Mike the mike · @miker
120 followers · 1329 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

sorry to bring it to you so early in the morning, aber ACAB geht gar nicht, genauso wenig wie witze über leute im rostull oder hass gegen leute deren sexsualität sich anders ausdrückt als deine eigene.!
Wir müssen hass traditionen zum verbieger jagen ( zurückjagen).
WIR MÜSSEN , yes we must!
specialy ALL hate traditions


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
120 followers · 1329 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

beim genaueren nachdenken über kaffe und kaffe genuss kam ich hier sagen das ich den genuss aufgegeben habe und nur den kaffe als notwendigkeit behalten habe .. befinde mich tatsächlich im umbruch . hängt wohl mit meinem vorhaben zusammen alle traditionen zu ändern ..
ist das was mich antreibt, seitdem mir die notwendigkeit dafür klargeworden ist. Ich will niemand seine freude am genuss nehmen, nur MEIN kaffe sieht so aus heute morgen


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
109 followers · 1235 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

This one happened in a German Town on december 31.

Since i have bought the Owl-hut some month ago on the weihnachtsmarkt and wear it, i experience a lot of colorphobic reactions. So back to the story. i accompanied my 80+ old father back from shopping. I was wearing my Owl headgear. Behind us at the traffic light there was a group of 4 Teenagers. They were laughing noticeably loud. So i turned and gave them an fierce look. They were first taken aback, but as i was turning aroud following my father pushing his rollator, i heard one of them saying ,Humptey Dumpty‘. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean (explanation follows), but i was sure it was about me. They went their way and we went ours. (different directions).

Later i have looked ,Humptey Dumptey‘ up in the net. Living in non english speaking countrys, one does not come across english children rimes or songs. So first thing what i saw was the depiction of humptey dumptey as an egg with red spots. and the time every english speaking child probably knows:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Now it was clear the the teenagers meant me with the humptey dumptey exclamation.

The thing that i find intriguing is: Where did some rather uneducated teenagers in germany heard of humptey dumptey from? Where from, if not from some social media / communicationgroup ?

How far do such colorphobic things go?

coming back to „humptey dumptey“. My next interesse was to know where from this rather strang rime origins. I mean: „All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again“, it’s deffinitly some non person thing going on here- this is about the kings army, obviously. Further reasearch in the same wikipedia article resulted in:

Humptey Dumptey was probably a big cannon placed on a wall that got destroyed, and the cannon fell and broke.

This beeing just an example of how storrys change theyr very meaning, as long as it sounds good for further telling!!!!


we are serious about coloring this worlds , so colorphobia and animalphobia have no place in this world!

#change_all_traditions #colorphobia

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
58 followers · 1104 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

This one is about a female Catom that got killed by people having fun with fireworks at newyear.
This Catom had no particular name. I asked the owners: the dog had a name of his own, but the Catom was simply „de Kat“ which means "the cat" in Dutch.
On New Year's Eve the owners went out.

Fireworks exploded in the neighborhood a day or two earlier
Fireworks were exploding continiously in the neigbourhood already one- two days before, in increasing numbers. By midday on December 31, the dog would not stop barking and howling, he too in a crescendo of infernal noise coming from everywhere around.
The Catom was hiding somewhere.
Around 10pm the noise outside got worse. It sounded like the end of the world was coming, at least for every animal. The Catom was on the stairs to my room meowing very loudly. I went down trying to confort her, patting and talking to her. Just as I had tried to comfort the dog downstairs every half an hour...
I regrett to this day that i did not take the Catom to my room and keept her in my arms! 😢
Around 11:30 pm i went downstairs to go out and see the fireworks from an elevated vantage point above the village. On the way down i saw that the Catom had completly emptied herself on the stairs. It was her first epileptic seizure.
Later, in the weeks and months that followed the attacks came more often.
The Catom became unbearable for the owners, every day when they returned from work they had to mop up the piss the Catom was releasing while having her next epileptic fit.
One day as i was returnig from a visit abroad, the Catom was gone. They told me they had given her to sombody taking care of her, but i did not realy belive them..

specialy fireworks on newyear, killing and driving crazy wild and domestic animals!!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
58 followers · 1102 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

This one is abot a female Catom that got killed by people having fun with fireworks at newyear.
This Catom had no particular name. I asked the owners: the dog had a name of his own, but the Catom was simply „de Kat“ which means "the cat" in Dutch.
On New Year's Eve the owners went out.

Fireworks exploded in the neighborhood a day or two earlier
Fireworks were exploding continiously in the neigbourhood already one- two days before, in increasing numbers. By midday on December 31, the dog would not stop barking and howling, he too in a crescendo of infernal noise coming from everywhere around.
The Catom was hiding somewhere.
Around 10pm the noise outside got worse. It sounded like the end of the world was coming, at least for every animal. The Catom was on the stairs to my room meowing very loudly. I went down trying to confort her, patting and talking to her. Just as I had tried to comfort the dog downstairs every half hour...
I regrett to this day that i did not take the Catom to my room and keept her in my arms! 😢
Around 11:30 pm i went downstairs to go out and see the fireworks from an elevated vantage point above the village. On the way down i saw that the Catom had completly emptied herself on the stairs. It was her first epileptic seizure.
Later, in the weeks and moths that followed the attacks came more often.
The Catom became unbearable for the owners, every day when they returned from work they had to mop up the piss the Catom was releasing while having her next epileptic fit.
One day as i was returnig from a visit abroad, the Catom was gone. They told me they had given her to sombody taking care of her, but i did not realy belive them..

specialy fireworks on newyear, killing and driving crazy wild and domestic animals!!!


