Andrés Segovia's masterful arrangement (for guitar) and interpretation of J.S. Bach: Violin Partita No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004 - 5. Chaconne
One of my all time favorites, and incredibly moving to listen to while following along with the sheet music
#AndrésSegovia #Bach #ClassicalGuitar #Chaconne #art #guitar #AndresSegovia #classical #music #song #share
#andressegovia #bach #classicalguitar #chaconne #art #guitar #classical #music #song #share
Minor Key . Net Playlist 7/30/23
#BobDylan #TheHermesExperiment #HéloïseWerner #TheCure #HelenCallus #JSBach #AugustinHadelich #Bach #SimonAndGarfunkel #PaulSimon #NowPlaying #Playlist #Chaconne #Ciaccona
#BobDylan #thehermesexperiment #heloisewerner #thecure #helencallus #jsbach #augustinhadelich #bach #SimonAndGarfunkel #PaulSimon #nowplaying #playlist #chaconne #ciaccona
Olivier Latry - J.S. Bach: Partita for Violin Solo No.2 in D minor, BWV 1004 - V. Chaconne (Transcr. for Organ by H. Messerer)
#Music #latry #bach #chaconne #moodmusic #mood #wednesday
Same great artists (Lawrence Power, #viola & #soprano Héloïse Werner), joined by #dancer Sharia Johnson for a creative reading of a timeless piece, #Bach's #Chaconne: the sense of space, of physically moving through the 64 #variations, is breathtaking, and so is the unveiling of the piece's spiritual dimension through the singing of religious verses (taken it seems from other works by Bach), yet in a somewhat abstract way, without restricting its meaning.
#viola #soprano #dancer #bach #chaconne #variations #classicalmusic
Concert #review, ★★★★, Can #Çakmur @ Baden AG, 2022-11-19 — #Mozart: Sonata No.13 in B♭, K.333; #Schubert: #Sonata in A minor, D.845; #Liszt: Fantasy & Fugue on B-A-C-H, S.529/2; #Mitropoulos: Passacaglia, Preludio e Fuga; #Busoni: Transcription of "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ", BWV 639
Blog post #633 — #rolfsmblog •
#concertreview #concert #recital #pianorecital #piano #critique #pianosonata #bach #transcription #cançakmur #chaconne #brahms
#review #cakmur #mozart #schubert #sonata #liszt #mitropoulos #busoni #rolfsmblog #concertreview #concert #recital #pianorecital #piano #critique #pianosonata #bach #transcription #cancakmur #chaconne #Brahms
Working on Xmas cards while listening to a mostly #Bach playlist. Right now it's the #Chaconne from Partita No. 2 in d minor, than which there is nothing more glorious (save perhaps the #CelloSuites and the #GoldbergVariations, which will follow shortly).
#bach #chaconne #cellosuites #goldbergvariations #notxmasmusic
Puisque j'évoquais plus haut ma découverte, adolescent, des #sonates pour #violon de Johann Heinrich #Schmelzer, qui furent pour moi une illumination et une ouverture à tout un pan de la musique #baroque, voici donc, en coda de ce fil, une #chaconne (#Ciaccona in A) interprétée par la #violoniste Hélène Schmitt. Historiquement, ces "sonatae unarum fidium" représentent le moment où le violon, se rapprochant de sa forme moderne, affirme sa voix propre et sa singularité...
#sonates #violon #Schmelzer #baroque #chaconne #ciaccona #violoniste