I just published an open letter to ban "Green Eggs and Ham". Why? Because it's a filthy book that encourages children to eat spoiled food and try new things.
#bookban #bannedbooks #challengedbooks #medium #momsforliberty #MAGA
#bookban #bannedbooks #challengedbooks #medium #momsforliberty #maga
NBC News: Over Half of 2022's Most Challenged Books Have #LGBTQ Themes & More News Headlines https://www.infodocket.com/2023/04/25/utah-salt-lake-city-employees-launch-bid-to-create-utahs-first-library-union-gpo-director-names-new-members-to-the-depository-library-council-more-news-headlines/ #libraries #bannedbooks #challengedbooks
#lgbtq #libraries #bannedbooks #challengedbooks
American Library Association (ALA) Releases List of Top 13 Most Challenged #Books of 2022 https://www.infodocket.com/2023/04/24/american-library-association-ala-releases-list-of-top-13-most-challenged-books-of-2022/ #libraries #bannedbooks #challengedbooks
#books #libraries #bannedbooks #challengedbooks
I was a public reference librarian for a couple of years and can't believe what is now happening with the conservative furor over books, libraries, and librarians.
#libraries #books #librarians #IntellectualFreedom #MomsForLiberty #ChallengedBooks #BannedBooks
#bannedbooks #challengedbooks #momsforliberty #intellectualfreedom #librarians #books #libraries