By the way, we have been using DFCA #bigTechBlocker and found that a concerning number of #bigTech firms are running #I2P nodes. One is (very conspicuously) running both #Tor (non-bridging nodes) and I2P nodes.
Are you aware of this?
#bigtechblocker #bigtech #i2p #tor #TrafficAnalysis #chainanalysis #bitcoin #dfca
The #blockchain #tracking company #Chainanalysis says revenue for #ransomware attackers appears to be down 40 percent-year-over-year. https://tchlp.com/3iQE8tq
#blockchain #tracking #chainanalysis #ransomware
Für #Nordkorea|s #Kryptodiebe ist 2022 bisher ein Erfolg. In den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres sollen #Staatshacker des Landes nach Berechnungen des Analysehauses #Chainanalysis virtuelle Währungen im Wert von 840 Millionen Dollar erbeutet haben, mehr als jede private oder staatliche #Hackergruppe zuvor. Zum Vergleich: Die Summe aller Kryptodiebstähle weltweit schätzt Chainanalysis in den ersten drei Quartalen 2022 auf etwa drei Milliarden Dollar.
#hackergruppe #chainanalysis #staatshacker #kryptodiebe #nordkorea
$2B in crypto stolen from cross-chain bridges this year: Chainalysis
#cross-chainbridges #Chainanalysis #Nomad
@myhushteam @metal3d @matt @tim@snabelen.no @thefuzzstone@neckbeard.xyz @TheFuzzStone@fosstodon.org wow, that video makes it really clear that #Zcash works with #LawEnforcement & companies like #Chainanalysis. If you want any privacy, do yourself a favor and don't consider Zcash for your privacy. #Monero (#XMR) is pretty great :ablobcool:
#xmr #monero #chainanalysis #lawenforcement #zcash
WARNING: Prof #RichardWolff is doing the rounds conflating #Bitcoin and #memeCoin.
Like we didn't guess someone would.
He's also spreading #disinfo about #cryptoCurrencies saying the govt can't track them without mentioning basic #chainAnalysis and #Cloudflare control of #exchanges etc.
Didn't figure #RichardDWolff as a #FiatCurrencyApologist but there you go. We were always a bit lukewarm about him and now we see why.
If you follow him a least you've been warned.
#richardwolff #bitcoin #memeCoin #disinfo #cryptocurrencies #chainanalysis #cloudflare #exchanges #RichardDWolff #FiatCurrencyApologist