Out today: our August 2023 update. Read for updates on innovative community media in Scotland, new funding solutions for public interest journalism, ongoing journalists' union disputes and more.
#bethemedia #knowthemedia #changethemedia
Solidarity with BBC Cairo journalists. BBC workers at local services across the world are showing their dissatisfaction with how they're being treated - the BBC is clearly in need of a thorough review of pay and conditions for local journalists.
#ChangeTheMedia #BBCcairo #strikeaction #journalism #BBC #BBClocal
#changethemedia #bbccairo #strikeaction #journalism #bbc #bbclocal
Effective, public-interest journalism is sorely in need of new funding solutions - great to see the Media Reform Coalition & PINF continuing to explore new avenues. The guide 'Funding Journalism Using Participatory Grantmaking' launches 11/9 - definitely worth attending if you can make it.
#bethemedia #changethemedia #grantfunding #journalism
A delightful and thought-provoking read here on collaborations between libraries and local media in the States. Lots to learn for UK folks, wethinks... Thanks to the Scottish Beacon for the rec!
#BeTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia #libraries #localmedia
#bethemedia #changethemedia #libraries #localmedia
Solidarity with the NUJ and National World journalists. Every ballot matters.
#ChangeTheMedia #NUJ #NationalWorld #strikeballot
#changethemedia #nuj #nationalworld #strikeballot
This is a major blow for the S*n - and its timing calls into even greater question the editorial decisions made around the Huw Edwards story recently. Slowly, slowly, the noose might be tightening around Murdoch...
#knowthemedia #changethemedia #phonehacking #princeharry
This is a very exciting and innovative project, bringing together local newsrooms into a nation-scale project. Worth checking out their zoom launch at 1pm - link in next toot.
#changethemedia #scotland #localmedia
As part of our July update, we're announcing that our paid worker's contract has been renewed for another 6 months. Help us fund their work further by supporting us on opencollective - link in bio.
#bethemedia #knowthemedia #changethemedia #supportus
Pride month is over, but the need for LGBTQ+ representation in media isn't going anywhere. This is an excellent look at the complexities of media attitudes to queer lives in an increasingly LGBTQ-phobic anglophone world.
#knowthemedia #changethemedia #pride #lgbt #lgbtmedia
Bit of a Pride month hidden gem here: fantastic panel from the International Journalism Festival back in April on how queer lives are (& are not) covered in Global South media. Informative, sobering, hopeful - very much worth your 45 mins.
#KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia #LGBTmedia #GlobalSouth #pride
#knowthemedia #changethemedia #lgbtmedia #globalsouth #pride
Tim Davie's appearance before Committee last week was embarassing. Claiming that it's ok to make decisions that are detrimental for "only" 13% of the population - something has gone badly wrong. Solidarity with NUJ strikers!
#ChangeTheMedia #BBClocal #BBC #NUJ #strike
#changethemedia #bbclocal #bbc #nuj #strike
More consolidation by the big players in the media industry - who'da thunk it? We can expect to see regulatory scrutiny, but it will require pressure from campaigners if this latest merger is to be blocked.
#KnowTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia #DailyMail #DailyTelegraph #merger
#knowthemedia #changethemedia #dailymail #dailytelegraph #merger
There are 11 days left in the Exeter Observer community share offer. Worth reading up and investing if you can - support your community media!
#bethemedia #changethemedia #exeter #communitymedia
Great read from The Bristol Cable about their efforts to diversify their freelancer base - honest, transparent and with reference to important recent context inc the closure of gal-dem and the Guardian restorative justice program. Lots to learn from this!
#ChangeTheMedia #racism #restorativejustice #diversity #Bristol
#changethemedia #racism #restorativejustice #diversity #bristol
The #NewsForAll campaign that PINF are running around the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill is doing crucial work to ensure independent news is represented. Check out this update for more details - and vacancies for campaign organisers.
#newsforall #changethemedia #independentnews
Useful reflections on the #Schofield situation here from Decentered Media - there's more to learn from it than just the details of one presenter's private life.
#ChangeTheMedia #ThisMorning #ITV
#schofield #changethemedia #thismorning #itv
Staff at the now-bankrupt VICE are another group of media staff facing threats to their livelihoods as a result of management and shareholder attitudes. Despicable treatment of vulnerable workers - solidarity with VICE staff and the NUJ.
#changethemedia #vice #solidarity
Solidarity with Bectu and with the freelancers being left out in the cold by Channel 4. Industrial disputes like these are increasingly becoming a central part of the media industry, and workers need all the support we can give them.
#changethemedia #channel4 #freelance #solidarity
We've heard a lot of positive things about the up-and-coming local community news project The Exeter Observer. Do support them if you're able - this kind of work is crucial in a world of centralised and defunded local news.
#ChangeTheMedia #Exeter #localmedia #community media
#changethemedia #exeter #localmedia #community
If you're looking for powerful, independent, LGBTQIA+ run media this pride month, you can't go wrong with supporting QueerAF!
#BeTheMedia #ChangeTheMedia #pridemonth #LGBTmedia
(note: our campaign coordinator Rowan Gavin is also an editor for QueerAF)
#bethemedia #changethemedia #pridemonth #lgbtmedia