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
27 followers · 623 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

hating Math
This one is about the tradition ( some of you might have ) of hating mathematics.
It can be replaced by understanding where your hate comes from!
I will show you that you are able of understanding if someone is explaining it with pacience.
What is a logarithmic scale?
Scoville Heat Level (—not Scoville Heat Unit)
The hotness of a chilli pepper is measured in a heat level scale, usualy 0-10. The test introduced by pharmacist Wilbur Scoville in the begining of 20th century goes so:
- solve the pepper in liquid form.
- add for 1 part pepper 9 parts water ( 1 of 10)
- test if you can still taste the hottnes of the chilli.
- repeat dilluting 1 to 10 taking the solution from the prior tasting , till you cannot taste hottnes anymore.
the nubers of times you have to repreat the dillution of the test liquid is the hottnes level.
A jalopinio needs roughly 5 times repeating the dilluting procedure, while a nice smelling Habanero needs roughly 10 times. ( test is very inexact because different people have different habituation level to capsaicin - hot component in chilli peppers)
mathematicaly expressed this is a logarithm base 10 operation.

the fact that you do not understand stuff makes you feel inferior and give up. it also makes you hate all those who seem to get it out of the air while you can not. It creates distance to others. Search sombody who is able to explain stuff!

if you are in the other group, and knew all along what the inverse function of the exponential function is: Try to give your knowledge to the other group instead of feeling high on having understood. Do not take advantage of the ones who do not understand yet.
ah, and correct us if we are wrong.


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
27 followers · 570 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

This one is about reclaiming what was stolen. Remember: Theft is a crime!

This one is about a holy symbol. It was invented long, long, very long and than some longer time ago. It represented the turning Sun.
This symbol was stolen by the bent germans that ruled that country short before and during the world war two. those bent germans also started second world war, making the stolen symbol a representation for the bender himself.
The symbol can not be given back to those who used it first because their bones are petrified log time ago. Nor can it be owned by somebody now.
We will use it on the RAINBOW CIRCLE as background, in both directions and all positions, all colors!


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
25 followers · 551 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Example for
in this case my shoping ( food - grocery - supermarket) tradition.
OLD tradition: only go shoping when hungry! this secured me in the past a full shopping cart.
NEW tradition: allways have an audiobook on the earphones while shoping in the supermarket, and more specifficaly Greta Thunbergs „The Climate Book“. You can not imagine how drasticaly it has changed my shoping behaviour from the first moment. I do not percive all that is lectured in the book, but the sentences i understand make me change the things i was buying sll the years.
I can use the book many times till i have heard and understood all.
I avoid plastic packaging , and packaging generaly. I prefer regional - short transportation ways stuff. If i dont find somthing fitting i buy it in anoder store. Price is still an isue but not the most important one .


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
25 followers · 527 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

@HorcaDobleMango @Laia
Question: Why do we have to change the traditions instead of just changing our behavior?
Answer: if you change Your behavior, you will keep it some time but later fall back easy on old habits. And this beeing caused by the traditions in your head! If you change the traditions in your head you will be able to behave how you wanted to!

Question: and where can you change traditions?
Answer: Primary in your head , others would have to do the same in their heads!

Picture of a Green Catom ( )

#change_all_traditions #changealltraditions #catoms

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
25 followers · 527 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

@HorcaDobleMango @Laia
so we change all traditions in the head !!!
letargy is no option
i wrote something about that:

this is my aproch to save everything
i understand this are no concrete solutions , but it is a base to start from. importance here, not repeating old misstakes.
in this tag i start some ideas
Everything is interconected , NOW THE ANSWER:
so, everything has to happen simultaniously!
ps. if i can copy the text i can translate catalan


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
25 followers · 527 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

hate traditions have to change


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
25 followers · 527 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de
Mike the mike · @miker
22 followers · 307 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

@mischa überlegung wert — müsste fran eine umfrage starten !!
wäre in dem fall was für


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
14 followers · 219 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

man —> frau+man=
ihr/ihm —-> ihr+ihm=
eine/einer ——> eine + einer „wird zu“ *
*wir errinern uns: bei geht es nicht um Korrerektheit sondern darum nicht zu vergessen das wir müssen

mal sehen wie lange das dauert bis DUDEN / NEUDUDEN

#neusprache #fran #ihrm #einerm #change_all_traditions #newlanguage

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
14 followers · 219 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Money or Life ? ( MONEY XOR LIFE)

Earth is pointing full loaded unlocked weapon at us asking Money or Life?

our answer : sorry sir, i do not undrstand your language, but do you know the way to the most luxurious restaurant in town?

#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice #bring_down_babylon #ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction #feminism #newlanguage #change_all_traditions

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike the mike · @miker
14 followers · 219 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

now you will ask what has to do with the rest above?
it is about
it is all about saving our planet, saving life on earth and consequently saving ourselfes AND FOR THAT WE HAVE TO CHANGE ALL TRADITIONS. Changing language will remind us constantly that we have to think different than we were used to.

ist die Deutche version von

#replace_capitalism_with_freedom #true_justice #bring_down_babylon #ClimateChage #climateactivism #climateaction #feminism #newlanguage #change_all_traditions #neusprache #fran #ihrm

Last updated 2 years ago