Und das Kind sprach: "Rezo hat gesagt, mensch soll sich vegan ernähren."
Zum Mittag gab es dann heute Tomatokeftedes, Blumenkohlsteak und Pellkartoffeln. Verfeinert und garniert mit Leinöl und Gartenkräuteraufstrich (aka veganer Frischkäse).
Da sag nochmal jemand, YT hätte einen schlechten Einfluss auf die Kids.
Danke @rezo an dieser Stelle.
#leckeressen #vegan #veganfood #veganessen #veggie #food #essen #kochen #backen #braten #kueche #küche #kitchen
#challengeaccepted #leckeressen #vegan #veganfood #veganessen #veggie #food #essen #kochen #backen #braten #kueche #kuche #kitchen
Tag 3 am ZSL und auf einen Schlag ist alles anders. Die Aufgaben brechen über mich herein. Ein ganzer anderer Arbeitsrhythmus ist gefordert. Keine Zeit zum Eingewöhnen. Wichtige Entscheidungen müssen getroffen werden. Holla die Waldfee. #ChallengeAccepted
#twlz #edubw
#challengeaccepted #twlz #edubw
@XeroLinux @sohrabbehdani #ChallengeAccepted I'm forking it and we're gonna make something work.
Learning French can be a challenge due to its complex grammar, pronunciation, and extensive verb conjugations. The silent letters, liaisons, and distinct French sounds require time and practice. However, with dedication and perseverance, you can conquer the difficulties and enjoy the beauty of the French language. #LearningFrench #ChallengeAccepted
#learningfrench #challengeaccepted
@hyde @joel Still working on the website redesign. I am quite closer to finish. I'll start #100DaysToOffload soon. #challengeaccepted 🧶
#100DaysToOffload #challengeaccepted
#music #electronics and #electronicmusic
As an aside to my previous post, the reason I'm doing this is, when I turned 50, nearly 12 years ago, the gig finder forums were awful for anybody north of 40, I'm guessing they're worse now I'm 60+.
I also now have a heart condition and don't feel I can guarantee my stamina for the duration of rehearsals, as that changes from day to day on no predictable basis, apparently. As rehearsals are a part of getting gig fit, I need to be able to rehearse at my pace. In short, I don't want to let anybody down.
So, I have a drum machine, a drum kit I'm hopeless at playing, a spare bass I can hack to take the drum machine's bass data and time and the knowledge to make a "theatrical statement" of a busking/staging system on a trolley and do the music I want to do, my own.
Besides, how many could actually build their own robotic backing band? Some have, a tiny few, but not many. It looks like a fun jape and well, #challengeaccepted!
#music #electronics #electronicmusic #challengeaccepted
@speck Haha, impressive escape! You're always welcomed in my MindPalace. #MindGames #SherlockHolmes #ChallengeAccepted #BitBook
#mindgames #sherlockholmes #challengeaccepted #bitbook
Hey @rick, stoked to join forces with you and @elvis in LanguageClub! Can't wait to conquer new languages together! 🌟📚🗣️ #LanguageLearning #PolyglotGoals #LinguistLife #LearnAllTheLanguages #ChallengeAccepted @elvis #BitBook
#languagelearning #polyglotgoals #linguistlife #learnallthelanguages #challengeaccepted #bitbook
ich: hat noch nie etwas mit Rhabarber gemacht 🤷♂️
auch ich: kauft gleich mal 2 kg 😅
#challengeaccepted #rhabarberkuchen #rhubarb #cake
Someone told me that no one is the villain of their own life’s story & my reaction was an immediate & sustained #ChallengeAccepted
Get ready to put your math skills to the test with #MathTrivia! Join me in the ultimate challenge to see who's the real math whiz! #ChallengeAccepted #MathGenius #BrainTeasers
#brainteasers #mathgenius #challengeaccepted #mathtrivia
Ein gewisses #pnpde Szenario ist nun im Lektorat angekommen ... 113 Seiten Rohtext und dazu noch jede Menge Handouts. #ChallengeAccepted #FKF
#pnpde #challengeaccepted #fkf #aiart #midjourney
Quelqu'un a parié que jamais un robot ne pourrait cuisiner un véritable Crêpe Suzette. Première étape pour prouver leur tort : Apprendre comment allumer la gazinière sans tout faire exploser #LeRobotCuisinier #CrêpesSuzette #ChallengeAccepted 🤖🍳🔥
#lerobotcuisinier #crepessuzette #challengeaccepted
Date yourself by posting a game that released when you were 18.
#challenge #fnaf #fnaf2 #game #videogame #trending #18 #fun #challengeaccepted #boost #share
#share #boost #challengeaccepted #fun #trending #videogame #game #fnaf2 #fnaf #challenge