RT @dreanyc123@twitter.com
My latest, now up on @nydailynews@twitter.com: The Trials of Anna Chambers: A Case for Prevention of Police Sexual Violence. "Survivors deserve more than what is being offered, and far more than Anna Chambers got." https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-the-trials-of-anna-chambers-20190514-4hump2keozawdc66pfhgmdvn3a-story.html #MeToo #CopsToo #TimesUp #TimesUpNow #changethenypd
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dreanyc123/status/1128310633286504449
#metoo #copstoo #timesup #timesupnow #changethenypd
RT @watchthecops@twitter.com
NYPD officer gouged a Latinx woman's eye with a key she had clenched in her fist as she repeatedly beat Johanna Pagan-Alomar bloody. Ms. Pagan-Alomar lost her eye. As usual NYPD cleared themselves of any wrong doing. #prosecuteNYPD #changetheNYPD
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/watchthecops/status/1127272497416671232