@AnarchOrdivician â signed. Thanks for sharing.
#petition #whales #banwhaling #changedotorg
Seis #euros por nĂşmero de #mĂłvil, 1,5 por #email: el lucrativo #negocio de #Changeorg https://bit.ly/changepuntoorg
#Change_org #ChangeDotOrg #ChangePuntoOrg #ONG #ONGs #NGO #NGOs #BenRattray #Unicef #AmnestyInternational #AmnistĂaInternacional #SaveTheChildren #CruzRoja #Oxfam #WWF #Datos #DatosPersonales #Privacidad #DataMining
#datamining #privacidad #datospersonales #datos #wwf #oxfam #CruzRoja #savethechildren #amnistiainternacional #amnestyinternational #unicef #benrattray #ngos #ngo #ongs #ong #changepuntoorg #changedotorg #change_org #changeorg #negocio #email #movil #euros
There are some really #good and important #issues that could be supported on #ChangeDotOrg. I really would love to #support some of them
Unfortunately they depend on #google , its #services, and worst of all they point directly to Googleâs #PrivacyPolicy on their website
I want to support a #GoodCause or 2, not sell my soul.
Is there anything yet similar, in the #fediverse?
Could there be?
#petition #privacy #Fediverse #goodcause #privacypolicy #services #Google #support #changedotorg #issues #good
There are some really #good and important #issues that could be supported on #ChangeDotOrg. I really would love to #support some of them
Unfortunately they depend on #google , its #services, and worst of all they point directly to Googleâs #PrivacyPolicy as on their website
I want to support a #GoodCause or 2, not sell my soul.
Is there anything yet similar, in the #fediverse?
Could there be?
#petition #privacy #Fediverse #goodcause #privacypolicy #services #Google #support #changedotorg #issues #good
Yale University: Yale unfairly fires Asian American for speaking the truth. We demand her reinstatement. - Sign the Petition! https://chng.it/rpPNgJH2
Another #UX #PetPeeve rant: while I'm okay with content that's loaded gradually by scrolling or 'load more' links, such as comments, my current position in those should be remembered and navigating back and forth to that page should restore that same content. Or at least reduce the chance of navigating away from that dynamic content.
Not as for example how change.org has implemented signing reasons (comments) on their site, where too long comments get a 'read more' link which load a different page to show the full comment instead of just loading the rest of the comment via xhr in-place.
After reading that comment I:
#ux #petpeeve #changedotorg #ui #uxfail #webdev #dearDeveloper #rant
Petitions tend to target 1 level of government (or sometimes a corp). I donât think Iâve seen one that targets multiple govs or entities. Since I #boycott #changeDotOrg I donât see many petitions. Is this a thing? E.g. is it feasible in the state of CA to petition to remove #surveillanceCapitalists from public schools & in the same petition demand the feds expand #FERPA? #askfedi
#boycott #changedotorg #surveillancecapitalists #FERPA #askfedi
@starbreaker@social.yesterweb.org @polymerwitch Similarly for me the most common outrage is activist groups use #ChangeDotOrg exclusively, so everyone they ask to sign a #petition is forced to enter #Cloudflareâs #walledGarden of privacy abuse. Consequently, I very rarely sign petitions because they are very rarely competent enough to use a site like openpetition.org.
#changedotorg #petition #cloudflare #walledgarden
There a lot, and we mean *a lot* of #astroTurf out there â but also sheer myopathy. Some may say "#usefulIdiots".
Where astroturf is concerned, change.org is a tip of the iceberg. Its #cloudFlare, and not how anyone should do and kind of #organizing.
May as well send your #petitions and petitioners addresses direct to the #corporateState to dissect.
#UsefulIdiots #cloudflare #organizing #petitions #corporateState #changedotorg #organising #astroturf
Guckt euch diese Petition an, denn trotz #changedotorg ist sie #sehrgut
"Offener Brief fßr Wertschätzung und Vernunft in der Corona-Krise"
We'd sign that #petition, but #changeDotOrg is Cloudflare.
Taking into account what we've seen, #Amazon is among the worst and most predatory in every space they touch.
Maybe he'll be so "touched by space" that he'll stay there.
#petition #changedotorg #amazon #fauxlanthropy #antitrust #monopoly #takingTheWorldPrivate
Hey kids,
Visit the #changeDotOrg honeypot (-we mean website), to fill out a meaningless #petition against a #memecoin pusher, today.
#changedotorg #petition #memeCoin #cloudflare #honeypot #ElonDusk #bitcoin
@freemo @marathon@qoto.org It's convenient & time-saving to know this. Anytime a #petition is on #ActionNetwork.org, #ChangeDotOrg, or #MoveOn.org, it's easy to ignore it before even reading what it's about. Whatever it is, it's not worth your drop-in-the-ocean sig to risk your privacy & help someone undermine what should be a democratic process. If a petition is on #openpetition.org then it's worth a look.
#petition #actionnetwork #changedotorg #openpetition #moveon
Garantierter Listenplatz unter den eindrucksvollsten #petitionen ever.
#changedotorg verändert die Welt đ
@curufuin @BernieOrVest@mastodon.social Bernie is the better man but I'll never sign a change.org petition b/c #changedotorg forces everyone to connect to #privacy & #netneutrality abuser #CloudFlare.
#changedotorg #privacy #netneutrality #cloudflare
Cloucflare seem to gather information on #progressives via #changeDotOrg, #bitcoinExchanges, #patreon and the #fediverse etc and then use other assets they control (#chans, #bitchute, #infowars, #gab etc) to produce semi-automated #doxxing attacks as desired. We were blocked by a #Fediverse ally in #Canada this week who is afraid to use #hashtags. We broached this subject but they thought we were making light of doxxing (they were a victim of #physicalViolence due to it!).
#progressives #changedotorg #bitcoinExchanges #patreon #fediverse #chans #bitchute #infowars #gab #doxxing #canada #hashtags #physicalViolence
@switchingsoftware @swisode @tobias I'm glad you condemn change .org (https://switching.software/replace/change.org/), but there is a much better reason to avoid #changedotorg than what you give. Change.org is a #CloudFlare site, which means ppl are *excluded* from signing #petitions. Petitions to be available to all ppl. CF is also a privacy abuser, so supporting a good cause becomes entangled w/a bad actor.
#changedotorg #cloudflare #petitions