Skeptoid #57: Email Myths by Brian Dunning #email #hoax #chainletter #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot A look at some of those persistent hoax emails that you receive almost every day.
#email #hoax #chainletter #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
Shiny Magcargo wants to go on an adventure across the internet! Repost him to help him on his journey. #pokémon #help #DailySnailies #snails #gastropods #chainletter
Illustration. A shiny magcargo. A lava snail pokémon but with pink lava
#pokemon #help #dailysnailies #snails #gastropods #chainletter
This 69 page tweet should be treated like a #chainLetter …send to 10 of your friends or bad luck for 7 years ;) #leaveMuskforTheTusk #fascism #meglomaniac #psychopath #liarLiarPantsOnFire 🌈
#chainletter #leavemuskforthetusk #fascism #meglomaniac #psychopath #liarliarpantsonfire
The Dance of the Pope virus hoax #chainletter #WhatsApp #Mobile #Spam #Hoax
#chainletter #whatsapp #mobile #spam #Hoax
The Dance of the Pope virus hoax - Friends don’t share virus hoaxes with their friends. They spend five minutes checking their facts ... more: #chainletter #whatsapp #mobile #spam #hoax
#hoax #spam #mobile #whatsapp #chainletter