#Chandrayaan3 misioa ondoren, ISRO eta JAXA elkarrekin lan egingo dute #LUPEX (#Chandrayaan4) 2026an abiarazteko. LUPEX Ilargiaren Hego Poloan lurreratuko da ura dagoen eta etorkizuneko astronautentzako erabilgarritasuna bilatzeko helburu nagusiekin.
#chandrayaan3 #lupex #chandrayaan4 #Espazioa #ilargia
If the event is confirmed to be a moonquake, it would be the first detected on the lunar surface since the 1970s — when #NASA's #Apollo missions first studied seismic activity on the moon and detected #moonquakes.
A #moonquake would suggest that the moon isn't just some big, dense space rock — there's actually more going on under its surface than meets the eye. #Chandrayaan3 #Vikram
#India's #moon lander detected movement near the lunar south pole.
#moon #India #vikram #chandrayaan3 #moonquake #moonquakes #apollo #nasa
Oggi, a #LineaRadioSavona, con GianFunk, abbiamo esplorato il polo sud lunare, commentando l'atterraggio della missione #Chandrayaan3 e il fallimento di #Luna25.
Grazie a tutti gli ascoltatori, buon sabato a tutti! 👋
(Foto: #ISRO, scattata dal rover della missione, #Pragyan!)
#unoradio #mastoradio
#linearadiosavona #chandrayaan3 #luna25 #isro #pragyan #unoradio #mastoradio
Irailaren 4an, #Chandrayaan3 misioaren #Pragyan astromobila hibernazioan sartu zen Ilargi gaua igarotzeko (14 egun lurtar). Hau, Ilargiaren alde ezkutuan dagoen #ChangE4 misioaren #Yutu2 astromobilatik 1891 kilometrotara dago.
#chandrayaan3 #pragyan #change4 #yutu2 #Espazioa #ilargia
https://www.minenest.com/64047/ 100 Aliens VS Chandrayaan 3 😱 #100ALIENSVSCHANDRAYAAN3 #100AliensVSChandrayaan3😱 #Chandrayaan3 #Minecraft #MinecraftDefence #MinecraftDefenceBase #MinecraftFacts #MinecraftHindi #MinecraftHorror #MinecraftMystery #MinecraftMyths #MinecraftVideos #mineflux #mrgamerjay #TechnoGamerzMinecraft #YesSmartyPie #YesSmartyPieHimlands
#100aliensvschandrayaan3 #chandrayaan3 #minecraft #minecraftdefence #minecraftdefencebase #minecraftfacts #minecrafthindi #minecrafthorror #minecraftmystery #minecraftmyths #minecraftvideos #mineflux #mrgamerjay #technogamerzminecraft #yessmartypie #yessmartypiehimlands
As Night Falls, India's Lunar Lander/Rover Goes to Sleep. Probably Forever
After two weeks of daylight, night has finally returned to the Chandrayaan-3 landing site, shutting off its energy source and dropping the temperature precipitously. India's space agency announced that they have transferred all their data home and switched off the lander and rover, putting them into safe mode. The lander and rover were only designed to last a single lunar day, but ISRO hopes they'll somehow last through the two weeks of lunar night and wake up again - but it's a longshot.
Gizmodo: NASA's Lunar Orbiter Spots India's Historic Landing Site on the Moon https://gizmodo.com/nasa-spots-indias-historic-landing-site-on-the-moon-1850808063?utm_source=regular #indianlunarexplorationprogramme #lunarreconnaissanceorbiter #chandrayaanprogramme #technologyinternet #lunarsouthpole #inspaceflight #chandrayaan3 #environment #lunarrovers #moonlanding #inindia #lander #rover #moon
#indianlunarexplorationprogramme #lunarreconnaissanceorbiter #chandrayaanprogramme #technologyinternet #lunarsouthpole #inspaceflight #chandrayaan3 #environment #lunarrovers #moonlanding #inindia #lander #rover #moon
#Mondmission #Chandrayaan3: Der #Mond scheint bewohnbar zu sein (Golem.de)
In der oberen Mondschicht scheint die Temperatur bei nur 70 Grad C zu liegen. Die notwendigen #Elemente wie Sauerstoff sind im #Regolith auf dem Mond vorhanden und die Wärmeleitfähigkeit würde #Habitate gut abschirmen.
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
("Die Rückkehr zum Mond": Auch eins von >50 Themen im aktuellen BAND 120 - jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.com)
#dasneueuniversum #Habitate #regolith #elemente #mond #chandrayaan3 #mondmission
#Mondmission #Chandrayaan3: Der #Mond scheint bewohnbar zu sein (Golem.de)
In der oberen Mondschicht scheint die Temperatur bei nur 70 Grad C zu liegen. Die notwendigen #Elemente wie Sauerstoff sind im #Regolith auf dem Mond vorhanden und die Wärmeleitfähigkeit würde #Habitate gut abschirmen.
