistung #agb #ch #politik #onelineshops
I've just watched this compilation of live performances at 2005 German music show The Dome by #Ch!pz and it's amazing how people unironically enjoyed this music! What an unbeliveably great time was 2005? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHs28HNdtWw
Don't get me wrong! I've loved their #music ever since and probaply have more plays of Ch!pz in Black than I would ever tell anyone but seeing all those people partying to this music is just unreal.
RT by @CNPC_MX: Se pronostican para hoy, miércoles, #Lluvias intensas en #Ch#Oaxacaiapas y muy fuertes para
Más información en 👉 https://smn.conagua.gob.mx/files/pdfs/comunicados-de-prensa/Comunicado0460-23.pdf
The Tyee: K’emk’emeláy, the Place of Many Maple Trees https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/06/02/Place-Maple-Trees/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #Unbroken:MyFightforSurvival,Hope,andJusticeforIndigenousWomenandGirls #John“GassyJack”Deighton #T’uy’t’tanat-CeaseWyss #Ch’ich’iyúyElxwíkn #AngelaSterrittbook #Gitanmaaxcommunity #MapleTreeSquare #AngelaSterritt #MarissaNahanee #GitxsanNation #maplewooduses #K’emk’emeláy #Skwxwú7mesh #xwməθkwəy’əm #GlobeSaloon #Lek’lek’í #Piccadilly #Quahail-ya
#BCNews #TheTyee #unbroken #John #t #ch #angelasterrittbook #gitanmaaxcommunity #mapletreesquare #angelasterritt #marissanahanee #gitxsannation #maplewooduses #K #skwxwu7mesh #xwməθkwəy #globesaloon #lek #piccadilly #quahail
#Canadiens' Salary Cap Issues Will Lead to Offseason Moves
@HabsUnfiltered #THW #Habs #HockeyLife #CH #GHG #Club1909 #HockeyTwitter #GoHabsGo
#Canadiens #THW #HABS #hockeylife #ch #ghg #club1909 #HockeyTwitter #gohabsgo
#Spagna #Colombia
Santiago #Abascal (#Vox|ECR): "#Petro (#CH|Sinistra) è per la Colombia ciò che Otegi è per la Spagna, un terrorista impenitente.”
Nota:I deputati di Vox hanno lasciato il Congresso per evitare di ascoltare il discorso del presidente colombiano.
#spagna #colombia #abascal #vox #petro #ch
Caufiled might get himself on this list soon
#Canadiens top 20 Goal Scorers of all time
@habsunfiltered #THW #Habs #HockeyLife #HockeyTwitter #GHG #CH #Club1909 #GoHabsGo
#Canadiens #THW #HABS #hockeylife #HockeyTwitter #ghg #ch #club1909 #gohabsgo
#Canadiens Prospects Need Support in the AHL
@HabsUnfiltered #THW #CH #Habs #HockeyLife #GHG #HockeyTwitter #Club1909 #GoHabsGo
#Canadiens #THW #ch #HABS #hockeylife #ghg #HockeyTwitter #club1909 #gohabsgo