Every few years we should write a "Where Are They Now?" comedy sketch for Cloudflare .

The -blocker we operate found a honeypot for the today:

Also included, a page and "community" page. Wonder if its based in the like their were? This really know how to attract the kiddies.

#honeypots #cloudflare #kiddies #conspiracies #philipines #chanBoards #organisedRacket #astroturf #dotcon #honeypot #gab2p0 #greatAwakeningDotWin #qanon #pepethefrog #whereAreCloudflareNow

Last updated 4 years ago

Last year, before COVID, we made a prediction that particular entities would try to brew a against people.

We identified the resumption of served by as one possible to brew them, also , if we isolated them or other closed Cloudflare sites.

It's good that everyone who sees this has remained federated on . We all have different views.

Disappointed that appear to have blocked us, though.

#terrorAttack #chinese #chanBoards #cloudflare #raciallyMotivated #closedSilo #gab #fediverse #ChinwagDotOrg

Last updated 4 years ago

Its actually not the stuff that bothered us the most about . It was that they decided to seal themselves away as another of .

Like they don't have enough (see /#ChristchurchMassarce)

That's not what fediverse is for. As the name implies, 'Fedi' is for ''.

#altright #gab #cloudflare #silo #radicalisation #chanBoards #federation

Last updated 4 years ago

Those services are designed to create . They can only produce an extremist in a silo, which is why they tend to silo themselves.

#extremists #cia #astroturfMovements #gab #parler #chanBoards #christchurch #cloudflare #aws #amazon #walledgardens #prisons

Last updated 4 years ago