The Geode Hoop Marimba Band plays VIvaldi with a joyful spirit:
#musiclists #changeofpacemusic
Ray Lynch's 'Deep Breakfast' came out in 1984. Although it was on the US New Age charts for 156 weeks, Lynch said he thinks classical would be the best category for his music. Now 79, he won three Billboard awards throughout his career.
I though it was good background music, when I worked on a landscaping crew one summer in the 90's.
Falling in the Garden:
#musiclists #1980smusic #changeofpacemusic
Ray Lynch's 'Deep Breakfast' came out in 1984. Although it was on the US New Age charts for 156 weeks, Lynch said he thinks classical would be the best category for his music. He has won three Billboard awards throughout his career.
I though it was good background music, when I worked on a landscaping crew one summer in the 90's.
Falling in the Garden:
#musiclists #1980smusic #changeofpacemusic
John McLaughlin, now 80, is a composer and guitarist whose eclectic style made him a pioneer of fusion music. In his 1971 Mahavishnu Orchestra track 'Dawn', you can detect elements of jazz, rock, Indian and Western classical music, flamenco, blues... the list goes on. It's hard to describe, but this track has it all.
#1970sMusic #ChangeOfPaceMusic
#1970smusic #changeofpacemusic