Today I successfully managed to nimbly jump over beach rocks and avoid the incoming tide going over my boots! Which I must say is an awesome achievement. However, it was perhaps a bit silly to gamble that the tide wouldn’t come in that fast in the first place! #beach #sea #beachlife #sundaydogwalks #beachwalks #nimble #changingtides
#beach #sea #beachlife #sundaydogwalks #beachwalks #nimble #changingtides
Pretty good shortened summary of Silicon Valley -- its comparison to the rise and fall of Detroit is particularly poignant.
#ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd #siliconvalley #SillyConValley #changeistheonlyconstant #ChangingTides
#changingtides #changeistheonlyconstant #sillyconvalley #siliconvalley #ElonMuskIsAGiantTurd