It's vital for our youth to understand the true impact of political decisions. We mustn't repeat the mistakes of our past. I hope schools and colleges turn this into a field trip. 'Splitting atoms and opinions' is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, history, and the echoes of our past decisions. May we learn, grow, and bring about the change we wish to see. #ChangeIsNow #Accountability #HistoryLessons
#changeisnow #accountability #historylessons
Eine starke Aktion um auf den Beitrag der Banken zur #Klimakrise hinzuweisen. Folgt auch @money_rebellion und @urgewald beide haben gute Kampanien die zeigen wo die Probleme im Finanzsektor liegen.
RT @XRebellionUK
This morning we took loving nonviolent civil disobedience against the finance industry and #FossilBanks that fund the destruction of people and planet, because #ChangeIsNow. #BarclaysU…
#klimakrise #fossilbanks #changeisnow #barclaysu
RT @XRebellionUK
This is John Lynes, aged 92, from #Hastings being arrested in #ParliamentSquare at #ExtinctionRebellion protest, just for daring to care about our future. This is a #ClimateEmergency and #WeWantToLive Join us #ChangeIsNow Video: Wiiliam Watson
#hastings #parliamentsquare #extinctionrebellion #climateemergency #wewanttolive #changeisnow