Amazing portfolio of #watercolor #manga (& adjacent) character #illustrations by Marcel Mosqi. Found via his works on #ChainedEchoes steam trading cards
#watercolor #manga #illustration #chainedechoes #mastoart #marcelmosqi #gameart
3 hours in and I’m having a lot of fun with #ChainedEchoes so far :blobcatverified:
(as total #jrpg noob)
#chainedechoes #jrpg #turnbased #linuxgaming #matthiaslinda
I also couldn't help but compare this to Chained echoes, which left with similar thoughts about its gameplay and writing — loved that it made some genuinely excellent changes to the RPG formula, but the writing felt a little underbaked (although its soundtrack is definitely one that is right up there with some of the 90s classics in my opinion. I really hope they release that on vinyl at one point 🤞🏼)
On my story-driven RPGs side on gaming, I keep progressing through #DragonAgeInquisition and #ChainedEchoes.
The more I play Inquisition, the more I'm convinced going semi-open world did no good to the game. While in previous games I would spend 70% of the time progressing through main or side stories, in this one most of the time I'm just going around empty scenarios asking myself "how the f*** do I get to that stupid collectable?"
#dragonageinquisition #chainedechoes
Scheint ne krasse Woche für #Xbox bzw. #XboxGamePass Zocker zu werden.
Ende der Woche kommt #Starfield und #SeaOfStars welches morgen erscheint räumt auch schon Traumbewertungen ab.
Könnte ich in Angriff nehmen, wenn ich mal mit #ChainedEchoes durch bin 😉
#xbox #XboxGamePass #starfield #seaofstars #chainedechoes
The new #RPG #SeaOfStars will be available tomorrow. I played the demo and loved the #pixelart and the flow. Reminds me of #ChainedEchoes - another modern pixel RPG I really enjoyed. There wasn't much story or character development in the demo, so we will see. Looks promising and first reviews are very positive. It will be difficult for me to find the time between BG3, FFXVI and Starfield but I'll put it on my evergrowing wishlist.
#rpg #seaofstars #pixelart #chainedechoes
I'm back around here after some time off! Boy a lot of gaming happened in between the last time I posted and when I returned to the UK. I've played a bit of #BreathOfTheWild, encountered a massive difficulty spike in #ChainedEchoes that I'm still trying to overcome, and I've started another #soulslike, #TheSurge (yes, I'm trying my best to catch up with the genre).
#breathofthewild #chainedechoes #soulslike #thesurge
Roll credits on Chained Echoes. I enjoyed the hell out of the game. Real forward-thinking take on the classic JRPGs of the 1990s, and pretty decent worldbuilding to boot.
#videogames #chainedechoes #games #gaming #jrpg #rpg #crpg
Now that I decided that I don't need a #SteamDeck I laid down yesterday, "docked" my phone to a Bluetooth moblie phone game controller, and played some #ChainedEchoes using #SteamLink. It's the next-best thing, and it is enough for me.
#steamdeck #chainedechoes #steamlink
If I can play #ChainedEchoes for about 1.5 hours a day, and try to find most things (if they are not hidden behind a non-tracked questline across all continents, locked behind walls you need to punch 50 times), how long will it take me, roughly, to beat it?
I'm a fast reader...
Should I buy more games? Definately no.
Did I just buy #ChainedEchoes on #GOG because it's on a discount and has Linux support? Maybe.
#Zakk #KulturausderKonsole #ChainedEchoes #Deck13
Auch am Rande der Veranstaltung „Kultur aus der Konsole“ war wieder einiges los und so wurde mit klirrenden Gläsern der Gewinner des „Deutschen Computerspielpreises“ Matthias Linda gefeiert, der mit seinem Spiel „Chained Echoes“ in der Kategorie “Bestes Debüt” gewonnen hat. Wirklich beeindruckend was eine einzelne Person, mit ein wenig Förderung seiner Vision alles erreichen kann, Glückwunsch Matthias! JRPG❤️!
#zakk #kulturausderkonsole #chainedechoes #Deck13 #snes #jrpg
#Zakk #OnkelJo #kulturausderkonsole #piranhabytes #chainedechoes
Was ein Abend im ZaKK. OnkelJo, Joachim Hesse machte sich auf auf den Weg,um uns mit Anekdoten und Geschichten aus seiner langjährigen Karriere zu unterhalten. Der Abend hat bestens auf das Jubiläum im September eingestimmt. Freitags werden die beiden Veranstalter ihre Erlebnisse bei der Orga der Veranstaltung revue passieren lassen,um Samstags mit uns die Gamingkultur zu feiern. Auf weitere 25 Ausgaben,danke für eine schöne Zeit!
#zakk #onkeljo #kulturausderkonsole #piranhabytes #chainedechoes
@Schdadia Gestern noch die Digital-Version ein wenig weiter gespielt. Gute Musik, „erwachsene“ Story, Gegner sind kein Kanonenfutter, Hersteller aus NRW. Gute Wahl! #chainedechoes
A new episode of THE BURN gaming podcast, hosted by myself and @yushuv
On this show: #chainedechoes a homage to old-school JRPGs with contemporary mechanics and a pixel art flair.
Subscribe 🎧
Watch on YouTube ▶️
Dopo aver finito #Persona5Royal come Jrpg sto giocando #ChainedEchoes, molto carino
Chained Echoes als „westliches JRPG“ funktioniert auch an Ostern tadellos. #chainedechoes #jrpg #retrogaming #xbox
#chainedechoes #jrpg #retrogaming #xbox
I put some more time into #ChainedEchoes last night and this morning, it's been a real charming game so far and I'm glad I jumped in on it. It's a bit of RPG comfort food. #RPG #NintendoSwitch
#chainedechoes #rpg #NintendoSwitch
RT @GamePsychologe
Die beste @DerDCP-Nominierungsliste seit Jahren. Was für ein Feuerwerk richtig guter Games aus Deutschland.
#beholder3 #signalis #chainedechoes