WHOOO today I had a market booth. I don't do them often as it's a lot of work to haul my vintage industrial machines around! I had SO many people stopping by and I stitched a LOT and I got a LOT of love!
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist #chainstitch #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall
#hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch #nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
My latest coverall! Hand-dyed, drafted, cut, sewn and chainatitched by yours truly!
#vegan #veganfashion #bespokehogaboom #nonbinary #nonbinaryartist #chainstitch #hogaboomchainstitch #hogaboomcoverall
#hogaboomcoverall #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch #nonbinaryartist #nonbinary #bespokehogaboom #VeganFashion #vegan
I donated this piece to Oasis Youth Center, an LGBTQ+ hub in Tacoma, WA! They are having a brunch this weekend and I hope my vegan, handmade, (near-)zero waste work fetches a good price - and makes the winner very happy!
#chainstitch #HogaboomChainstitch #BespokeHogaboom #vegan #VeganFashion #TinyHorrorHugClub
#tinyhorrorhugclub #VeganFashion #vegan #bespokehogaboom #hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch
Taking one hot minute to appreciate a good chainstitch
#embroidery #chainstitch #redwings #gritty #philly #minnesota #gophers #twincities #minneapolis #stpaul #twinsbaseball #hockey
#hockey #twinsbaseball #stpaul #minneapolis #twincities #gophers #minnesota #philly #gritty #redwings #chainstitch #embroidery
Hello homies here is some of my work!
#hogaboomchainstitch #chainstitch #bespokehogaboom #vegan #veganartist #nonbinary
#nonbinary #veganartist #vegan #bespokehogaboom #chainstitch #hogaboomchainstitch
Desde el pasado abril, me dediqué a dibujar, pasar a la tela y bordar (a mano!) esta pieza central para una mantilla de terno ☺️
Ahora mismo, la pieza se encuentra en manos de mi bordadora de confianza, que se va a encargar de colocarle alrededor una puntilla muy ancha y entolar las juntas para que no se noten las uniones 😍
Espero pronto poder compartiros el resultado final! #bordado #arts #DIY #mantilla #embroidery #chainstitch
#bordado #arts #diy #mantilla #embroidery #chainstitch