SEC States Coinbase Misinteprets Howey Test, Misuses Major Questions Doctrine - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) answered the latest filing of Co... - #securitiesandexchangecommission(sec) #majorquestionsdoctrine #chairmangarygensler #investmentcontract #paulgrewal #howeytest #coinbase #news
#news #coinbase #howeytest #paulgrewal #investmentcontract #chairmangarygensler #majorquestionsdoctrine #securitiesandexchangecommission
House Financial Services Republicans Blast SEC’s Proposed Rule, State Gensler Is Pushing ‘His Own Personal Views Regarding Digital Assets’ - Republicans of the House Financial Services Committee have criticized U.S. Securit... - #ushousefinancialservicescommittee #chairmangarygensler #patrickmchenry #proposedrule #regulation
#regulation #proposedrule #patrickmchenry #chairmangarygensler #ushousefinancialservicescommittee
US Senator Ted Cruz: ‘I Like BTC for the Same Reason the Chinese Communist Govt Doesn’t Like BTC’ - United States Senator Ted Cruz has said he remains “incredibly bullish on bitcoin”... - #bitcoinpolicyinstitute(bpi) #cynthialummisbitcoin #chairmangarygensler #congressmantomemmer #cryptoindustry #senatortedcruz #inflation #featured #bitcoin
#bitcoin #featured #inflation #senatortedcruz #cryptoindustry #congressmantomemmer #chairmangarygensler #cynthialummisbitcoin #bitcoinpolicyinstitute
Stiffing the Staker: The SEC’s Latest Crackdown on Crypto Innovation - The crypto world was jolted last week when the Securities and Exchange Commission ... - #noncustodialyieldfarming #noncustodialsolutions #centralizedexchange #chairmangarygensler #increasedsecurity #custodialservice #decentralization #networksecurity #ultimatecontrol #americanpeople #cryptocurrency #overregulation #powersthatbe
#powersthatbe #overregulation #cryptocurrency #americanpeople #ultimatecontrol #networksecurity #decentralization #custodialservice #increasedsecurity #chairmangarygensler #centralizedexchange #noncustodialsolutions #noncustodialyieldfarming