Yay! I just finished revising another chapter in my book, and have sent it off to a beta-reader. This chapter challenges the social and narrative design default of "refusing the call." Since my book is about change, it's about refusing the call to change.
What are your expectations, hopes, ideas, and problems you may have regarding the notion of "refusing the call"? I find it helpful to know how other people feel about the idea. :)
Thank you!
#changedesign #narrativedesign #screenwriting
Making changes so things stay the same (sigh).
"Following Avelino (2017) and Brisbois (2019), we define power shifts as follows: power shifts happen when the position of incumbent actors, or the current regime, is opposed by actors who challenge their power and eventually replace them." (various authors)
What about changing the desire to have power-over others, and the systems that uphold that thinking?
#ChangeDesign #Sustainability #Transformation #Power
#changedesign #sustainability #transformation #power
In their book Systems Work of Social Change, Synthia Rayner and François Bonnici's have identified some significant aspects of change that resonates with my own. Importantly, they make "reconfiguring power" a key design principle.
#changedesign #socialchange #systemicchange
I’ve designed a serious game for a uni.
What I find interesting is that bc I’m using a prochange approach where I’m facilitating self-efficacy, optional thinking, prosocial relations, etc instead of imposing the change on them, there are more things to measure. I’m thinking the “Most Significant Change” technique could be a good approach.
#changedesign #narrativedesign #testing
I've rewatched The Matrix films and I noticed they are some good examples of characters having a positive relationship with change.
In The Matrix, for instance, the constant choices Neo is given respects his agency in choosing change. I'm glad that latter is becomes about him defining the options rather than others.
In The Matrix Resurrections, Neo feels a calling within and unintentionally calls up morpheus with the the original code.
#thematrix #change #changedesign #craft