Hoàng Kim Home · @hoangkimhome
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Hoàng Kim Home - Chăn ga gối nệm, rèm cửa Đà Nẵng
Tìm kiếm chăn ga gối nệm, rèm cửa, màn cửa lưới chống muỗi giá tốt nhất tại Đà Nẵng? Hoàng Kim Home Đà Nẵng cung cấp các sản phẩm chất lượng cao với mẫu mã đẹp, tư vấn chuyên nghiệp và giao hàng tận nơi. Khám phá ngay!
Địa chỉ: 274 Ông Ích Khiêm, P. Tân Chính, Q. Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng
Phone: 0949605725
Email: nemhoangkimdn@gmail.com
Tags: , , , , , ,
Website: hoangkimhome.com/

#hoangkimhome #hoang_kim_home #rem #mancua #changa #goinem #gianphoi

Last updated 1 year ago

Santiago · @santiago
2813 followers · 13047 posts · Server mastodon.uy

Mi compañera esta tratando de aprender Inkscape o Krita para aplicar a ilustraciones vectoriales para serigrafia, separacion de colores de figuras bajadas de internet en formato de Illustrator .ai. Hay cosas que me escapan a mi y a ella por lo que está buscando si alguien le pudiera dar algunas clases particulares virtuales por Jitsi o Zoom, con dudas o problemas puntuales. Lo podemos pagar con Paypal o si es de Uruguay por Abitab o transferencia por eBROU. Si alguien pudiera hacer estas cosas y le interesa, me puede escribir un correo a santiago@buzon.uy asi los contacto con ella, no privado por aca, por favor

#changa #trabajo #diseno #pedido #clases #ilustracion #krita #inkscape

Last updated 1 year ago

el lobi · @lobi
79 followers · 493 posts · Server todon.nl

¡Cierra hoy!

> May First Movement Technology cooperative is hiring for a fully remote part time bilingual (english/spanish) membership coordinator. This is an entry level position joining a small team and working with a large community of active members made up of radical and progressive individuals and movement organizations of all sizes from the US, Mexico and other parts of the world. We hope it might be a good fit for someone in your networks who believes in leveraging technology for social justice and liberation.
> Job Title: Membership Coordinator
> Job Type: Part-Time Position, 20 hours per week
> Experience: Entry-level
> Location: Remote - (North, Central or South America timezones) Salary: $24,000 USD per year
> See full job description at mayfirst.coop/en/jobs
> Please send a cover letter and resume by Friday, April 14th, 2023. Send cover letter and resume in both Spanish and English to: job@mayfirst.org


#administrativo #remoto #changa #laburo #trabajo

Last updated 2 years ago