Ukrainian Independence Day!
Independent Thought ~ Independent Beliefs ~ Independent Choices!
#ukraine #independence #movingforward #changingtimes
Back in 2012, this is how #TheNextWeb suggested you use the Internet to improve your life. How times have changed! ➡️
#changingtimes #improveyourlife #internethistory #thenextweb
We revere the past and learn from its tales,
Celebrating the heroes and villains of yore.
Scholars of history keep the stories alive,
But the profession is threatened, we must deplore.
Though a changing culture and changing times,
Can press pause on the prudent and
#history #historicalprofession #culture #changingtimes #ode #poetry
#ode #history #changingtimes #historicalprofession #culture #poetry
Looking at the entry for "emission" in the #NewIrishEnglishDictionary at, I see the Irish word "astaíocht" (the preposition "as" means "out") and the the expected focus on gases in the examples.
Back-checking the entry for "astaíocht" in the 1977 #FoclóirGaeilgeBéarla at, we see that, back then, "emission" was a term associated with W(ireless) Tel(elgraphy?).
#changingtimes #newirishenglishdictionary #focloirgaeilgebearla #gaeilge #focloir #teanglann #ireland #mastodaoine
There’s something odd about our children going to the library for free wifi.
#books #research #internet #changingtimes
#books #research #internet #changingtimes