Glamour and Banality begin at home, and few modern household objects encapsulate that principle better than the box. We're talking this week about ten television shows that we feel are inspirational for Changeling—though of course, we could've riffled through dozens or hundreds more. Now coming at you commercial-free! 📺
Turn on, tune in, and drop out at:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
We're plunging into the depths with this week's episode, as we page through Blood-Dimmed Tides, a WoD mostly-2e supplement on the supernatural seas. The book's chapter on merfolk is DENSE, covering their society, their history, their magic... we're glad to see them get a fair shake at last. Them fishpeople have secrets, and it's high time we did some dredging. 🧜
Get your snorkel and dive through with us:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
I have managed to get a grand total of 9 people playing #ChangelingTheDreaming and I couldn't be happier for it.
To be a Storyteller is easy; to Storytell is hard. We're joined by special guest and veteran gamer Fetch this week for a "Storytelling 201" roundtable, wherein we share some of our thoughts and suggestions about the process for Changeling. If you're run a game or three, but you want some fodder for running thirty or thirty-three more, well—have we got some Opinions for you! 🦸
Tolerate our claptrap at:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
23. I mentioned how gorgeous #BluebeardsBride was last week (, and both #VampireTheMasquerade and #ChangelingTheDreaming were cases of love at first sight. But one #TTRPG that I don’t think gets enough attention is #Aquelarre.
Its mechanics are fairly straightforward #BRP, and Reconquista-era Spain appeals to the history buff in me, but the art is really where it shines: faux-mediaeval portraiture rendered in vivid colour. Just beautiful.
#BluebeardsBride #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #ttrpg #aquelarre #brp #rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #vtm #ctd
Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Seventeen: FUNNIEST Game I Have Played
As a player, I have enjoyed several games of #Toon RPG. #Paranoia can also be funny with the right group.
As a GM, I think it would be a one-shot of #ChangelingTheDreaming for some friends visiting town. The group found themselves in the Dreaming next to the Labyrinth of Jareth, the Goblin King. They had 13 hours to solve, per usual. There were many hilarious moments.
#toon #paranoia #changelingthedreaming #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday
#RPGaDay23 (12) Oldest game I'm still playing: Only game I get to play regularly I talked about 1st. So let's go with oldest game I'd immediately run again.
#changelingTheDreaming. 20th Ann. Ed. is pretty neat.
Discoupling seeming (your apparent Fae age) from actual age solves one of the main problems and why wouldn't a kid imagine to be a wise old ruler. Or an old person dream of being a child again.
And further nice cleanups all around.
#rpgaday23 #changelingthedreaming #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #WoD
The world gets ✨sparkly✨, the world grows dull... We're talking this week about twin topics: Enchantment and The Mists. Their impact on senses and memories have long been a major theme in Changeling, but the particulars can be difficult to navigate. Join us as we explore some strategies and share some opinions that we urge you try not to forget...! 🌫️
Have at it:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Six: Favorite Game You NEVER Get to Play
That would be old World of Darkness, especially Vampire the Masquerade, Mage the Ascension, and Changeling the Dreaming. The 90s were a grand time to be an RPGer. I loved all my WoD games.
#RPGADAY2023 #TTRPG #RPGADay #WorldOfDarkness #WoD #oWoD #VtM #V20 #MtA #M20 #CtD #ChangelingTheDreaming #C20 #VampireTheMasquerade #MageTheAscension
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #worldofdarkness #wod #oWoD #vtm #v20 #mta #M20 #ctd #changelingthedreaming #C20 #VampireTheMasquerade #magetheascension
amazing the Changeling Weapons tables did not anticipate pushing a pipe spewing steam into a goblin's ear...
#ttrpg #changelingthedreaming #changeling
We're back! And we're starting off the rest of Season 2 with a dive into the Changeling Storytellers' Guide, for all your gaming-round-the-Lughnasa-fire needs. Planning advice, tips for handling problem players, crossover rules... we do our best to determine just how necessary this supplement actually is. ✨
Turn your ears and dance your feet towards:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
It's come to my attention that hashtags are how we connect around here.
