Der #Chagos-Archipel im Indischen Ozean ist einer der größten Meeresnationalparks. Warum sind die Korallenriffe dort gesünder als in anderen Regionen? #TerraX geht auf Entdeckungstour. Mit dabei: Prof. Christian Wild von der #UniBremen. Jetzt ansehen: @ZDF
"#Chagos: 50° anniversario della deportazione degli isolani.
#UK e #USA dovrebbero fornire risarcimenti e riconoscere il diritto dei chagossiani al ritorno.
La sua negazione è un continuo crimine coloniale contro l'umanità."
#chagos #uk #usa #15giugno #humanrights
"For more than 50 years, the United States and Britain, which call themselves champions of human rights, have been ignoring the human rights of my people, including the fundamental right to live in our homeland. We are more Black lives that have not mattered."
#usa #uk #BLM #HumanRights #chagos
Vertrieben seit 50 Jahren: Die völkerrechtswidrige Besetzung der #Chagos-Inseln durch die #USA und #Großbritannien zeigt: Das Zeitalter des #Kolonialismus ist nicht vorbei.
jWSchwerpunkt von @SevimDagdelen
#chagos #usa #großbritannien #kolonialismus
Bought #TheLastColony by #PhilippeSands this lunchtime, couldn’t stop reading it & book now completed. Appalling and flagrant breaches of #InternationalLaw, ongoing, by successive UK Governments in displacing the previous residents of the #Chagos Islands and refusing to accept the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion & #UN General Assembly resolutions. #books
#thelastcolony #philippesands #internationallaw #chagos #un #books
RT @DrEmMcDonnell
"Take me back to my Chagos. Take me back. I want to live there."
The UK 🇬🇧 & US 🇺🇸 governments owe full reparations to the Chagossian people. @JamesCleverly @ZacGoldsmith
#Chagos #CrimesAgainstHumanity: “The forced displacement of the entire Chagossian people by the … [#UK & #US] governments & the UK’s racial persecution, & continued blocking of their return home, are crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said in a report & video... Both governments should provide full reparations to the Chagossian people, including their right to return to live in their homeland in the Chagos Archipelago...” | HRW @humanrightswatch
#chagos #crimesagainsthumanity #uk #us
95.2% of voters out of 61% of #Mayotte residents who took part in the vote voted "for." This is already the second referendum on Mayotte's ownership. The first was in 1974, when the #Comoros archipelago chose the path of independence. Then, too, 63% of the population of Mayotte wished to remain #French subjects.
And there are only #British military personnel in #Chagos now. I wonder how they would vote if a referendum were held here as well?
#mayotte #comoros #french #british #chagos
#Russia demands the #decolonization of the islands of #Mayotte and #Chagos. #Lavrov's office thinks that this is a successful foreign policy move.
They are probably hinting at double standards, saying that the #British and the #French can, but we can't.
As always, there are nuances.
The inhabitants of the island of Mayotte are not at all happy about decolonization. A referendum held in 2009 confirmed their desire to acquire the status of an overseas department of #France.
#russia #decolonization #mayotte #chagos #lavrov #british #french #france
"The UK should pay full and unconditional reparations to generations affected by its forcible displacement of Chagos Islands inhabitants in the 1960s and 70s, an action that constituted a crime against humanity, Human Rights Watch has said.
"The NGO said that individuals should be put on trial for the expulsion of Chagossians when the UK retained possession of what it refers to as British Indian Ocean Territory, or BIOT, after Mauritius gained independence in 1968.
"Forced deportations were carried out so that the largest island, Diego Garcia, could be leased to the US to use as an airbase. Human Rights Watch (HRW) says this was a crime against humanity by both the UK and its transatlantic ally."
#Chagos #ChagosIslands #DiegoGarcia
#Colonialism #Mauritius #UKpol #USpol
Earlier thread:
#chagos #chagosislands #diegogarcia #humanrightswatch #colonialism #mauritius #ukpol #uspol
Chagos islanders must get full reparations for forced exile, says NGO | Chagos Islands | The Guardian
"Forced deportations were carried out so that the largest island, Diego Garcia, could be leased to the US to use as an airbase. Human Rights Watch (HRW) says this was a crime against humanity by both the UK and its transatlantic ally."
#uk #chagos #diegodarcia #colonialism
"Bernadette Dugasse, who was born on Diego Garcia, an island within what is known today as the British Indian Ocean Territory, is seeking judicial review of the government’s approach to the talks … with the support of other former inhabitants and their descendants … “so that the former residents and their families are properly consulted with respect of the negotiations on the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands”."
#Chagos #ChagosIslands #DiegoGarcia #Colonialism #Mauritius #UKpol
#chagos #chagosislands #diegogarcia #colonialism #mauritius #ukpol
Negotiations on Chagos Islands’ sovereignty face legal challenge | Chagos Islands | The Guardian
A legal attempt has been launched to halt negotiations between the UK and Mauritius over the sovereignty of the Chagos Islands, Britain’s last African colony, claiming Chagossian people’s views are being ignored.
#Chagos @BIOT #Colonialism
Talks between the Mauritian and British governments are expected to lead to the return of inhabitants of the Chagos archipelago who were forcibly displaced by Britain in the 1960s and 1970s to facilitate the US military base on Diego Garcia.
However, Rosy Leveque of the Chagos Islanders lobby group said, "I feel that history is repeating itself – the same two states who treated my family like cargo are once again negotiating our community’s future without the involvement of the actual community itself…"
#Chagos #ChagosIslands #DiegoGarcia #Colonialism #Mauritius #UKpol
#chagos #chagosislands #diegogarcia #colonialism #mauritius #ukpol
Chagos Islanders demand say as UK-Mauritius sovereignty talks begin | Chagos Islands | The Guardian
There remains deep distrust of both Mauritius and Britain among descendants of the ousted islanders, who responded to the talks by voicing concerns at the lack of consultation with them over the potential outcomes, a point of contention that was recently raised by the NGO Human Rights Watch.
The Cruel, Dishonest and Shameful Story of Britain’s Last Colony may be Coming to an End -
I am not optimistic about this... time will tell.
#chagos #mauritius #diegogarcia #colonialism #uk
RT @hrw
Did you know that Britain still has a colony in Africa?
It's time to right the wrongs against the Chagossian people. #Chagos
👀In 2019, the International Court of Justice ruled that the UK must end its occupation of the #Chagos Islands.
The government now says it hasn't had discussions about the ruling with the depopulated Chagossians and their descendants, who seek to return.