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
("Die Rückkehr zum Mond": Auch eins von >50 Themen im aktuellen BAND 120 - jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.com)
#mondmission #chandrayaan3 #mond #elemente #regolith #habitate #dasneueuniversum
#Mondmission #Chandrayaan3: Der #Mond scheint bewohnbar zu sein (Golem.de)
In der oberen Mondschicht scheint die Temperatur bei nur 70 Grad C zu liegen. Die notwendigen #Elemente wie Sauerstoff sind im #Regolith auf dem Mond vorhanden und die Wärmeleitfähigkeit würde #Habitate gut abschirmen.
Aktueller Ticker von: #dasneueuniversum
("Die Rückkehr zum Mond": Auch eins von >50 Themen im aktuellen BAND 120 - jetzt im Buchhandel und unter https://dasneueuniversum.com)
#mondmission #chandrayaan3 #mond #elemente #regolith #habitate #dasneueuniversum
Chandrayaan-3: Nasa's lunar orbiter photographs India's Moon lander Vikram - BBC News
#spaceexploration #chandrayaan3
As Night Falls, India's Lunar Lander/Rover Goes to Sleep. Probably Forever
After two weeks of daylight, night has finally returned to the Chandrayaan-3 landing site, shutting off its energy source and dropping the temperature precipitously. India's space agency announced that they have transferred all their data home and switched off the lander and rover, putting them into safe mode. The lander and rover were only designed to last a single lunar day, but ISRO hopes they'll somehow last through the two weeks of lunar night and wake up again - but it's a longshot.
ISRO has released a three-dimensional 3D “anaglyph” image of the Chandrayaan-3 Vikram lander on the Moon’s South Pole.
#ISRO #VikramLander #Moon #Chandrayaan3 #AnaglyphImage #LunarSurface #3DImage
#isro #vikramlander #moon #chandrayaan3 #anaglyphimage #lunarsurface #3dimage
How Scientists Meghnad Saha, J.V. Narlikar Rubbished Claim of Vedic Roots of Modern Science
“If superior knowledge in astronomy, aeronautical engineering, etc., is available in the ancient texts in Sanskrit, why isn’t the ISRO using them? Can (S. Somanath) show one piece of technology or theory that ISRO has taken from the Vedas and applied to make a rocket or a satellite?”
#ISRO #chandrayaan3 #SSomanath #vedas #sanskrit #astronomy #pseudoscience #HinduScriptures #MeghnadSaha #JayantNarlikar #BSS #science #india
#isro #chandrayaan3 #ssomanath #vedas #sanskrit #astronomy #pseudoscience #hinduscriptures #meghnadsaha #jayantnarlikar #BSS #science #india
🤯 Avant de passer l'atterrisseur 🇮🇳 Vikram en Sleep mode, l'ISRO lui a commandé d'allumer ses propulseurs pour s'élever de 40 cm avant de se poser quelques 40 cm plus sur le sol lunaire. Opération réussie 👏 Les instruments et la rampe ont été rangés puis redéployés avec succès 👍 #Chandrayaan3 #ISRO #Moon #space #lune #espace
#chandrayaan3 #isro #moon #space #lune #espace
The sun is setting this moment, behind mountains about 20 km to North of CH-3 site. Will rise about 8 pm UTC on the 19th of September from our predictions here at #SFU: #Moon #Chandrayaan3 #India
#India #chandrayaan3 #moon #SFU
#NEWDELHI — #India’s #MoonRover has completed its walk on the lunar surface and been put into sleep mode less than two weeks after its historic landing near the lunar south pole, India’s space mission said. #ISRO #PRAGYAN #Chandrayaan3
India's #moon rover completes its walk, scientists analyzing data looking for signs of frozen water | Inquirer News
#moon #chandrayaan3 #pragyan #isro #moonrover #India #newdelhi
🇮🇳 #Chandrayaan3 measured a temperature at the surface of around 50C 🌡️, but just 80mm below this, it fell to -10C ❄️. Chemical analysis indicated the presence of sulphur, aluminium, calcium iron, titanium, manganese, chromium and oxygen in the #lunar 🌙 soil. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230830-the-mysteries-of-the-moons-south-pole
ISRO: "Currently, the battery is fully charged.
The solar panel is oriented to receive the light at the next sunrise expected on September 22, 2023.
The receiver is kept on.
Hoping for a successful awakening for another set of assignments!
Else, it will forever stay there as India's lunar ambassador."
Here's hoping for a successful awakening in a couple weeks. ⏰
ISRO: "Chandrayaan-3 Mission:
The Rover completed its assignments.
It is now safely parked and set into Sleep mode.
APXS and LIBS payloads are turned off.
Data from these payloads is transmitted to the Earth via the Lander."