China is planning a #samplereturn mission to the #farside of the #moon in 2025. Chang'e 6 #change6 is similar to the Chang'e 5 #change5 mission that brought back samples from Oceanus Procellarum in 2020. But instead Chang'e 6 will land in the South Pole-Aitken Basin (SPA), specifically in the southern part of the Apollo basin.
#change5 #change6 #moon #farside #samplereturn
Zhang Kejian,Txinako Espazio Administrazio Nazionalako administratzailea, Josef Aschbacher, ESAko zuzendari nagusiarekin bildu zen Parisen ekainaren 8an. Adimen-memorandum bat sinatu zuten #ChangE6-an ioi negatiboen detektagailua eramateko.