@mhoye The thought occurs: #chaffing / #DataPoisoning.
If we're going to live in a world in which every utterance and action is tracked, issue and utter as much as posssible.
Wire up a speech-aware-and-capable GPT-3 to your phone, have it handle telemarketers, scammers, and political calls. Simply to tie up their time.
Create positive-emotive socmed bots to #pumpUp your #socialcredit score.
Unleash bots on your political opposition's media channels. Have them call in to talk radio, and #ZoomBomb calls and conferences.
Create plausible deniability. Post selfies from a ddozen, or a thousand, places you're not.
Create #DigitalSmog to choke the #FAANG s.
Fight fire with fire.
#chaffing #datapoisoning #pumpUp #socialcredit #ZoomBomb #DigitalSmog #faang