#ttrpg #rpg #ttrpgdesign #indiesagainstthemachine #vampirethemasquerade #changelingthedreaming #bladesinthedark #xmen #tmnt #transformers #minispainting #battletech #zelda #zeldatheory #bass #metalhead #heavymetal #punkrock #punk #terryprachett
Thinking of them all at once is a losing battle...
Are these things case-sensitive?
#ttrpg #rpg #ttrpgDesign #indiesagainstthemachine #VampireTheMasquerade #changelingthedreaming #bladesinthedark #xmen #tmnt #transformers #MinisPainting #battletech #zelda #zeldatheory #bass #metalhead #heavymetal #PunkRock #punk #TerryPrachett
The following i always thought were interestingly thought out:
Dark Sun - Especially early 1st edition presented a D&D-type setting ravaged by misuse of magic.
Gamma World - Especially 4th and 7th editions, even though they present essentially different settings.
Dragonstar - Probably my favorite take on D&D + space travel
Classic World of Darkness - Especially Changeling and Mage
#GammaWorld #DarkSun #TTRPG #Dragonstar #WorldOfDarness #MageTheAsension #ChangelingTheDreaming
#gammaworld #darksun #ttrpg #dragonstar #worldofdarness #magetheasension #changelingthedreaming
Ghost Council Theurge? OK, cool. Now what does that mean?
(I usually play #VampireTheMasqurade #ChangelingTheDreaming or #MageTheAscension. This whole #WerewolfTheApocypse thing confuses me. LOL!)
#vampirethemasqurade #changelingthedreaming #magetheascension #werewolftheapocypse #worldofdarkness #ttrpg
We couldn't leave you all hanging for six weeks without at least a morsel of content... therefore, we give you our mini-sode on The Bygone Bestiary, a lore-filled tome of beasts and beings. Its usefulness for Changeling is, shall we say, limited—but the title is included on the back cover, so we gave it a skim. Comments about dragons and whatnot ensued! 🐉
For your brief listening pleasure, tune in to:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
This is golden, glorious stuff for magical realism or modern fae myths. Great inspiration for any modern fantasy, with a bit of work.
Perfect for #UnknownArmies, adaptable to #WorldOfDarkness and #UrbanShadows or even #Kult. Could bring some darkness & whimsy to #ChangelingTheDreaming, even.
#UnknownArmies #worldofdarkness #UrbanShadows #KULT #changelingthedreaming
Before we go on summer hiatus, one last minisode on the State of the Podcast for the first half of Season 2. We talk about some of the goings-on for the past weeks, and our goals for the rest of 2023.
For your listening pleasure at:
We're also on YouTube now! Hop over to our profile page here for the link, if you're so inclined. :apartyblobcat:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
Episode 50! We're wrapping up the first half of Season 2 with a dive into Changeling-esque films, of which there are... well, countless. The Silver Path winds through the silver screen as we discuss a baker's dozen of them that we (and in a few cases, apparently the game's authors) find inspirational. 🍿
Have a listen at:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
This week, we're headed to humid climes as we read through Kingdom of Willows, a metaplot powerhouse and the only proper Concordian "Kingdombook" for Changeling. It's got the good, the bad, the ugly, and the *really* ugly, all in ample doses and thoroughly festooned with kudzu. Join us as we riffle through this (pretty dense) exploration of the Southern US, according to Kithain. 🌳
Listen in at:
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #worldofdarkness #wod #ttrpg
We're headed back to the world of live-action roleplaying for a roundtable episode with experts Ash and Will! Moving beyond the core CtD LARP text of The Shining Host, this episode focus more on how to bring your games to life (and keep them from going off the rails). Advice, anecdotes, and other sundry bits ensue. 🍿
Learn a thing or three at:
#ChangelingTheDreaming #ctd #met #WorldOfDarkness #MindsEyeTheatre #wod #ttrpg
#changelingthedreaming #ctd #met #worldofdarkness #mindseyetheatre #wod #ttrpg