Amans · @amans
207 followers · 811 posts · Server

@Paul100 @scudery je connaissais pas cette traduction de 😄 mais l'idĂ©e me parle bien. Mais du coup en Ă©voquant Rastignac vous revenez quand mĂȘme un peu sur le terrain de la moralitĂ© 😉 etc.

Merci Paul pour l'effort de langage ! I could afford it too mais j'avoue que c'est confort

#Balzac #chagrin #vice

Last updated 1 year ago

JĂ©rĂŽme · @jerome
50 followers · 504 posts · Server

RT @maunouryc
Bernard Chabbert est donc parti vers des cieux que l’on dit plus sereins. À cĂŽtĂ© de lui, nous n’étions que des brouillons d’amoureux de l’aviation. Vole en paix Bernard en t’émerveillant encore
 nous ne t’oublierons pas. @AeroclubFrance

#eveantoinecomeaurelie #aviateurs #chagrin

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
166 followers · 423 posts · Server

@mehdihasan @keramikslu @Sky @Teri_Kanefield @TruthSandwich
It’s all a deep societal psychological issue & I hate it

something I always took for granted b/c was so revered throughout my entire family. Much to my late dad’s it drove him nuts I refused to get a college degree (but have 7++ yrs of college lol)

Lack of knowledge & is why we are here; it’s by

#education #chagrin #criticalthinking #history #empathy #design #complicitgop

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom Jameson · @alembic
90 followers · 346 posts · Server

Just discovered my fitness app wasn't properly calibrated and whereas I thought I was (nordic) walking 2 miles a day at a ridiculously slow place, I've in fact been walking more than 3 at a (for me) respectable pace.

Been feeling something was 'off' since I started!

Now feeling both buoyed *and* cheated. Or is it ?


#chagrin #whodoicomplainto #fitness

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
86 followers · 128 posts · Server

P.S. I just found out fans clean up after themselves after each game & I thought that made total sense!

I always do it too in public spaces & I don’t remember anyone teaching me..& was for the most part raised by wolves but

My home is much to the of my poor spouse, yet clean
 those damn hobbies

It might ultimately be an issue
lack empathy so

oh my point Japanese

#japan #worldcup #notreally #really #cluttered #chagrin #empathy #sociopaths #tangent #WearAMask

Last updated 2 years ago

Roselyne Bachelot · @R_Bachelot
4 followers · 282 posts · Server

Hommage à l’immense Peter Brook. Ses mises en scùne de Shakespeare sont inoubliables avec une mention pour Timon d’Athùnes signant sa direction aux @BouffesDuNord. Tant de souvenirs : Marat/Sade, Le Mahabharata, Moderato cantabile


#chagrin #admiration

Last updated 2 years ago